Chapter 543: "You are not allowed to leave me. "

"Oh right, mom, I didn't come back today because I had something to do. I will visit you and dad another day."

Only then did mother Tao understand why no one picked up the call. She said with heartache, "Yuyan, listen to me. You should come back and stay. There is someone to clean the house. You don't have to work hard in the future."

"Mom, there is no need. I am used to living here. The house is small, too. It will be cleaned in no time." Tao Yuyan hurriedly rejected.

It was not the first time that mother Tao had made such a request. Seeing that her daughter was still unwilling, she did not say anything more. She asked, "Yuyan, did you come back to see Ah Xian today?"

"Yes, I did." Tao Yuyan was stunned for a moment, but she still answered.

"Yuyan, regarding the matter between you and Ah Xian, when you're free one day, we'll have a good chat, okay?" Mother Tao asked carefully and gently.

Tao Yuyan was stunned. She did not understand what question her mother had about her and Tao Xian.

However, she still agreed. "Okay."

Upon hearing this, Tao was extremely happy. Then, she hurriedly said, "Then it's settled. You should rest. It's too late to sleep now. It's not good for a girl's skin. I'll call you tomorrow."

"Okay, good night, mom." Tao Yuyan also hung up the phone.

After that, she remembered that her mother had just mentioned the matter between her and Tao Xian. She thought for a while, but still could not think of anything. She could only go to bed first.


The next day.

She arrived at the entrance of her bookstore at 8 o'clock. She glanced at the shop that was being renovated, sighed, opened the door of her store, and walked in.

She put down her bag. Because she was not doing business today, she was afraid that someone would come in, so she closed the door and began to count the books in the store.

Finally, in the afternoon, she finally calculated the prices of all the things in the store.

Then, she printed out a piece of paper. On it was written the transfer of the store and the book, the price was to be negotiated, and her phone number was also written.

After doing all this, she walked out of the shop, closed the shop, pasted the paper, and left with her bag.

Not long after she left, a capable young man walked out of the renovation of the bookstore. He walked to the entrance of her bookstore, looked at the paper she pasted, tore it up, and called Tao Yuyan.

Tao Yuyan had not gone far when she received a phone call

At that moment, she was already on the bus.

She sat at the back and looked at the caller ID. It was a stranger, but the number was not a scam number, so she answered it. "Hello."

"Hello, is this Tao Yuyan, Miss Tao? I just saw the message that you are transferring the shop. I came to your shop to buy books before, so I know the layout and the books inside. I like them very much, so I want to arrange a time and place to meet and talk about it."

Tao Yuyan did not expect that someone would immediately accept the transfer she had just posted.

Although she was quite lucky, she still felt a little reluctant to part with the bookstore.

But she was very poor now. If this person came to the bookstore to snatch business from her, if she continued to open this bookstore, it would definitely not last long before it closed down.

She suppressed the reluctance in her heart and started to talk to the other party.

Very soon, the agreement was that she would meet the other party at the Peach Blossom House at 8 am the next day, and then she hung up.

Tao Yuyan knew the Peach Blossom House when it was mentioned.

The Peach Blossom House was a restaurant that had only opened in recent years, but it was very popular. It was almost a national chain, and the business was very good. The food was also very delicious, and the environment was especially quiet and elegant.

It was the type that she liked.

It should be said that it was the type that she especially liked.

Fortunately, the price was not ridiculously expensive, so she had been there a few times.

Therefore, she did not go out shopping today. Instead, she went straight back to the rented house to rest. She planned to make her condition better tomorrow and talk to the other party about transferring the shop.


Ever since Huangfu Qiye settled the internet issue and announced that he was going to marry the woman he loved the most in the near future, there were people who came to his Weibo to clock in and go sightseeing every day.

The two of them were at home. Other than taking care of the children, the two of them were drowning in their love for each other.

That day, Tang Xiaowei posted on Weibo. She wrote: I personally made the cake for them.

The accompanying picture was of the cake that she had just made for Xiao Anan and Huangfu Qiye.

As soon as she posted on Weibo, people immediately liked and commented on it.

She opened the comment and saw that it was from Black Cloud. This time, he was even bolder: His wife's cake was delicious.

She immediately rushed to him with her phone and asked, "Is this your alternate account?"

"Yes." Huangfu Qiye did not deny it. He actually nodded coldly and continued to take a piece of cake that she had just baked from the plate. He ate it elegantly.

"Why did you use an alternate account to follow me?" Tang Xiaowei truly felt that he was too good at hiding things. Previously, he had followed her without saying a word. Moreover, it was an alternate account. If she had not asked, he did not seem to have intended to say it at all.

When Huangfu Qiye heard this, he glanced at her and smiled. However, his smile was a little strange. "Are you sure you want my alternate account to follow you? Aren't you afraid?"

Tang Xiaowei was stunned, but she still did not quite understand what he meant. "What does this mean?"

Huangfu Qiye saw how silly and cute she was, so he reached out and pulled her over to sit on his lap. He then explained in a deep voice, "I have a lot of fans on my other account, and I don't pay attention to anyone. If I only pay attention to you, some people might be jealous of you being able to get my love, and then run over to scold you on purpose. I don't want to see such a thing happen."

"I know, I actually didn't ask you to pay attention to me." Tang Xiaowei immediately understood what he meant. After all, he had made it so clear that she would be stupid if she didn't understand.

He was doing it purely to protect her.

However, Huangfu Qiye was still afraid that she would misunderstand. He continued to explain, "I'm doing this not because I don't want to expose our relationship. Our relationship will soon be known by everyone, but I can't let them know your account number. This way, as long as you don't post photos or names, no one will disturb you if you want to share your feelings on the internet."

"I know. You don't have to explain. If you continue to explain, it will feel like I'm being willful and pestering you." Tang Xiaowei was already blushing and embarrassed from listening to him.

"Silly. " Huangfu Qiye rubbed her hair, his tone extremely doting. "In front of me, you can be willful however you want. The only thing that won't work is that you're not allowed to leave me."

"Don't worry, I won't leave you unless I die." Tang Xiaowei's tone became serious.