Chapter 540: "because I will always love you. "

Only then did Tang Xiaowei retract her attention from the distance and look at Huangfu Qiye.

When she saw his gloomy expression, she knew that he must be angry.

But why was he angry? She really didn't know at all.

"You're angry? Why?" Tang Xiaowei carried the child and walked up to him.

Huangfu Qiye reached out and took the child out of Tang Xiaowei's arms. Then, he handed the child to Yuan Qi, who had long recovered from his cold. "Take him down to play. Remember not to get him hurt."

Yuan Qi nodded.

Xiao Anan was very happy to hear that he could play, so he did not object.

After settling the child, Huangfu Qiye reached out and held Tang Xiaowei's waist. He walked back. "I still have some business to take care of. Come with me to the study."

"Okay." Tang Xiaowei thought about it and agreed.

However, after the two of them walked for a while, she suddenly remembered something that she had forgotten for a long time. She raised her head and asked him, "By the way, you took my foster parents away in the past. Where did you put them these few years? Can you let them go now?"

Hearing this, Huangfu Qiye was stunned for a moment. After a few seconds, he finally remembered who her foster parents were. They were Tang Qingxuan and Ning Xintian.

He said faintly, "They have been living very well these past few years. I've placed them in a very safe villa. There are people to take care of them. They don't lack food and drink. You don't have to worry about them. I restricted their freedom in the beginning because I wanted to keep you. But after that, I was worried that other people would hurt them. If you want to see them, you can ask them to come over when we're engaged."

"I'm relieved that they're doing well. Actually, they've been quite good to me. Other than when mom was sick and dad had no choice but to agree to your conditions, I feel that they're really good to me, their adopted daughter." Tang Xiaowei sighed.

"I know." Huangfu Qiye nodded.

It was precisely because he knew that Tang Qingxuan and his wife treated Xiaowei quite well that he didn't hurt them and had been taking good care of them.

In the past few years, if it weren't for the fact that he had spent money on Ning Xintian's body, even if she had a new heart, she might not have survived until now.

"Can I talk to them later? I haven't talked to them in a long time. I miss them a lot." Tang Xiaowei's biological parents, Shangguan Li and Shangguan Yu, were no longer in this world. Now, there were only Tang Qingxuan and Ning Xintian, who had raised her, and Uncle Tian, who loved her very much.

Therefore, she now regarded Tang Qingxuan and Ning Xintian as her family.

"Yes, you can." Huangfu Qiye didn't refuse her.

Therefore, after going to his study, he took out his cell phone and dialed a number. Then, he gave the cell phone to her and asked her to sit on the sofa in the study and talk on the phone.

Meanwhile, he went to the side and began to deal with work.

Tang Xiaowei took the phone, and her fingers were trembling. Even though they were not her biological parents, the adoptive parents were still very good to her. She felt a little homesick at the moment.

"Hello." Soon, the phone was picked up, and a familiar voice came from the other side.

It was her father, Tang Qingxuan.

Tang Xiaowei's eyes were a little moist. She took a breath and said, "Dad, I'ts Xiaowei. How are you and mom?"

"Xiaowei, is that really you?" Tang Qingxuan was overjoyed. Then, he smiled and said, "Yes, this number belongs to Mr. Huangfu. Xiaowei, are you with Mr. Huangfu now?"

"Yes, I'm with him now." Tang Xiaowei didn't expect her dad to be so happy when he found out about this. It seemed that her dad wasn't angry because Huangfu Qiye locked them up.

"Xiaowei, Mr. Huangfu is a good person. You haven't contacted us in the past few years, and we don't know about your situation. However, he told us that you're doing well, so we don't have to worry. He also said that he would definitely marry you. Moreover, after your mother had a new heart, I thought that she would be fine in the future. However, as time passed, there would still be some small problems. If it weren't for Mr. Huangfu, your mother might not have been able to hold on until now. However, because of his help, your mother's health is getting better and better. Xiaowei, he's really a good person. Now that he can hear that you used his phone to call and say that the two of you are already together, father is really happy..." At the end of Tang Qingxuan's sentence he was already choking with sobs.

When Tang Xiaowei heard this, her heart was also very upset. "Dad, I know that he's very good. I won't be separated from him again in the future. Now that I know that you and mom are both fine, I'm relieved. Oh right, he and I already have a child. His name is An An. He's already three years old and is sleeping now. Tomorrow, I'll let the little guy talk to you two all the time."

When Tang Qingxuan heard this, he was pleasantly surprised. "Really? That means that I already have a little grandson. When your mom wakes up tomorrow, I'll tell her immediately. She'll definitely be very happy."

After that, Tang Xiaowei chatted with her adoptive father for a long time. When they talked about the past, she felt both happy and nostalgic.

Finally, when she remembered that her adoptive father was old and had to take care of his adoptive mother, she told him to rest early and continue chatting tomorrow. Only then did she hang up the phone.

Actually, she had wanted to tell her adoptive father that she might be engaged to Huangfu Qiye in the future. When that time came, everyone would be able to meet up.

However, the time for the engagement had not been set yet, so she did not say it yet. She planned to wait until the time was set before saying anything else.

As soon as she hung up the phone, a figure appeared beside her.

Huangfu Qiye sat beside her and reached out to hug her. He took out a tissue and carefully wiped away her tears. "You sound quite happy. Why are you crying?"

Tang Xiaowei threw herself into his arms. "Who said you can't cry when you're touched? Ever since I was young, father only agreed to exchange me for your heart and money when he wanted to save mother. But before and after that, he was very good to me. Actually, he loves mother very much. I think this kind of man is quite good. He loves his wife so much, so I'm not angry about how father sold me to you in the past. Now that I'm chatting with father, of course I can't control my emotions."

"I'll be the same as my father-in-law." Huangfu Qiye heard her say so much, but he only hugged her tightly and said a few words lightly.

But these few words had already made her deeply understand his thoughts and actions.

She felt sweet in her heart, but she was also very touched. "I'm so happy that you love me so much."

"You'll always be happy, because I'll always love you." Huangfu Qiye lifted her chin and kissed her gently.

He kissed her in the study, and in the end, he kissed her until she was dizzy. Only then did he carry her back to their bedroom.

The door was shut the door and they went to sleep.