Chapter 537: His threat

"Now that you and Huangfu Qiye have reconciled, Xiao Anan's injury is no longer a big problem. It's not good for me to disturb him any longer. Moreover, I came over just to meet you and talk to you because it was too boring for me to stay alone. However, I'm much better now, so I plan to go back tomorrow. After that, I'll start to deal with the matter of the transfer of the shop."

"Yuyan, stay and hang out for a few more days." Tang Xiaowei didn't have time to accompany her friend properly these few days because she had too many things to talk about. Now that she heard that her friend was leaving, she wanted to persuade her to stay.

She really couldn't bear to let Yuyan go back.

Tao Yuyan shook her head and said with a gentle smile, "No, I want to go back and transfer the bookstore. Then I'll rest for a few more days. I won't disturb you and Huangfu Qiye here."

"Okay, but you must contact me often after you go back." Tang Xiaowei heard that Yuyan's attitude was firm, so she couldn't persuade her anymore.

Tao Yuyan nodded.

At this time, there was a commotion at the door.

Both of them looked over and saw that Huangfu Qiye had returned. Tao Yuyan sat to the side and didn't disturb them.

Tang Xiaowei stood up worriedly and walked in Huangfu Qiye's direction.

The injury on her ankle was almost healed and she did not feel much pain when she walked.

She walked forward and Huangfu Qiye walked in front of her. The clothes on his body were dry. After she touched them, she heaved a sigh of relief. "I saw that it was raining just now and I was worried that you would get caught in the rain. Fortunately, you didn't."

Huangfu Qiye reached out and pulled her into his arms. He said gently, "didn't I promise you that I wouldn't get caught in the rain again? Why are you still so worried?"

"I'm just worried." How could Tang Xiaowei say that? Why was she worried? She was just worried on a subconscious level.

"Are you shy?" Huangfu Qiye saw that her face was slightly red and he was in a good mood. He reached out to hold her face and kissed her without caring that there were other people around.

Tang Xiaowei wanted to struggle at first, saying that there were other people beside her, including her good friend and An An.

However, Huangfu Qiye didn't give her a chance to speak, and he didn't take the others seriously at all.

Therefore, when they kissed, Tao Yuyan was very embarrassed, and Xiao Anan was very shy and even covered his eyes with his small hand. Then, he turned his head and asked his godmother, "Godmother, why does my father always like to kiss my mother?"

Tao Yuyan really did not want to answer the child's question, because she felt that she was hurt by Huangfu Qiye and Xiaowei's blatant abuse of single people.

She smiled awkwardly and said in a low voice, "You are still young. You will know when you grow up."

She couldn't tell Xiao Anan about this matter in detail.

After all, Xiao Anan was still young.

Huangfu Qiye carried Tang Xiaowei upstairs and soon returned to their bedroom. After closing the door, he caressed her hair. He said, "I've already checked. When you called me, it was a female assistant of a male secretary in the company who answered. I've already fired her."

When Tang Xiaowei heard this, she blinked and looked at him. "Does she like you? I can tell."

"How can you tell? Hmm?" Huangfu Qiye lifted her chin and gently kissed her lips.

She blushed. "Anyway, you can tell from her tone. It's a woman's intuition. So if you fire her, you'll have one less woman to pester and covet you, and I'll be more at ease."

"You're worried now?" Huangfu Qiye pinched her face and laughed arrogantly. "Don't forget, I'm very popular."

"I know, I know. You've always been popular." Tang Xiaowei didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She had never seen him so narcissistic.

"So you have to hold on to me tightly and not let go." Huangfu Qiye held her hand tightly and looked at her deeply.

Tang Xiaowei also became serious and made her request very seriously. "Then you're also not allowed to be gentle to women other than me, and you're also not allowed to smile at them, and you're also not allowed to let them touch your body."

"I can do all of these, but if I ask you to do the same, can you do it?" Huangfu Qiye agreed without even thinking.

But these requests were exactly what he wanted to ask her.

Tang Xiaowei thought for a moment, but she didn't answer immediately like him.

This made Huangfu Qiye's face a bit ugly. He frowned, raised her chin, and asked with a frown, "What, you don't want to?"

"I'm thinking that if I promise you that I can't meet other men, then Xiao Anan shouldn't count, right?" She saw that he had signs of anger, so she asked in a low voice.

Huangfu Qiye frowned. "Of course not when he is still young but he won't be able to when he grows up."

"But he's our child..." Tang Xiaowei thought that even if Xiao Anan grew up in the future, he would still be her child. She couldn't possibly not even touch her own child, right?

Huangfu Qiye's face darkened. "But he's also a man."

"Alright then, I promise you." Tang Xiaowei could only agree.

She leaned against his chest and said softly, "You have to remember what you promised me. If one day I see you having intimate contact with another woman, I definitely won't forgive you."

"You also have to remember that I don't want to see you having intimate contact with another man. If I see you, I will make it so that you won't be able to get out of bed for a few days and nights." Huangfu Qiye said in a deep voice.

His threat was scarier than hers.

Her entire body immediately trembled.


After that, the two of them continued to coexist.

Huangfu Qiye completely ignored the fact that the sky was not dark yet. He grabbed her and laid her on the bed. Even if Tang Xiaowei wanted to stop him, she could not defeat Huangfu Qiye at all. She could only let him do whatever he wanted.

After that, it was dinnertime. They went downstairs and had dinner together in the dining room.

Tao Yuyan was helping to feed her godson the entire time.

On the other hand, Huangfu Qiye and Tang Xiaowei, who had not had a wedding yet but were more intimate than an ordinary couple, really made people not dare to look at them.

Huangfu Qiye did not care about the situation and the feelings of others. He came as he pleased.

During dinner, he almost always pestered Tang Xiaowei.

Even after dinner, he still wanted to pester her.

However, Tang Xiaowei remembered that Yuyan was leaving the next day. She wanted to have a private chat with Yuyan today.

Therefore, before going to bed at night, Tang Xiaowei carried Xiao Anan over and looked at Huangfu Qiye She said seriously, "Ye, Yuyan is leaving tomorrow. I want to sleep with her tonight. An An will sleep with you. Remember to take care of him tonight."