Chapter 538: She really didn't dare to go back

After she finished speaking, Xiao Anan was a little unwilling. His small body struggled for a while. "Mom, I can sleep by myself. I don't need dad to accompany me."

Although Xiao Anan didn't hate Huangfu Qiye, he could feel that when his father heard his mother's words, his expression immediately turned ugly. He was afraid that his father would get angry and pinch his buttocks, so of course, he was more willing to sleep by himself.

Huangfu Qiye looked at Tang Xiaowei, and there was no emotion on his face. He asked in a deep voice, "Xiaowei, are you serious?"

"Yes, I am." Tang Xiaowei nodded.

Huangfu Qiye's expression darkened even more.

"I won't agree." He reached out to take Xiao Anan, but he didn't carry the child back to his room.

Instead, he put the child on the ground. Then, he patted the child's head and said to him, "Go back and sleep by yourself."

Xiao Anan didn't really want to sleep with him, so he naturally nodded. Then, he waved his hand to his father and mother. "Father, mother, I'm going to rest now."

Tang Xiaowei saw that her child didn't want to stay with Huangfu Qiye at all, so she couldn't stop him. She could only ask the servants on the night shift to take care of An An.

At that moment, Huangfu Qiye grabbed her hand and pulled her into their bedroom.

"Ye, what are you doing? I didn't say I was going to..." Tang Xiaowei struggled.

Huangfu Qiye pulled her into the room. After the two of them went in, he closed the door and pushed her against the wall. Then, he leaned on her In a low and hoarse voice, he said, "I know you said that you wanted to spend time with your friends, but it's not like you're going to be separated for a few years. You can still see each other anytime you want. If that's the case, why must I waste my own time on you?"

"Waste your time?" What kind of logic was that? Tang Xiaowei's face was filled with astonishment.

"I'm wasting the time you spend with me. All your time is mine, especially at night. Do you understand?" Huangfu Qiye explained indifferently. Then, in the next second, he didn't give her time to think. His kiss landed on her lips domineeringly.

The atmosphere became hotter and hotter.

Tang Xiaowei was soon kissed by Huangfu Qiye until she was dizzy. She didn't have the mood or energy to think about anything else.


At this moment, in the guest room.

Tao Yuyan received a phone call.

It was from her mother.

On the phone, her mother asked her with a smile, "Yuyan, where have you been these past few days? I passed by your bookstore today and wanted to visit you, but when I went there, I realized that your store was closed. I asked the people around me, and they said that your store has been closed for a few days. I went to your place again, but your landlord also said that you haven't been back for a few days. Where did you go?"

Tao Yuyan didn't expect her mother to suddenly visit her. She hurriedly explained, "Mom, I'm at Xiaowei's place now. I'm coming back tomorrow. Oh right, I don't plan to open my store anymore. I'm going to transfer it when I get back tomorrow."

"Why? Don't you like this store?" Tao was very surprised.

This store had only been open for a few months, but Yuyan liked it very much. Moreover, with this store, Yuyan didn't have to go out to work, so Tao was relieved.

"I saw that a few shops nearby have been bought and are being renovated. They say that they plan to open a bookstore. When their bookstore opens, my bookstore will definitely not have much business, so I don't want to open it." Tao Yuyan's voice was gentle.

"It's fine if you don't open it. After the shop is transferred, Yuyan, you can come home. There are many positions in the company at home. You can choose whichever one you like. In the future, you can work in our family's company. This way, you will be more relaxed, and your father and I will be more at ease." When mother Tao thought of this, she was also a little happy.

Tao Yuyan softly rejected her mother. "Mom, I have already agreed with Xiaowei that we are going to open a coffee shop together in the future. Although I don't know if it will work out, I will not be working at our family's company for the time being."

Working at the Tao family's company was something that Tao Yuyan had always wanted to avoid.

Tao Baba and mother Tao treated her very well and wanted her to go back. After all, this way, Tao Baba and mother Tao would not feel that they could not see her and worry about her.

However, she really did not dare to go back.

Tao Xian was now in charge of the Tao family's company.

Even if he had been abroad for a long time, if she went back, she would definitely meet him. Thinking of the possibility of seeing Tao Xian, Tao Yuyan did not dare to go back.

Hearing Tao Yuyan say this, Tao Mama could not persuade her anymore because she had already been trying for almost four years. Ever since that time when Yuyan had been chased out of the house by Ah Xian, she had never come back.

Although Ah Xian had apologized in time, Yuyan had no intention of returning these past few years.

Even if she came back occasionally, she would only have a meal with the couple and then leave. She never stayed at the Tao family home for another night.

In the past few years, Yuyan did not come back to the house at the same time as Ah Xian. Ah Xian used to regret that he had misunderstood Yuyan and kept asking for forgiveness. He also did not know why he suddenly left the country. Even though he had taken over the company at home, he was unwilling to come back for many years.

Mother Tao was already mentally and physically exhausted because of the two children. She really wanted to see Yuyan and Ah Xian together.

But unknowingly, a few years had passed. The two children had both graduated and become adults, but they still did not get together. Mother Tao was really worried.

Thinking about how she had heard some time ago that Ah Xian seemed to have a girlfriend abroad, mother Tao was even more uncomfortable.

Her favorite daughter-in-law was Yuyan. She absolutely did not want other people to come knocking on her door.

But at the moment, it seemed that Yuyan and Ah Xian were also impossible to reconcile.

She sighed. "Yuyan, mother won't force you if you don't come back to work at home. But if you have time, come back and visit your father and me more often, understand?"

"Yes, I know, mom. I'll come and visit you when I get back tomorrow." Tao Yuyan also remembered that it had been a while since she went back to visit her parents.

After that, the mother and daughter spoke some intimate words and then hung up.

Tao Yuyan was a little depressed. She quickly took a shower and lay down to sleep.

On the other side.

After mother Tao hung up the phone, she was ready to leave the living room and go upstairs to rest.

However, at this time, the villa's door was suddenly opened from the outside and a tall figure walked in.

She looked up and was immediately stunned.

The person who came in revealed a bright smile. "Mom, I'm back. Is there anything good to eat at home? I'm starving to death and haven't eaten yet."

Mother Tao immediately stood up in surprise.