Chapter 534: Feeling very sweet

Yuan Qi was a little nervous. "I told her that your cell phone wasn't lost, but young madam still seems to have something to tell you. But you were busy just now, so I told her to contact you in a few minutes."

Huangfu Qiye took Yuan Qi's cell phone and was about to dial the number.

Yuan Qi's cell phone immediately lit up. The caller ID showed that it was young madam, so it was naturally Tang Xiaowei.

Huangfu Qiye picked up. "Xiaowei."

Upon hearing Huangfu Qiye's voice, Tang Xiaowei initially held back the urge to cry when she called. Now, she could not help but sob. "Why did you say that? How could I be that good?"

He actually said that she was the best and most adorable woman in the world in front of so many people. Just thinking about it made her feel embarrassed. At the same time, she was very touched.

Moreover, he was also saying that she would be preparing to get engaged in the near future. She was really very happy.

"In my heart, you are the best." Huangfu Qiye did not dare to say such drowning words of love just because there was someone else beside him. His expression was natural and his tone was arrogant and domineering. However, if one listened carefully, one could still tell It was full of doting.

"In my heart, you are also the best." Tang Xiaowei fell back and lay on the big bed, smiling so much that her eyes narrowed.

"Very happy?" Huangfu Qiye heard her soft laughter, and his expression became even gentler.

At this time, the elevator had just reached the top floor. He strode out of the elevator and walked into his office.

Tang Xiaowei nodded. Although he could not see, she still could not help but say, "Yes."

When Huangfu Qiye heard her word 'yes', his heart felt as if it was being gently held by her small hands. It was itchy and unusually comfortable. He really wanted to go back immediately and hold her tightly in his arms and then kiss her fiercely.

At this time, he had already walked to the door of the office. Zhang Tian, who was not far from him, also saw him return. She hurriedly stood up and looked at him in a daze. She said hello to the president and then quickly lowered her head.

Huangfu Qiye ignored her. He did not notice the others around him at all. He pushed open the office door and walked in.

Yuan Qi did not enter. He stood guard at the door.

Soon, many male secretaries and female assistants quickly returned to the secretary's office outside. The office outside started to become lively again.

At that moment, in the president's office.

Huangfu Qiye was suppressing his nervousness. He deliberately asked calmly, "Xiaowei, are you satisfied with my proposal just now?"

"What proposal? You just told everyone that we are going to get engaged, so is that a proposal?" Tang Xiaowei didn't react for a moment.

"Are you not satisfied?" Huangfu Qiye asked in a deep voice.

"But I just accidentally saw the live broadcast. If I didn't see it, wouldn't it be useless? Besides, you didn't say my name directly, nor did you prepare flowers and balloons, a candlelight dinner, and wine. You didn't even have a ring. How can this be considered a proposal?" She nagged. Her tone was obviously not very satisfied.

Hearing this, Huangfu Qiye frowned slightly, but soon relaxed. "If I did all these, would you be satisfied with my proposal?"

"Why do you ask if I'm satisfied, and not if I agree or not?" Tang Xiaowei was surprised. Didn't people usually ask if they agreed or not?

"Because even if you don't agree, you have to marry me. Besides, you will definitely agree now, won't you?" So, of course, he only needed to make her feel satisfied when proposing.

"Yes, yes, yes, everything you said is right. Even if it's just the proposal you mentioned just now, I will still agree to marry you." Tang Xiaowei was helpless. He was still so overbearing. However, she didn't hate him at all for being overbearing this time.

Instead, she felt very sweet.

Hearing this, Huangfu Qiye chuckled in satisfaction and asked her, "Are you feeling better now?"

She immediately knew what he meant. Even though he couldn't see her at this moment, her face still turned red uncontrollably. "I'm much better now. By the way, when will you come back?"

"You want me to come back so badly?" Huangfu Qiye walked to his desk and sat down. He chatted with her in a gentle voice. His handsome face was filled with joy.

" the way, I called you just now. Why did a woman answer? She even said that the phone isn't yours. She isn't with you there?"

She was a little embarrassed by his question. However, she quickly remembered what happened just now and changed the topic.

If it was another topic, Huangfu Qiye wouldn't let her off so easily.

However, what she said made him frown.

"Yuan Qi told me about the phone call you just made. I thought you only called Yuan Qi's phone." Huangfu Qiye said in a deep voice, "Actually, you called my phone earlier, didn't you?"

Tang Xiaowei said anxiously, "Yes, I called you earlier, but a woman answered it. She also said that she didn't have anyone named Huangfu Qiye. I asked Yuan Qi if you lost your phone. What happened? Did you really lose your phone? Or..."

"I didn't lose my phone. It's charging in the office. Someone must have come in and touched it. I'll check it out in a while. Don't let your imagination run wild." Huangfu Qiye immediately stopped her from continuing.

He had to explain it right away. He couldn't let her doubt him

They had just reconciled not long ago. He didn't want them to misunderstand each other because of other inexplicable things. If more and more things like this happened, he would break down.

"Then you go and check it out. Remember to tell me when you check it out. I believe in you." Tang Xiaowei wanted to say something now because she completely trusted him.

But he had to give her a trustworthy answer.

Because although she trusted him, she didn't want to see him do something that would brush her off.

"Okay, you rest first. I'll be back soon after I take care of this matter." Huangfu Qiye said gently and then hung up the phone.

Then, he turned on the surveillance camera in the office and started to check.

Soon, Yuan Qi was called into the office.

A few minutes later, Zhang Tian, who was sitting in her seat, suddenly found several bodyguards in black standing around her.

These bodyguards usually followed Huangfu Qiye. When Zhang Tian saw these bodyguards, she was immediately shocked.

She stood up in fear, "May I ask what is the matter?"

"Our young master wants to see you." Yuan Qi walked out from among the bodyguards and looked at Zhang Tian coldly. His gaze was like a knife.