Chapter 541: Humble Thorns

After Tao Yuyan left the forest manor, she remembered that she had promised her mother that she would go back to visit her father and mother today, so she asked the chauffeur to drop her off in the city. Then, she took a taxi and went to the luxurious villa area where the Tao family lived.

The taxi stopped at the entrance of the villa area. As the taxi could not enter, she got out of the car and prepared to walk in by herself.

She had lived here for many years, so the doorman naturally knew her and let her in.

She walked on the path, because it was still past nine in the morning, and the air was very fresh and beautiful.

She thought that when she went to see her father and mother, she might have lunch here. In the afternoon, she would first go back to her rented house, then clean up, and do all this. She would rest today, and then go to the bookstore tomorrow to prepare to transfer it.

If her store was transferred along with many of the books inside, the money would be a little more.

But if the other party didn't want the books, she would donate all the books in the store.

With this thought in mind, she unknowingly walked to the front of the Tao family's villa.

The villa here was still the same as before, but it was still beautiful. However, she did not regret leaving at all.

After all, she was not a child of the Tao family. She should be satisfied she was able to live such a good life under the support of the Tao family for so many years.

She stood at the entrance of the villa and rang the doorbell.

She did not realize that behind a window upstairs, behind the thin curtains, a man's eagle-like gaze was locked tightly on her body.

Tao Yuyan waited for a while and saw a large door in the courtyard open. Then, a familiar figure trotted out.

It was nanny Zhang, who had been helping the Tao family. When she ran over and saw that it was Tao Yuyan outside the iron door, she immediately smiled Then, she hurriedly opened the door. "Miss, you're back today? Madam and master will be very happy when they know. Come in, come in."

Tao Yuyan nodded, smiled gently, and then walked in.

Ever since she left this house, she had not taken the keys to this place. However, everyone in this house treated her with the same gentleness as before. She felt somewhat comforted in her heart.

She followed Nanny Zhang into the house and casually chatted about food.

Nanny Zhang's cooking skills were very good. Tao Yuyan had learned from her in the past. In the past few years, Tao Yuyan had been living alone outside. She had also cooked for herself, so now she also liked to talk about the topics in the kitchen.

The two of them chatted and laughed as they walked into the house.

After Nanny Zhang brought her shoes, she said that there were still things to do in the kitchen and left first.

Tao Yuyan felt that the house was quite quiet. Thinking that her father and mother were still resting, she silently changed her shoes and prepared to wait for them in the living room.

However, when she changed her shoes and was about to get up, someone suddenly leaned over from behind her.

Then, she heard a familiar voice, "Why are you here?"

Tao Yuyan felt a chill run down her spine when she heard that. Then, she froze.


Why did she suddenly hear Tao Xian's voice?

Didn't he say that he was overseas?

It was because she heard that he was overseas that she did not have any qualms about coming back to visit her parents.

If she had known that he was home, she would not have come today.

She froze on the spot and could not move at all.

She gripped her shoes tightly and almost immediately wanted to change out of the slippers on her feet, put on her shoes and run out.

Run away from here.

However, her reason told her that she could not do that.

Doing that would be even more embarrassing than her stiff body.

"Why aren't you talking? Don't you recognize me? " Tao Xian took another step forward and his body was already close to hers.

"Don't get so close to me." Tao Yuyan almost ran for her life and retreated to the corner of the wall. She lowered her head and her face was pale.

She did not want to see Tao Xian.

Not at all.

"This is my home. Why can't I walk around freely?" Tao Xian's unruly voice sounded provocative.

Tao Yuyan's heart was stabbed by a thorn named humility.

She bit her lips tightly and didn't say anything. She lowered her head and started to change her shoes.

She quickly changed her shoes, turned around, pushed the door open, and ran out.

She had better go back today. After she went back, she would call her parents and say that she would visit them another day.

At this moment, she could no longer stay here.

Yes, this was not her home.

From the moment he chased her away, this was no longer her home.

She was an orphan. She was adopted by her family because she was lucky. She was raised by kind people like Tao Baba and Tao Mama. She did not suffer at all. They were really good to her.

Unfortunately, even so, this place was still not her home.

She knew very well that Tao Xian did not need to remind her again and again.

She ran out of the door, tears falling uncontrollably from her eyes.

"Tao Yuyan, why are you running?" Tao Xian saw that she suddenly changed her shoes and ran away. He shouted angrily from behind.

His body subconsciously wanted to rush out to chase after her.

However, when he reached the door, he saw that she was running extremely fast. It was as if she wanted to leave this place immediately.

He immediately frowned and stopped.

Could it be that she wanted to leave because she saw him?

It had been so long, but she still hated him so much?

So, it was impossible for her to fall in love with him again in this lifetime?

Tao Xian did not chase after her. He stood on the side of the road and watched her gradually run to the end of the road. She walked out of the residential area and disappeared without a trace.

At that moment, Tao Xian's mother's happy voice came from the villa, "Ah Xian, is Yuyan back? Have you seen her? Where is she?"

Tao Xian frowned and walked back into the villa. He said in a muffled voice, "She has already left."

Then, he went upstairs, quickly packed his things and rushed downstairs He said to his parents, who were still wondering why Tao Yuyan had left as soon as she arrived, "Dad, mom, I'm going to the company tonight to deal with some matters. I might not come back for dinner."

After saying that, Tao Xian left without waiting for his parents to answer.

He thought about it, but he still couldn't let go of her, so he drove out. He told his parents that he was going to the company, but it was just nonsense. He didn't want his parents to know that he went out to chase after Yuyan.

However, after leaving the residential area, he couldn't find any trace of her.

He had no choice but to drive the car back to the rental house where she was staying at the moment.

However, there was no trace of her coming back here. He comforted himself that maybe she came back by taxi, and the taxi was too slow, so she would only come back later.

After all, he had been driving too fast.

So he had been sitting in the car waiting.