Chapter 564: "You must be starving! "!

Tang Xiaowei: "It wasn't easy for me to get this shot. I'll fight whoever deletes it."

Due to Tang Xiaowei's current status, her threat was quite useful. Therefore, Yuan Qi did not dare to directly follow his young master's orders. He did not make a move immediately, but instead looked at Huangfu Qiye inquisitively.

Huangfu Qiye looked at Tang Xiaowei, who was a little angry, and could only let go. "Okay, I won't delete it. Put it away!"

After saying that, he held Tang Xiaowei's hand tightly and silently strode out.

Tang Xiaowei hurriedly followed his footsteps.

Unfortunately, he walked too fast. She followed him for a while and almost ran to catch up with him.

Xiao Anan, who was in his arms, also felt a little bumpy.

The little guy frowned before Tang Xiaowei could complain. "Dad, slow down. I feel like throwing up because of you."

Tang Xiaowei also panted and said, "Yeah, slow down. I almost can't keep up. My feet are so sore."

She was wearing flats today, but she still felt uncomfortable when he walked so fast.

Hearing this, Huangfu Qiye walked a little slower, but his expression was obviously a little stiff.

In the end, the family of three left the playground and got into the car outside.

As soon as they got into the car, Xiao Anan began to yawn. He was obviously exhausted.

Tang Xiaowei wanted to hug him, but Huangfu Qiye did not give her the child. "I'll carry him."

What Tang Xiaowei wanted to see the most was that Huangfu Qiye and Xiao Anan could get along well. Seeing how Huangfu Qiye was taking care of Xiao Anan, she naturally did not say anything more.

On the way back, Xiao Anan quickly fell asleep.

Huangfu Qiye also held Tang Xiaowei's hand tightly.

After returning to the castle, Xiao Anan was still not awake. After Huangfu Qiye carried the child back to his room and asked someone to guard the little one, he pulled Tang Xiaowei down to the dining hall.

After playing outside for almost the whole morning, it was already lunchtime.

As soon as the two of them sat down in the dining hall, a servant immediately brought the food in.

Tang Xiaowei immediately smelled the sour and spicy radish.

She had been craving this cheap and delicious food recently.

Therefore, after smelling it, her eyes were filled with a faint glow.

Seeing her like this, Huangfu Qiye's gaze became gentler. "You must be starving!"

Tang Xiaowei nodded. "More or less."

Hearing this, Huangfu Qiye scooped some rice and began to feed her. He said softly, "Open your mouth, I'll feed you."

Since she was hungry, it was time to eat.

Looking at him like this, it was as if he really treated her like a princess. Recently, he liked to feed her like this every day during meals.

Tang Xiaowei also had a little habit. Moreover, even if she refused, he would not let her go. She could only open her mouth and eat the rice he fed her. Then, she could not wait to point at the spicy and sour radish. "I want to eat that."

"Okay." Huangfu Qiye's expression was gentle. Then, he picked up a piece of spicy and sour radish for her.

The pungent spicy and sour taste made him frown slightly. However, when he saw that she looked like she was about to swallow her saliva, he could not help but laugh. Then, he fed it to her mouth.

After eating the sour and spicy radish, Tang Xiaowei closed her eyes in satisfaction.

This was the taste that she had been thinking about for the past few days. Now, she was finally eating it.

Huangfu Qiye liked to see her happy and satisfied look. A faint smile appeared on his lips.

After that, he kept feeding her. At the same time, he ate some himself.

After lunch, it was not suitable to sleep immediately. Huangfu Qiye went to the study to deal with some work matters while Tang Xiaowei took care of Xiao Anan, who had just woken up and wanted to eat. Therefore, the two of them were separated for a short period of time.

After that, Tang Xiaowei took care of Xiao Anan and ate lunch. Xiao Anan wanted to play, so he left with Yuan Qi.

Tang Xiaowei was alone again so she had nothing to do.

She stayed in the bedroom for a while, but in the end, she could not help it. She quietly went to the study, intending to look for Huangfu Qiye.

In the study.

Huangfu Qiye had just ended a call.

The call was from a business partner of his. That person had lived in Australia for a long time, so they could be considered friends. However, they were not as close as him, Mu Yisen, and Zhou Chen.

The other party heard that he had come to Australia, so they happened to have a work collaboration, and they asked him to meet tonight to discuss business.

Huangfu Qiye thought about it and agreed.

Just as he hung up the phone, he heard the door of the study being pushed open. He looked up and saw Tang Xiaowei.

His expression was gentle as he waved at him. "Xiaowei, come here."

Tang Xiaowei walked over and was pulled over by him. She sat on his lap, and he held her waist with one hand while his other free hand gently stroked her hair.

"Where's that kid?" His voice was low.

Tang Xiaowei told him about Xiao Anan playing with Yuan Qi. Then, she leaned on his chest weakly. "I feel so bored. Although I was a little tired in the cafe before, I have something to do every day. Now, I don't need to do anything. I feel like I'm going to be wasted."

"Silly, shouldn't you be happier if you have time to rest?" Huangfu Qiye's dark eyes darkened slightly, but his tone was still gentle as he caressed her hair gently.

"Yes, you're right," Tang Xiaowei replied softly.

Huangfu Qiye did not say anything else. He just hugged her quietly as the two of them enjoyed the passing of time.

Only when it was almost time did Huangfu Qiye speak, "I need to go out later. I might be back later tonight. You can rest first and don't have to wait for me. I won't be coming back for dinner either."

Tang Xiaowei was a little drowsy in his arms. When she suddenly heard him speak, she was stunned for a moment before coming back to her senses. Then, she nodded, "Oh, okay."

Huangfu Qiye was a little disappointed. He deliberately pinched her palm and said, "You're not even going to ask me what I'm going to do?"

Tang Xiaowei's palm was a little itchy from being pinched by him. She smiled and avoided him. "Then, what exactly are you going to do?"

Actually, she wanted to ask him about it at the first moment. However, she didn't want to become someone who had to ask him about everything. She was afraid that he would find it annoying.

Therefore, he didn't say it directly, so she didn't ask.

But now that he took the initiative to ask, she naturally opened her mouth to ask.

"I'm going to meet a business partner," Huangfu Qiye said in a deep voice.

Tang Xiaowei blinked. "Is it a man or a woman?"

"What do you think?" Huangfu Qiye didn't answer immediately, but a wicked smile flashed across his eyes.

Tang Xiaowei began to be a little nervous. "If it's a woman, you're not allowed to get too close to her, and you're also not allowed to have physical contact with her, or else..."

Huangfu Qiye grabbed her hand and put it to his lips to kiss her again and again. He looked at her domineeringly. "Or else what will you do?"

"Otherwise, I will take my son and run away. I will leave."