Chapter 550: So she doesn't want to come back?

She suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

It should be said that after she was with him this time, she would always be worried about her own gains and losses because of his attitude.

It was as if she was sick. The decisive and calm self from before had disappeared. Now, she was especially indecisive and vulnerable.

She was silent for a moment. Since he said he was going to take a shower, she would not go up and disturb him.

This time, she was even afraid that Huangfu Qiye would be angry. She did not dare to call Ling Yijue and say that she had received a delivery and thank him.

She was afraid that if she called Huangfu Qiye and he found out about it, he would definitely be angry again.

Sigh, forget it. She shook her head and reached out to touch her stomach.

She remembered that she had not eaten dinner and her stomach was hungry again, so she turned around and went to the kitchen.

The cook on the night shift in the kitchen told her in a low voice that Huangfu Qiye had not eaten dinner. Tang Xiaowei was stunned for a moment, and then she originally wanted the cook to make some food for her.

However, after knowing that Huangfu Qiye had not eaten dinner, although she felt a little uncomfortable because of his actions, she still planned to personally make a delicious meal, and then the two of them would eat together.

After all, she had made a meal for him before, and he had not eaten. She wanted to make it again, hoping that he would be able to eat the food she made.


Huangfu Qiye came out of the bathroom after showering. The bedroom was very quiet. There was no one else but him.

He was stunned for a few seconds, then he began to frown.

She hasn't come up yet?

He had been in the bathroom for at least half an hour. Didn't she chase him to the stairs just now?

Why wasn't she in the room now?

Was it because he was too cold just now, so she did not want to come back?

But wasn't he cold because she did not seem to forgive him because of the incident with Ling Yijue, and then she went to sleep alone and ignored him. That was why he was uncomfortable, and that was why he was cold to her?

Huangfu Qiye rubbed his hair with a towel in frustration and suddenly wanted to vent his anger.

But in the end, he had no choice but to suppress his anger and turn around to go downstairs.


In the kitchen, the aroma of food filled the air.

Tang Xiaowei was wearing a beautiful apron and her hair was tied into a ponytail behind her head. The rice was already cooked and she had prepared a few side dishes. At that moment, she was cooking the remaining two vegetables.

When Huangfu Qiye went downstairs, he smelled the aroma of food coming from the kitchen.

He hadn't eaten dinner before, so now his body naturally felt hungry. He glanced at the bodyguard who was on duty next to him. "Where's young madam?''

The bodyguard hurriedly pointed in the direction of the kitchen. "Young master, young madam is cooking dinner for you in the kitchen."

Cooking dinner for him?

Huangfu Qiye's expression froze.

The next second, he strode toward the kitchen.

The kitchen door wasn't tightly shut. When he walked closer and heard it, he immediately heard the sound of cooking coming from inside. In addition, there was an even stronger aroma of food here.

The irritation and discomfort in Huangfu Qiye's heart were slowly dissipating, but they did not completely disappear.

He had promised Tang Xiaowei that he would not be angry at Ling Yijue anymore, but he did not want to make her cry again.

Huangfu Qiye was very clear that he still cared deeply about the fact that Xiaowei had not completely severed her relationship with Ling Yijue. However, as long as she did not do something that he could not accept, he would not bring it up again.

He had been sulking just now because he had seen her avoiding him in the afternoon.

However, at this moment, knowing that she was cooking for him, his heart could no longer harden.

He pushed the door open and walked in.

He was very clear about their personalities. There was sweetness when they were together, but there was also a lot of dilly-dallying.

Therefore, he needed to take a few more steps back and endure a little more so that they would not quarrel forever.

Now that she was able to cook for him, she would definitely not avoid him like when she took a nap in the afternoon.

Hearing the sound of the door opening behind her, Tang Xiaowei, who was cooking, turned around. When she saw him enter, she turned off the fire and said with a smile, "I heard from the bodyguard that you haven't eaten dinner, and I haven't eaten either. I just casually made some. Do you want to eat together?"

Hearing this, Huangfu Qiye walked over.

With a calm expression, he nodded lightly. "Okay."

Seeing him nod, Tang Xiaowei turned around with satisfaction. She turned on the fire again and continued cooking. She said, "Then you wait for a while. I'll cook two more dishes and then we can eat."

Huangfu Qiye didn't answer her.

He walked a few steps and finally arrived behind her. With a glance, he could see that there were already a few side dishes on the table next to him, as well as a porcelain-white earthen jar that was emitting steam.

He smelled a strong fragrance coming out from it.

He felt even hungrier.

Tang Xiaowei felt him approaching and looked sideways to see that he was staring at the small earthen jar. She hurriedly explained, "There's rib corn soup in there. It's been boiling for more than half an hour. Although it's not a long time, the soup is still very delicious. If you're too hungry, you can try it first."

"I'll wait for you." Huangfu Qiye finally opened his mouth. His tone sounded calm with a hint of gentleness, no longer as cold as when he was in the gym.

Tang Xiaowei actually knew that he must have been in a bad mood when he was at the gym, so now that he was willing to speak, his tone became much better She then asked him, "What happened to you just now? Why did you stay in the gym alone for so long?"

Huangfu Qiye's expression changed when he heard her, and he fell silent for a few seconds.

Tang Xiaowei immediately felt that something was wrong with him.

Huangfu Qiye didn't stay silent for long, and he said lightly, "It's nothing. I just didn't train properly for a few days, so I lost track of time."

He did not tell her the truth, because he could no longer force her to listen to him and carry out his orders in his heart.

Because he knew that as long as he said that, Xiaowei would definitely be angry, ostracize, and avoid him.

However, seeing that she did not do as he thought, especially when it came to other men, he really could not take it to heart.

If she did not meet any men in the future and only stayed by his side, perhaps he would not feel so painful and frustrated.

After hearing his answer, Tang Xiaowei dispelled the doubts in her heart and a smile appeared on her face again. "I see. When I saw you like that just now, I thought you were angry about something again."

Now that she knew that he was only like that because he was too tired from exercising, Tang Xiaowei no longer doubted him.

Huangfu Qiye looked at her smile and suddenly wanted to say that he was indeed angry. He was not the only one who was angry at her. There were other people in the world as well.

He wished that he was the only one in Tang Xiaowei's heart.