Chapter 549: abandon her, slam the door and leave

After that, Huangfu Qiye called out to her, and she also lay in a daze, muttering that she had no appetite. Then, she turned over and went back to sleep.

Huangfu Qiye sat by the bed.

The light in the room was dim, and only the faint light of the wall lamp shone on it.

He looked at her back, and many guesses flashed through his mind.

He could clearly feel that ever since noon, even if he apologized, even if she also said that she forgave him, there was a faint estrangement between the two of them, and they were not as intimate as before noon.

He was a little uncomfortable and even angry. He wanted to get angry and even question her why she was like this.

However, when he thought of how she looked when she was crying, he could not do anything and could only endure it.

He stood up and turned around to walk out.

Tang Xiaowei naturally heard the sound of him leaving.


She was really a little sleepy and unknowingly fell asleep again.

When she woke up again, she found that it was still dark outside the window. She took the alarm clock by the bed and looked at it. The time pointed to one o'clock in the middle of the night.

She turned over and realized that there was no one beside her. She reached out to touch the bed sheet. It was cold, which meant that Huangfu Qiye had not come back to rest since he left.

Now that she had slept enough, her head immediately woke up.

She sat up, got off the bed in a hurry, and walked out.

There were bodyguards guarding the corridor outside, but it was still very quiet.

After she asked the bodyguards, she found out that Huangfu Qiye was in the gym downstairs, and it seemed that he had been there for a long time and had not come out.

She could only go downstairs and come to the gym's door.

There were naturally bodyguards guarding the door here.

Seeing that she had come, the bodyguard respectfully greeted her, "Good evening, young madam." Then he automatically reached out and opened the door for her.

Tang Xiaowei thanked him and walked into the gym.

It was very dark inside, and only the place where the sandbag was hung had white lights on, and the surrounding lights were all dark.

As soon as she entered the gym, she could hear the sound of a man punching the sandbag, as well as the man's breathing and the sound of him practicing.

She took a clean towel from the side and walked in his direction.

He didn't seem to notice that she had entered and continued his movements. The sandbag bounced in the air miserably after being hit by him.

Tang Xiaowei sat down on a chair next to him and stared at him with her hand supporting her chin.

At this moment, he was not wearing a shirt and his entire chest was exposed. The combination of sweat and eye-catching abdominal muscles, coupled with his face, made her heart suddenly beat faster and faster.

She felt like she had returned to her teenage years when she saw the boys she liked playing basketball in school.

All of her previous depression had disappeared. At this moment, in her eyes and heart, there was only him.

She began to imagine that Huangfu Qiye was four years older than her. Moreover, they were not from the same school before. When he was younger, he must have been a popular figure in the school.

Then, there must be many people who liked him in the school he went to.

She really wanted to see him play basketball with a group of boys. He must be the most handsome and the best.

The more she thought about it, the more excited she became.

A smile unconsciously bloomed on her face, and she was full of sweetness.

Huangfu Qiye had actually been angry the whole time, and he was sulking.

He was angry at both her and himself.

That was why he didn't go back to rest or eat dinner. Instead, he came to the gym alone to vent.

In fact, he had already noticed her when she came in. After all, he hadn't been living a normal life these years. He needed to protect himself most of the time, so he was more vigilant.

However, he was still sulking, so it was naturally impossible for him to take the initiative to talk to her.

Otherwise, he would have gone back to rest long ago.

However, after she came in, she didn't say anything. She just sat by his side and watched him with a smile. The more she smiled, the happier she became. He suddenly lost his composure.

Huangfu Qiye, who was covered in sweat, finally stopped, and the poor sandbag was finally no longer being tortured by him.

He turned around and strode over to Tang Xiaowei.

He looked at her with a sullen face.

Tang Xiaowei didn't know that he was sulking. Although her previous low mood was because of his overbearing attitude, she was already much better now. She also didn't associate the incident at the gym with the previous incident. She only thought that he came here because he wanted to work out.

Therefore, when she realized that he had stopped and walked in front of her, she immediately came back to her senses. Then, she raised her head and smiled as she handed him the towel. "Here, wipe your sweat."

Huangfu Qiye did not take the towel. Instead, he looked at her seriously with a determined look in his eyes. "Help me wipe it."

He was sulking, and he had not recovered from it yet. Therefore, his tone was a little cold, and his expression was not right.

Tang Xiaowei was originally quite happy. After all, she was fantasizing about how he used to look like when he was in school.

However, when she suddenly heard his cold voice, she was stunned for a moment. She looked at him carefully and finally said, "Are you angry? Why?"

"I'm not angry." Huangfu Qiye naturally couldn't admit it. He simply took the towel from her hand and wiped his face casually. Then, he turned around and walked out.

Tang Xiaowei didn't know whether to laugh or cry when she saw him like this.

He was already so awkward, yet he still didn't admit that he was angry?

She felt very strange. Why was he angry?

Could it be that something had happened when she had just fallen asleep?

"You..." she hurriedly got down from the chair and ran in his direction, trying to catch up with him.

However, she had only run a few steps when she saw that he had already strode out of the gym and slammed the gym door shut with a bang.

She could not react in time. Was he actually this angry?

So angry that he left her behind and slammed the door?

She did not have time to think too much. She hurriedly ran to the door and opened it, then chased after him.

Fortunately, she just happened to see him walking upstairs. She chased him to the stairs and couldn't help but shout at him, "Huangfu Qiye, stop right there!"

The man on the stairs above finally stopped with his back to her, but he didn't look back at her.

Tang Xiaowei was also a little angry when she saw him like this.

She really couldn't understand what he was angry about.

After thinking about it, they only quarreled in the afternoon today, but didn't they talk through it out loud at that time?

Although she was very depressed at that time, she thought that they should have reconciled. Why did it seem like he was so angry that he wanted to kill someone?

"I'm going to take a shower first." Huangfu Qiye saw that she called him to stop, but he did not speak. He endured for a few seconds and left.

Tang Xiaowei opened her mouth and realized that he could not wait to leave after a few seconds of being in a daze.