Chapter 544: the feeling of being loved and pampered

Upon hearing this, Huangfu Qiye's expression turned serious. He cupped her face and warned her in an overbearing and gentle manner, "Don't say you're going to die in the future. I don't like to hear it."

He just didn't like the mention of this word.

However, Tang Xiaowei knew that these things were unavoidable in the future.

She gritted her teeth and said, "I know you don't like to hear it, but I still want to say it one more time. I hope that when I die in the future, I'll definitely die before you, because I..."

Because she was afraid of seeing him die in front of her, unable to bear the pain.

Only now did she know that she really couldn't imagine what she would do without him in the future.

"Don't say anymore, do you hear me?" Huangfu Qiye's mood was also nervous because of her words, and his voice was much higher. His face was so serious that it had a terrifying feeling.

Her mood was also affected by the topic just now. She hurriedly took a deep breath and said, "Okay, I won't say anymore."

Only then did Huangfu Qiye hug her tightly.

Although he didn't reply just now, he understood the meaning behind her words.

She didn't want to see him die, and he felt the same way.

But there were still many, many years before she would die naturally. He hoped that she would be able to forget these natural phenomena. She only needed to remember every bit of the beautiful things that happened when she was with him.

He would talk about the future in the future. He would always arrange a happy ending for her.

He hugged her for a long time.

Until Tang Xiaowei finally fell asleep in his arms.

He could not help but smile and carried her back to their bedroom. After he put her on the bed, he lay down beside her.


When she woke up the next morning, Tang Xiaowei opened her eyes.

She found that she was the only one in the room.

However, the air in the room was very fresh and sweet. The air was filled with the fragrance of fresh flowers.

She sat up and found that the entire room was filled with roses.

The faint pink color and the faint fragrance made her confused.

Was this a dream?

Why were there so many flowers in the house all of a sudden?

And it was the flowers that she liked.

She liked roses when she was young. After she regained her memory, she knew that her original name was Rose. Her mother, Shangguan Yuyu, also liked roses, so she liked roses even more.

However, she rarely went out to buy flowers and the place where she lived did not grow any, so there were usually no roses in the house.

Only in the past few years, when she lived in England, because Uncle Tian's back garden was full of roses, did she not need to plant them herself to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

She turned her head to the side and saw a pile of books and bank cards on the cabinet next to her.

She was slightly surprised. She got off the bed and picked up the book on it to read. Only then did she realize that the book on the top and the many books below were all property certificates All of them were under the name of Huangfu Qiye.

And the card next to it must be his card, too.

Then why did he put all these things here?

Just as she was extremely surprised, the door was suddenly pushed open gently.

Huangfu Qiye walked in wearing a white suit.

He seemed to be in a very good mood today. After walking in, he walked to her side and put his arm around her waist. He asked gently, "When did you wake up?"

"jJust now," Tang Xiaowei answered him and gestured to the notebook and cards with her mind. "Did you put these here? What do you want?"

Hearing this, Huangfu Qiye's smile became even more gentle. He simply reached out his hands and hugged her tightly, pressing his chin on her shoulder He said in a deep voice, "There is a card in here that contains the money from the sale of your previous house and the coffee shop. The rest are properties that I can dispose of at will. From now on, these will be handed over to you."

"Why?" She couldn't believe it. At the same time, she felt that she couldn't manage so many properties at all.

Moreover, he was really too capricious in doing so.

"You said that you didn't like the proposal that day. I will propose again today. This is only the first step. You must accept it." Huangfu Qiye's tone was very serious.

"Actually, I was joking that day. I really don't care. I just want to be with you. You'd better take these back." Tang Xiaowei panicked when she heard what he said.

She was talking nonsense at that time. Why did he really want to propose again?

Moreover, it was fine if he proposed, but he actually gave her so much property. She really felt very stressed.

"I don't care. I took what you said seriously. Since you don't like it, I'll do it again today." Huangfu Qiye gently let go of her and reached out to stroke her hair. He said gently, "Go wash up first. Find me downstairs in a while, okay?"

In fact, he wanted to make this proposal even more grand.

However, at the moment, he still had some troublesome opponents to deal with, so the proposal could only be carried out in the manor.

Tang Xiaowei didn't have time to refuse and was pushed into the bathroom by him.

After the bathroom door was closed, the sound of his footsteps disappeared from outside. Tang Xiaowei stood in front of the mirror and looked at her rosy face in the mirror.

She reached out and touched her face.

Once again, she felt the feeling of being pampered and treated by others.

It was true. Even if he didn't take out these property certificates and bank cards, knowing that he was going to seriously propose again, her heart beat wildly.

She even felt that at this moment, in this world, she was the happiest person.

It was because of Huangfu Qiye that she was so happy.

After washing up in the bathroom, she bit her lip and put on some light makeup. She went to the cloakroom to change into an elegant white dress before pushing the door open and walking downstairs.

However, in her fantasy, she thought that the atmosphere downstairs should be very lively.

However, the more she walked downstairs, the more she could feel the cold aura downstairs.

She felt very surprised. It was very quiet downstairs, but there were many people. Many bodyguards were standing in every corner of the living room.

On the central sofa in the living room, Huangfu Qiye was sitting face to face with a gray-haired old man.

From the direction where Tang Xiaowei walked down the stairs, she could only see the back of the unfamiliar old man and a few tall bodyguards standing beside him.

Tang Xiaowei was surprised. Who was this old man?

Was he a friend of Huangfu Qiye?

A relative?

Why was Huangfu Qiye sitting face to face with him with a very bad look on his face and the atmosphere around him so solemn and cold?

She thought about these things and looked at everything in the living room. She accidentally stepped on the stairs, slipped, and it looked like she was going to fall.