Chapter 539: "There's something wrong with my father today. "

Then, she anxiously took a few steps forward and grabbed the arm of the man in front of her. "Ah Xian, when did you come back? Didn't you say that you're busy with work and won't be back for the next few months?"

"I've finished my work for the time being, so I came back early." Tao Xian first gave his mother a big hug and then asked, "Where's my father?"

"Oh, he's upstairs resting. Oh right, didn't you say that you're hungry just now? I'll go make you something to eat. Wait for me." Tao Xian's mother smiled lovingly at her son. Because she hadn't seen her son for a while, she was very excited.

After she finished speaking, she went to the kitchen.

Tao Xian nodded with a smile.

Then, after his mother went to the kitchen, he checked the landline in the living room. Soon, he saw a phone number that had called a few minutes ago. That number was extremely familiar to him, and he knew it by heart.

His smile faded away, and his eyes darkened.

After a while, he put on his previous smile and walked into the kitchen.

"Mom, after I come back this time, I don't plan to go abroad often. In the future, I'll be running around the house and the company for a long time. You can see me every day in the future." Tao Xian walked to his mother's side and put on an apron to help.

When his mother heard this, she asked him happily, "Really? That's great. In that case, your father and I won't be so bored that no one will talk to us every day."

"How can there be no one to talk to you? Don't tell me that no one usually calls you and dad?" Tao Xian tried to ask carefully.

His mother didn't notice. She hurriedly said, "Of course there is. Yuyan often calls us, but she only talks to us on the phone and rarely comes home, so we still feel very lonely. Oh right, Yuyan just spoke to me on the phone. From her tone, she seemed quite unhappy now. She said that there is someone opening a bookstore next to her bookstore, so the business might not be able to continue. She wants to transfer the bookstore and I told her to go back to our company to work, but she wasn't willing. I hung up the phone now and am also worried that her life will be difficult if she doesn't have a bookstore in the future. I'm even more afraid that she won't be able to live well and isn't willing to tell us, much less come back." Mother Tao sighed.

Mother Tao complained on and on. The more she talked, the more her heart ached. Then, she moaned, "I really don't know who the person who wants to open the bookstore next to Yuyan's bookstore is. Why doesn't he leave any way out for her?"

"Mom, I want to open the bookstore," Tao Xian suddenly said with a serious tone.

Mother Tao was stunned when she heard that. Then, she quickly understood something.

She stared at her son in disbelief. "Ah Xian, how could you do this? Even though Yuyan didn't agree to be with you, you can't force her into a corner just because you hate her. You can't be a couple, but you're still brother and sister. If you do this, how will your father and I face Yuyan?"

"Mom, don't bother about this. I won't hurt her." Tao Xian didn't want to explain too much.

"Ah Xian, tell mom clearly. Do you want to suppress Yuyan, or do you want to get her back?" Tao Xian's mother quickly felt that something was wrong. There must be something wrong.

Tao Xian had initially said that he was hungry, but after being interrogated by his mother, he immediately walked out of the kitchen. "Forget it, mom. I'm not hungry anymore. I'll go back to my room to rest."

He was fast, and Tao Xian's mother had no choice. She knew that he wanted to avoid her, so she could only sigh helplessly.

In the end, she cooked a bowl of noodles for her son, then put the noodles down at the door of her son's room. Helplessly, she said loudly, "Son, I know that you don't want to tell me, so I won't force you. The noodles are ready. Remember to bring them in to eat. Otherwise, it won't be good if it gets cold."

After saying that, mother Tao turned around and left.

After a while, Tao Xian opened the door and came out. Outside the door, mother Tao was indeed not there. There was only a bowl of noodles at the door.

He picked up the noodles and returned to the room.

After that, he sat in front of the office desk and ate noodles while checking the information that his assistant had just sent over.

The shop that was about to open the book store had almost been renovated. At most, it would be ready to open in a week.

He remembered that his mother had said that Yuyan's book store was about to be transferred out.

That meant it hadn't been transferred out yet.

He quickly finished the noodles and called his assistant. He coldly instructed, "I heard that there's a bookstore next to the new bookstore that I've prepared for transfer. Go take a look. I want that store. I'm willing to pay, no matter how much it costs. But when signing the contract, the time and place must be set at the Peach Blossom House. I'll sign it myself."

The assistant immediately agreed and went to deal with it.

Only then did Tao Xian hang up the phone.

Peach Blossom House was a very quiet restaurant under the Tao family's name. It was a chain of hundreds of restaurants across the country.

The city he was currently in was the headquarters.

Peach Blossom House was his painstaking effort over the past few years, and it was also his most successful work at the moment.

When he was very young, a girl once told him that when she grew up, she wanted to open a restaurant with such a quiet style.

Now, he finally did it.

... ...

The next day.

Tao Yuyan was sent away while Tang Xiaowei was reluctant to part.

Before she left, Tang Xiaowei gave Tao Yuyan a big hug, which immediately made Huangfu Qiye's face turn black.

Tao Yuyan did not hug Tang Xiaowei too much. She hugged Xiao Anan again and kissed Xiao Anan on the cheek. Then, she said with a smile, "Xiaowei, An An, Mr. Huangfu, I'll leave now. See you next time."

She waved her hand and got into the car that Tang Xiaowei asked Huangfu Qiye to get the servants to prepare.

Tang Xiaowei and Xiao Anan were reluctant to let Tao Yuyan leave. Tang Xiaowei carried her son up. Both mother and son looked sad and could not help but wave at the car that was slowly leaving.

Xiao Anan shouted, "Godmother, An An will miss you. An An will come and play with you in a few days."

Before the car had gone far, Tao Yuyan opened the car window and waved at the mother and son.

But soon, the car left the manor and couldn't be seen anymore.

At that moment, Xiao Anan knew that he couldn't hear his godmother anymore. He turned his gaze to the side and looked at his father beside him. He knew that his father didn't look right today.

It had always been a dark and heavy feeling, just like the clouds in the sky when it rained heavily yesterday.

He blinked his big eyes and asked Tang Xiaowei in a low voice, "Mom, look quickly. Father doesn't look right. Is he sick?"