Chapter 532: I don't have anyone named Huangfu Qiye here

It would be impossible to see the marks on her neck.

She took a deep breath and walked out of the cloakroom.

At this moment, it was already 11:30 pm.

She had missed breakfast. After walking out of the cloakroom, she said to Yuyan and Xiao Anan, who were waiting for her in the room, "Let's go down and have lunch. I'm hungry."

She had been encouraged by Huangfu Qiye to exercise all night yesterday. It would be strange if she wasn't hungry now.

Xiao Anan ran over to her side and used his uninjured hand to hold her hand. He smiled and nodded. "Okay, okay. An An is hungry, too." However, after he finished speaking, he suddenly raised his head. He asked her curiously, "Mom, aren't you hot? The sun is so hot today. Why are you wearing a scarf?"

Hearing this, Tao Yuyan, who was walking over, could not help but laugh. Her gaze also glanced at Tang Xiaowei's neck, but she did not say anything.

Tang Xiaowei saw that Yuyan did not tease her, so she heaved a sigh of relief. After all, Yuyan was a gentle person. If she did not provoke her, she would not be angry or have a big reaction.

Yuyan would not say much about such things.

Tang Xiaowei was already wearing a scarf and was not worried about anything. She pulled Xiao Anan's chubby hand and walked outside. "Don't ask too much, kid."

"But when mom told stories to An An in the past, didn't I always ask if I didn't understand?" Xiao Anan's attitude towards learning was very good.

"This is a girl's matter. You're a boy, so you can't ask." Tang Xiaowei wanted to subdue this little guy, but that was not an easy thing to do.

Anyway, she didn't have anything to worry about. She wasn't afraid at all now, and she could say whatever she wanted.

Hearing this, Xiao Anan indeed didn't ask anymore.

After all, his mother was right. He was a boy. If his mother said that he shouldn't ask about girls, then he wouldn't ask anymore.

After that, Tang Xiaowei, Tao Yuyan, and Xiao Anan had lunch together.

During this time, Tang Xiaowei asked the servants in the manor, and only then did she know that Huangfu Qiye had indeed gone out.

She asked if he was going to a press conference, but the servants couldn't explain clearly. After Tang Xiaowei finished eating lunch, she coaxed Xiao Anan to take a nap. While Yuyan went to the guest room that she had rearranged for her, Tang Xiaowei sat alone in her and Huangfu Qiye's bedroom and called Huangfu Qiye.

She dialed his number, but no one picked up.

She dialed again a few times.

Finally, the call was picked up.

But before she could speak, a cold female voice sounded from the other side, "Hello, who are you looking for?"

Tang Xiaowei was slightly surprised. Wasn't this Huangfu Qiye's private number?

In that case, he would have brought his phone with him. The person who answered the call should be him, so why was it a woman?

"Who are you?" She was a little unhappy and asked coldly.

The woman who was being questioned was the female assistant of the male secretary next to Huangfu Qiye.

At that moment, Huangfu Qiye was busy, but his phone suddenly ran out of battery. He handed the phone to the male secretary to charge it, and the male secretary charged his phone in an empty office. Then, because he had other things to do, he left.

So at that moment, the female assistant of the male secretary had been working in the secretary's office outside the President's office and when she heard the ringtone of the president's phone, she impetuously entered the president's office without permission. She went into the president's office and picked up the phone.

However, when the female assistant heard a cold female voice coming from the phone, she suddenly felt unusually angry and dangerous.

The female assistant's name was Zhang Tian. She had always liked Huangfu Qiye. She entered the Huangfu group so that she could get close to Huangfu Qiye. Then, she would find an opportunity to make him fall in love with her and marry him.

However, Huangfu Qiye had been unwilling to hire female secretaries since a few years ago. He only wanted male secretaries.

She could only be the female assistant of the president's male secretary.

In the past few years, she had been looking for opportunities, but she had never succeeded in getting close to Huangfu Qiye.

Today was the first time she had been able to get hold of Huangfu Qiye's phone.

Therefore, she naturally did not want any other woman other than herself to get close to Huangfu Qiye.

She heard the woman on the phone ask who she was. She deliberately pretended to be confused about her identity and said arrogantly, "Who are you? How did you get this phone number?"

Zhang Tian knew that Huangfu Qiye didn't have a wife or a mother, and his grandmother seemed to have passed away.

If a woman appeared by his side now, it must be a lover that he had secretly played with.

Zhang Tian didn't know who the woman on the phone was, but she knew that this woman was definitely not the woman who had privately posted a photo of Huangfu Qiye on Weibo yesterday, because that woman had already been sued in court today.

So the person who called at this moment might be Huangfu Qiye's other woman. Although Zhang Tian was very unhappy knowing that the man she liked had other women, in order to become Huangfu Qiye's woman in the future she would have to tolerate these unhappy things.

So now, since there was an opportunity, she had to think of a way to scare away Huangfu Qiye's other women so that Huangfu Qiye could only see her in the future.

Tang Xiaowei was baffled. She took out her phone and took a look, and found that this was indeed Huangfu Qiye's number.

Then, why was the person who picked up the phone a woman, and why was the other party using such a tone to question her?

"I want to speak with Huangfu Qiye. Give him the phone." Tang Xiaowei subconsciously didn't like the woman who was talking to her on the other side of the phone, so after making a cold request, she didn't speak again.

However, when Zhang Tian heard that the woman on the phone actually wanted to see Huangfu Qiye, she became even angrier.

She did not care who the woman on the other side was. In any case, Huangfu Qiye had not gone public about this woman, which meant that he did not love her and was just playing with her.

Therefore, she also said coldly, "I'm sorry, you have the wrong number. I don't have anyone named Huangfu Qiye here."

After Zhang Tian said that, she immediately hung up the phone and deleted the call records from earlier. Then, she took a tissue and wiped all her fingerprints off the phone.

After that, she was still a little scared and didn't leave. She was afraid that the woman would call again. If that was the case, she would have to blacklist the woman's number.

However, she didn't dare to blacklist the woman's number.

So, she would see if the woman would call again. If she called again, Zhang Tian would then blacklist her.