Chapter 533: The most adorable woman in the world!

In any case, Huangfu Qiye probably wouldn't have noticed such a small matter.

But fortunately, ever since she hung up, Huangfu Qiye's phone hadn't rung again.

Thus, Zhang Tian left the CEO's office with great satisfaction. She walked outside and returned to her seat.

Fortunately, she was the only one in the entire office at the moment.

Because everyone else was very busy, some went to other departments, and some accompanied the CEO to a meeting.


Inside the forest manor.

Tang Xiaowei held her phone with a look of disbelief on her face.

What did that woman mean just now?

What did she mean by there was no one named Huangfu Qiye over there?

This was clearly Huangfu Qiye's number!

She frowned and thought for a long time. In the end, she could not help but suspect that Huangfu Qiye had lost his phone, so it was picked up by a stranger.

She could not believe that he had gone out to look for another woman today after they had just reconciled yesterday.

She could still give him this kind of trust.

Therefore, she immediately gave Yuan Qi a call.

This time, the phone only rang for a short while before it was picked up.

At first, Yuan Qi's side sounded a little noisy, but after that, it gradually quieted down. He asked anxiously, "Young madam, is there something you need me for?"

"Yuan Qi, did your young master lose his phone?" Tang Xiaowei asked calmly.

Yuan Qi felt that it was strange, "No."

"Really?" Tang Xiaowei did not believe it because she had just called him. The person who answered the phone was a stranger, and the other party even said that there was no Huangfu Qiye there.

Yuan Qi looked at his young master, who was holding a press conference not far away, and the many reporters below the stage. He couldn't rush over right now and give his phone to his young master so he could only say, "Young madam, young master's phone really isn't lost. He's busy right now. In a few minutes, you can call me again. Can you tell him yourself?"

Yuan Qi's tone was a little anxious.

Because he was a bodyguard, now that young master was holding a press conference, he couldn't afford any accidents. He had to go back immediately to protect young master's safety.

"Alright then." Tang Xiaowei also heard the nervousness in Yuan Qi's tone, so she hurriedly hung up the phone.

After that, she didn't want to feel really anxious and uncomfortable for a few minutes so she planned to do something else to distract her attention.

After all, although she believed that Huangfu Qiye wouldn't find another woman, Yuan Qi said that Huangfu Qiye's phone wasn't lost, so that meant that the woman who just answered the phone must have liked Huangfu Qiye. Otherwise, that woman wouldn't have lied. It was easy to guess what the other party was thinking, so she was very uncomfortable. Her man was being coveted by other people. She really wanted to find that woman, and then...

Forget it, I don't want to do anything bloody.

She turned on the television in the room, intending to see if there were any stations broadcasting live.

She had just heard from the phone that there seemed to be reporters asking questions on Yuan Qi's side. Moreover, Huangfu Qiye said that he was going to hold a press conference today.

She wanted to see what exactly he was going to say.

Very soon, she realized that something was wrong with the television.

That was because after turning on the television, almost every station was broadcasting live. Other than some special stations, many other stations were broadcasting live. Moreover, the content of the live broadcast was all about Huangfu Qiye.

He sat alone behind a table, with a noble and cold temperament. Beside him stood Yuan Qi and a few bodyguards in black.

Below the stage, many reporters kept filming and asking questions.

Tang Xiaowei could see clearly that there were a few subtitles written on the television screen.

Huangfu Qiye, the CEO of Huangfu Corporation, had personally clarified his relationship.

Huangfu Qiye already had a lover and was preparing to hold an engagement ceremony in the near future.

The news on Weibo yesterday was all rumors and slander, and Huangfu Qiye had already sued the party in court.

When Tang Xiaowei saw the few subtitles on the screen, her heart felt warm and touched. Her eyes turned slightly red.

The press conference that he had mentioned yesterday was so formal and huge. It had actually been broadcasted live on so many channels. This way, those netizens who had previously misunderstood that he was with the driver's daughter would also see this press conference.

"Mr. Huangfu, I would like to ask on behalf of everyone. Since you said that you have someone you love deeply and that you are going to get engaged soon, then who is the girl you love? Is she a female celebrity in the entertainment industry? Or is she a socialite from a wealthy family? Or is she an ordinary girl?" Suddenly, a reporter stood up and asked Huangfu Qiye all these questions.

After he asked, many people immediately agreed, "That's right, Mr. Huangfu. Tell me, who is the girl you love? What is her name?"

"What does she look like? Can you show us?"

"How old is she? Which country is she from?"

"Could she be your business partner?"


Huangfu Qiye looked at the excited reporters who were making wild guesses. He could imagine that many netizens in front of the screen were also guessing who the girl he loved was.

However, he did not want these people to know who he loved at that moment.

He was here to resolve the misunderstanding. If he exposed Xiaowei now, there would definitely be accidents and danger. After all, the person behind the people he met in lovers' valley that day had not appeared yet. He did not dare to be careless now.

He stood up and looked into the camera. There was an unconcealable affection in his eyes. He opened his thin lips and spoke in a deep, pleasant voice "I love this girl, and she is the world's most lovely woman! Wait until the day of my engagement ceremony, then you will know."

After saying that, he did not stay any longer. He turned around and immediately left the scene, ignoring the group of excited reporters who still wanted to interview him. After all, Huangfu Qiye usually did not like to be interviewed, and his identity and methods were legendary. Therefore, there were often reporters who wanted to interview him.

Today, he was finally willing to come out for an interview in order to clarify his relationship. All the reporters had prepared many questions, but before they could finish asking them, they saw him leave. As a result, the scene was almost chaotic.

Fortunately, sufficient security had been prepared beforehand, so in the end, these reporters were still invited out.

After Huangfu Qiye left the scene, he quickly returned backstage and entered the elevator. This was the middle-floor of Huangfu Group. He directly took the VIP elevator, and Yuan Qi hurriedly followed him in.

After entering, the elevator door closed. Yuan Qi hurriedly took out his phone and reported to him, "Young master, young madam just called and asked me if your phone is missing."