Chapter 565: The mysterious mixed-blood man

Tang Xiaowei's expression became serious, and her tone was very serious. She no longer had the smile and joke from before.

Huangfu Qiye knew that she was serious. He reached out and covered her lips He stopped smiling. "Don't say such things again. I promise you, I won't touch any woman in this world except you. Uh, if we have a daughter in the future, I can still hug her when she's young."

Tang Xiaowei's serious expression was broken by his mention of having a daughter in the future. Her face began to blush. She pushed his hand away and whispered, "How do you know you'll have a daughter in the future? Giving birth is so painful. I don't want to give birth in the future."

She recalled the time when she was pregnant and gave birth to Xiao Anan. Because of the difficult labor, she had suffered from pain for a long time.

Now, although Xiao Anan was very cute and she loved him very much, she was still afraid of getting pregnant and giving birth again. She was afraid of the pain when giving birth.

"Is giving birth really painful?" Huangfu Qiye frowned. This was the first time he had discussed such a topic with her.

Previously, because he was very happy to be together with her, he had been thinking about making her happy and blissful every day. He had forgotten to inquire about how she had felt when she gave birth to Xiao Anan alone in the past.

Tang Xiaowei was actually subconsciously thinking about how painful it was to give birth to Xiao Anan in the past, so she wanted to say that she did not want to get pregnant and give birth to a child again.

However, seeing Huangfu Qiye looking at her so nervously and with a heartache, she could not say anything more. She hurriedly shook her head. "Actually, it's not that bad. Almost every woman will experience something like that. I was deliberately joking just now. Oh right, aren't you going out? When are you leaving?"

"You're not allowed to change the topic on purpose. Answer me. When you gave birth to An An, was it very painful or did it leave a bad impression on you?" Huangfu Qiye held her shoulders and looked straight at her, not allowing her to escape.

Tang Xiaowei's expression was a little awkward. With him staring at her like that, she had nowhere to run and couldn't say anything else.

Huangfu Qiye stared at her. He really wanted to hear her tell him about the time when she gave birth to Xiao Anan. However, seeing that she remained silent and looked a little evasive, he sighed softly and didn't force her in the end Instead, he hugged her tightly in his arms.

"Forget it. If you don't want to say that I won't force you, I'll go out in a while. Remember to eat more for dinner. You don't have to wait for me to come back, understand?"

Seeing that he finally let her go and didn't ask about what happened just now, Tang Xiaowei nodded in his arms.

Then, Huangfu Qiye hugged her for a while, got up, held her hand, and left the study together.

After returning to the bedroom, he asked Tang Xiaowei to pick out clothes for him. Almost all of his clothes in the past were black. Today, he had just bought some clothes that were sent back because they were all picked out by Tang Xiaowei. So, naturally, there were some clothes with a gentle color.

She picked out a gray suit for him.

After he was dressed, she tied his tie and said softly, "Okay, it's done."

Huangfu Qiye hooked his arm around her neck and planted a kiss on her lips. Then, he said in a deep voice, "Then I'm leaving. Remember not to go out. I'll be back later."

"Okay, got it." Tang Xiaowei smiled sweetly and nodded.

A few minutes later, the car that was carrying Huangfu Qiye immediately left the castle.

Tang Xiaowei stood at the door downstairs until she could no longer see the back of the car. Then, she turned around and walked back to the game room where Xiao Anan was currently staying.

Meanwhile, Huangfu Qiye was in the car.

He turned on his phone and went online to check. Very soon, he saw how painful it was for a woman to give birth.

He frowned slightly.

It turned out that it was so painful for a woman to give birth.

In that case, it was enough for him and Xiao Wei to have Xiao Anan. In the future, he would go for an operation so that Xiao Wei would not get pregnant again and would not suffer such pain again.


In the brightly lit hotel room.

Two equally cold and noble-looking men sat opposite each other.

Huangfu Qiye frowned slightly. "Mr. Li, do you like places like this lately?"

The man sitting across from him was handsome and on par with Huangfu Qiye. The only special thing was that his appearance was somewhat mixed with Chinese and foreign blood, making him look even more mysterious.

After hearing this, he nodded lightly and said in a deep voice, "The lighting here is very good. I like the sunlight a little more recently."

In the past, the two of them had worked together a few times and met each other. However, almost every time, they were either in the office or in a dim bar and nightclub. Moreover, the scene was always a little cold.

This time, they had arranged to meet in such a formal hotel room to discuss business. Moreover, the man in front of them looked very good. This made Huangfu Qiye wonder if the man in front of him had encountered some good news recently.

"Has Mr. Li encountered any good news recently?" Huangfu Qiye naturally gossiped about a partner who could be compared to him.

"Mr. Huangfu, the good news is coming soon, right?" The handsome man in front of him chuckled when he heard that. His expression was natural, and he immediately changed the topic.

"I didn't expect you to know so much." Huangfu Qiye raised his eyebrows. Indeed, good things were about to happen to him.

"Is there anything that I don't know in my territory?" The handsome man across from him was obviously arrogant but his expression and tone were very calm. It was as if he was casually saying that the weather today was very good.

Huangfu Qiye was not surprised. The man across from him was right. This was indeed his territory, and the man across from him was very mysterious. Huangfu Qiye was not particularly clear about his family background.

However, they were business partners. It was enough that he knew that the man in front of him was not a threat to him.

The two equally handsome and cold men would not fall out over a casual sentence. After all, they both knew what kind of personality the other party had, and they did not have any grudges.

Therefore, Huangfu Qiye did not care about the tone of the man in front of him. He pushed the contract in front of him over. "Take a look. This is the cooperation plan for this time."

"Okay." The man in front of him took it and began to read it.


After that, the cooperation was very happy. The two of them worked together again, and the contract was signed. Then, naturally, they did not decide to go out for a meal.

However, after all, the two of them were relatively cold people. Not long after, the two of them only drank a little wine in a hurry, and they both showed an expression of wanting to leave and go home.

It was very normal for Huangfu Qiye to want to go home. After all, there was a petite wife and his precious son waiting for him at home.

However, he looked at the handsome mixed-blood man on the side with a trace of curiosity. "Mr. Li is in such a hurry to go back. Could it be that there is some beauty hidden in the house?"