Chapter 536: Who Do you want to kill?

She actually dared to recommend herself to the young master. How could the young master take a fancy to someone like her?

The few bodyguards snorted coldly and quickly left.

After the bodyguards left.

Zhang Tian Sat on the ground and cried for a while. Then, she began to curse resentfully, "I'm so angry. I clearly didn't do anything. It's all that woman's fault. She must have complained. I knew she was a vixen. She actually dared to steal my man. I must make her die a horrible death."

"Who do you want to make die a horrible death?" Suddenly, a gloomy female voice came from behind Zhang Tian.

Zhang Tian was shocked. She turned around and saw a beautiful woman in a red dress. She was dressed in a noble manner, but she looked like she was only in her twenties. She was smiling at her, and behind the woman in the red dress was a Bentley.

Zhang Tian knew that the woman must be rich, so she thought carefully and shook her head, "I didn't say anything."

The woman in the red dress smiled strangely when she heard that.

Her smile made people's hair stand on end. "That's not important. What's important is that I feel like you need help. I love helping people. I like you very much and want to invite you to my house as a guest. Do you want to come?"

The woman in the red dress looked at Zhang Tian with a smile. Her eyes were like a lake. After looking at her, it was as if her soul was being sucked into her.

Zhang Tian seemed to have forgotten a lot of things. She nodded stiffly and stood up. She said to the woman in the red dress, "Well, I really want to be your guest. Let's go."

"Okay." The woman in the red dress smiled and pulled Zhang Tian. The two of them got into the car and the car soon drove off.

In the car, Zhang Tian got in and immediately fainted on the side.

The woman in the red dress pushed Zhang Tian's body aside in disgust. She said coldly, "Other than the two women named Tang Qianqian and Wang Yueyue, who are already useless to us because they were tortured by a few fierce women, this woman is already the second person who has a grudge against them and is under our control. If we can get the driver's daughter, we will have a group of three people."

In the passenger seat next to the driver, there was a handsome man in a white suit with shoulder-length hair tied up at the back of his head. He said in a low voice, "That woman is definitely out of the question. Huangfu Qiye must hate that woman to death right now. He will definitely send her to prison. For the time being, it's enough to gather these two people. In any case, this person came to us for nothing today. There was only one of them. Moreover, that person is not a simple character. She will definitely complete the task we give her in the future."

"Speaking of which, that Huangfu Yuner is really hard to control. Fortunately, she was poisoned. That's why we captured her when she was poisoned that day. Now, we just need to help grandfather capture that damned old man named Huangfu Haoming first. Then, we can take revenge for Xiu Sheng." When Xiu Lulu said this, her expression was cold, but there was a strange smile on her lips.

Hearing this, Xiu Yuan, who was in front, also sneered. "Lulu, I didn't expect you to be so cold to your fiancee. However, that idiot thought I was lying to him. He actually brought more than ten people to assassinate Huangfu Qiye. He didn't expect to be killed by Huangfu Qiye alone. In the end, even if grandfather knew about this matter, he didn't immediately issue a kill order to Huangfu Qiye. From the looks of it, grandfather really cares about Huangfu Qiye a lot."

Xiu Lulu's smile became even more strange and cold. "That's what Xiu Sheng deserves. How can he be such an idiot? I've long since stopped wanting him to be my fiancee, but who can disobey grandfather's words? Now that he's dead, it's good for everyone. I'm free, and you have one less enemy. Moreover, Huangfu Qiye didn't see grandfather, so he planted a thorn in grandfather's heart. So, Xiu Sheng really died very well, very wonderfully!"

"Lulu, your words really don't sound like the words of a fiancee." Xiu Yuan laughed coldly.

"Xiu Sheng never loved me, and I don't love him either. I love you. Don't you know that?" Xiu Lulu heard this and winked at Xiu Yuan, who was sitting in the passenger seat. The coldness on her face also disappeared.

Seeing this, Xiu Yuan's voice softened a little. "Don't worry. After I deal with Huangfu Qiye, and then control grandpa, I'll definitely marry you."

"Only marry me? What about Xiu Rouxue?" Xiu Lulu heard this and asked back.

"Lulu, you know me. Xiu Rouxue and I are the same as you and Xiu Sheng. We were forced to be together. Everything that happened in the past was set by grandpa. We can't change it now. Let's wait for the future. Don't be jealous anymore," Xiu Yuan explained hurriedly.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this. Originally, I came here to secretly assassinate Huangfu Qiye, but seeing that he has so many bodyguards by his side, I'll forget it. I'll send this woman to be locked up with Huangfu Yuner first. I really want to raise them now and make them obedient. This way, when I release them in the future, something very exciting will happen." Xiu Lulu glanced impatiently at Zhang Tian, who had already fainted.

Xiu Yuan, who was in front, did not say anything else.

The car drove quickly and soon merged with the traffic, slowly disappearing.


After Huangfu Qiye left the company, he went straight back to the forest manor.

Just as he was about to return to the manor, it started to rain again.

The weather had been like this for the past few days. It was always rainy.

Fortunately, the car did not break down this time. The car drove all the way into the parking lot of the manor. Huangfu Qiye did not let anyone follow him. He held an umbrella and walked into the manor.

Downstairs, in the living room.

At that moment, Tang Xiaowei was anxiously looking at the rain curtain outside the window.

She had just received a call from Huangfu Qiye. He said that he would be back soon, and she also heard the sound of the car coming back.

But why didn't she see him?

She hoped that he would not get caught in the rain. Otherwise, he would just recover from his cold, and then get sick again.

"Xiaowei, what are you looking at?" Tao Yuyan, who was sitting next to her, stretched out her hand and waved it in front of her.

Tang Xiaowei immediately came back to her senses and said a little awkwardly, "Nothing. I just feel that the rain outside is too heavy."

"Yes, it's always raining these few days. Oh right, Xiaowei, I plan to go back tomorrow. Actually, when I first came here, I only wanted to stay for a day before leaving. However, I saw that you had a conflict with Huangfu Qiye and Xiao Anan was injured, so I stayed for two more days."