Chapter 542: Heart is twisted

However, after three hours, he finally saw Tao Yuyan. However, she did not come back by taxi.

It was a man driving a Lamborghini who sent her back.

The man was handsome and looked somewhat familiar. However, Tao Xian could not remember who this man was.

He was not far away from the car. He sat in the car and took in the scene downstairs.

After the handsome man sent Tao Yuyan to her destination, the two of them stood downstairs and chatted for a while. Then, the man left reluctantly.

At that moment, Tao Yuyan turned around and went upstairs.

Tao Xian saw that the man had left, so he opened the car door and strode forward. In a few quick steps, he arrived in front of Tao Yuyan.

He suddenly grabbed her wrist from behind and pressed her against the wall beside him. He asked angrily, "Who was the man who brought you back just now? Your man?"

Tao Yuyan was walking fine when she was suddenly grabbed and pressed against the wall. She thought she had met a gangster.

She didn't expect Tao Xian to be so angry.

When she heard his question again, she did not think about it carefully, but said with a cold attitude, "What does this have to do with you? Please let go of me, or else I will call the police."

"Call the police? Just because of that man, you want to call the police to arrest me?" Tao Xian frowned fiercely, his face gloomy.

"Can you not go crazy here?" Tao Yuyan's expression was not good, either.

He suddenly appeared out of nowhere. What did he mean by "Man"?

Could it be Mu Yisen who had just brought her back?


Forget it. She was too lazy to explain when it was on the tip of her tongue. Anyway, their relationship was so stiff now. Even if she explained, he would not believe her. Even if he did, it would be useless.

They used to be siblings. Now, they were worse than strangers.

"Am I crazy?" Tao Xian shook her shoulders hard, almost making her want to vomit several times. He shouted, "You didn't see the way you were talking to that man just now. You were smiling so happily. Could it be that you like him?"

"I told you, this has nothing to do with you, right?" Tao Yuyan was already in a bad mood when she met him today because she heard him say that. Now that she was being shaken and questioned by him like that, she felt even worse.

Tao Xian would only force her and be fierce to her. He did not understand what she wanted at all.

Moreover, didn't he have a girlfriend now?

Why did he still come to pester her?

They had not seen each other for several years. Why was he suddenly so impulsive when he saw her today?

"Yes, it has nothing to do with me. You've always thought so, right? Alright, then I'll fulfill your wish." Tao Xian finally stopped shaking her, but his eyes and tone quickly dimmed.

He quickly let go of her shoulder and quickly left. He got into his car and left the scene in the next second.

Tao Yuyan was left standing alone on the spot.

Tao Yuyan did not move her body for a long time.

She stood quietly on the spot.

She felt that her thoughts might be different from many people's.

She felt that she was actually quite strange.

However, she was such a person.

She lowered her head, her heart empty.

Just now, she tried her best to deny that she had anything to do with Tao Xian. In fact, she really wanted to hear him say that they were related and that he still loved her.

She was actually a weak person. She did not love him in the past, so she could always reject him.

However, when she found out that she had fallen in love with him and he had left, she would never be able to open her mouth.

Even if she were to face him again, she would not be able to open her mouth.

And when he pressed her, she would always be unable to control herself and say the opposite.

She felt that her heart was very twisted, but she could never recover from it.

She thought that she could only be such a strange and awkward person for the rest of her life, and that she would never be able to be with the person she loved.

She thought for a long time, and finally slowly walked up the stairs.

Just now, after she ran out of the community, she randomly got into a taxi and went to the nearest restaurant.

She was very sad, but she didn't want to go back to the cold rental house, so she went to the restaurant. She wanted to eat some warm food outside and listen to the noise outside so that she wouldn't feel lonely.

In the past few years, except for the occasional phone calls with Xiaowei, Tao Baba, and Tao Baba, she was always alone. She was really more and more afraid of this kind of loneliness, and this kind of loneliness made her more and more introverted.

In her bookstore, many customers who came to buy books would say that she was quiet and gentle.

Actually, she didn't want to be so quiet, but no one could talk to her, and she didn't dare to talk to strangers.

She had just ordered some food and was eating slowly by herself. But after that, she met Mu Yisen. Mu Yisen was Huangfu Qiye's friend, whom she had met when they were looking for Xiaowei in England.

When they met just now, the two of them just treated each other as friends and chatted casually. After they finished eating, Mu Yisen just dropped her off.

She almost wanted to explain.

But she still could not open her mouth.

She was still very awkward.

In the future, it was better not to see Tao Xian.

She knew that she would never be able to announce her love.

Perhaps, when he married someone else, she would be able to let him go.

She slowly went upstairs, returned to the door of the rented house, took out the key, opened the door, and walked in.

As soon as she entered the door, because she had not been back for a few days, the windows and doors were not open, and the old furniture in the room emitted a musty smell.

She closed the door, opened all the windows, and began to do the cleaning.

Gradually, because she had something to do, she put aside the things that made her feel uncomfortable.

When she finished cleaning, it was already afternoon.

When she ate in the restaurant, it would be considered lunch, so she rested for a while, then went to the supermarket next door to buy some food back, and began to make dinner.

At 9 p.m. , she finally finished her work, took a shower and lay on the bed.

However, at that moment, her phone rang.

Usually, her phone rarely rang.

This was because there were very few people who would call her. Other than Xiao Wei, there were only Tao Baba and Tao Baba. Then, there were some people who occasionally made wrong calls and those who scammed through the phone.

She took out her phone. Just as she was wondering who was calling, she saw that it was her mother.

She seemed to have called her several times because there were missed calls. However, the time indicated that it was noon. At that time, she was cleaning, so she probably didn't hear it.

She swiped the screen and answered, "Mom."

"Yuyan, when I called your phone earlier, there was no answer. I was afraid that you would be busy, so I did not disturb you. Are you not busy now?" Mother Tao asked with a smile.

Tao Yuyan nodded. "Yes, I am not busy now. I was cleaning and did not hear my phone ring."