Chapter 566: Everyone has disappeared

When the handsome mixed-race man heard this, his expression immediately became gentler. "That's right."

Then, in the next second, the man had already pushed open the door and walked out. "Mr. Huangfu, see you next time."

Then, he left.

When Huangfu Qiye heard this, he was slightly surprised. What on earth had happened recently? This mysterious guy actually had a woman?

He was so cold, but there was actually a woman who liked him?

Huangfu Qiye couldn't figure it out, but he didn't waste time thinking about it. After all, it had nothing to do with him. When he thought about Xiaowei and Xiao Anan at home, his heart warmed. Then, he immediately left the hotel and ordered the driver, "Go back immediately!"


Inside the castle.

In the afternoon, Tang Xiaowei played with Xiao Anan for a while and then had dinner.

It was actually not too late, but after the sky turned dark, Tang Xiaowei automatically fell asleep, and Xiao Anan was about the same.

So, Tang Xiaowei gave Xiao Anan a bath and read him a story. In the end, she lay beside Xiao Anan and fell asleep.

When Huangfu Qiye came back.

As soon as he entered the room, he asked the maid at the door, "Where's young madam?''

"Young master, young madam and young master are already resting," the maid answered respectfully.

Huangfu Qiye didn't find it strange. Although he tried to come back a little earlier today, it was already dark, and he had asked Xiaowei to go to bed earlier without waiting for him, so it was normal for Xiaowei and Xiao Anan to rest. However, he did not lose his temper.

Previously, he had a light dinner with that fellow surnamed Li at the hotel. He did not eat much, but he was not hungry now, so he went straight upstairs.

However, when he returned to the bedroom, he found that the bedroom was pitch-black and silent. There was no one in there.

Where was Tang Xiaowei?

Didn't she say that she had already rested?

Why didn't he see her in the bedroom?

His face instantly darkened.

He recalled that the maid had said that Tang Xiaowei and Xiao Anan had both rested, so it was very likely that she had gone to accompany the child.

Huangfu Qiye frowned slightly. He had said that she did not have to wait for him, but he had also said that he would definitely be back tonight. Why wasn't she waiting for him in the bedroom?

He did not like not seeing her the moment he returned.

What he was more satisfied with was that after he returned, he would be able to see her in their room.

He hurriedly walked out of the bedroom and arrived at the door of Xiao Anan's bedroom.

He pushed open the door and walked in. Immediately, he saw that there was a dim yellow wall lamp inside. On the big bed, Tang Xiaowei was hugging the small Xiao Anan. The mother and son both had an obedient appearance and were quietly sleeping.

No matter how much discomfort he felt in his heart, at this moment, all of it disappeared without a trace.

He admitted that he loved to be jealous. Even if his son and Xiaowei were to interact more, he would still find it unbearable.

However, recently, he had already changed and was slowly accepting Xiao Anan.

Especially now, when he saw Xiaowei gently holding the child and the child's very obedient appearance, Huangfu Qiye's heart instantly felt warm.

What did it feel like?

It felt like he was being illuminated by the warm sunlight.

He suddenly thought of something. When he saw that fellow surnamed Li today, that fellow's complexion was much better than before. Moreover, he had inexplicably said that he liked the sunlight a little more recently.

At this moment, Huangfu Qiye seemed to be experiencing the same feeling.

He felt that seeing the woman he loved and the child they had together would really make his mood better.

The gloomy look on his face completely disappeared. He closed the door and walked to the bedside.

Not long after, he carefully laid down next to Tang Xiaowei without disturbing the mother and son. He reached out to hold her, and at the same time, he also held Xiao Anan.

In this world, these two people were his family, his family, and the people he had to protect and love forever.


The next day.

When Tang Xiaowei woke up, her mind was in a daze.

However, Xiao Anan's voice kept ringing beside her, "Mom, I'm going out to play. I'm playing hide-and-seek today, and dad will play with us. You have to hurry up and find us."

Tang Xiaowei opened her eyes and sat up. She saw Xiao Anan and Huangfu Qiye holding hands and walking out of the room. The father and son's figures flashed past the door, leaving no time for her to ask for the reason.

She rubbed her head, feeling lost for a moment.

She looked around and realized that this was Xiao Anan's room.

She immediately remembered that after she had coaxed Xiao Anan to sleep last night, she seemed to have fallen asleep here as well.

Now that the sky was bright and Huangfu Qiye had returned, he must have known that she was sleeping here. Why didn't he wake her up but instead took the child away, saying that he wanted to play hide-and-seek?

Could it be that he was angry and deliberately ignored her?

Tang Xiaowei thought about it and felt that it was very likely. After all, Huangfu Qiye was so easily angered.

She got off the bed with some worry and hurriedly walked out.

However, it was quiet outside. There was not a single sound.

Not only was there no sign of the father and son, but there was also no sound of the servants moving or whispering.

It was as if she was the only one left in the entire castle.

This feeling made Tang Xiaowei feel goosebumps all over her body, and she was a little afraid.

She hurriedly walked to the door of the room next door and pushed it open. "An An, Ye, are you guys inside?"

The room next to Xiao Anan was her and Huangfu Qiye's room. She thought that they would at least be inside.

However, after the door was pushed open, there was no one inside.

She was stunned for a moment.

A feeling of panic immediately rose in her heart.

Then, she turned around and ran downstairs.

The situation downstairs made her hair stand on end. She even suspected that she was dreaming at this moment.

There were usually many servants and bodyguards downstairs. Although they were very quiet, she could still feel that there were people here.

But now, there was no one downstairs. Everything was empty. For a moment, she really felt that she was dreaming. She pinched her arm hard.

The pain hit her instantly, making her frown slightly.

It was not a dream. The pain was very real.

So everything that she saw was real.

But why?

Why did everyone disappear?

Why did this happen?

"Huangfu Qiye!"

"An An!"

"Hey, where did you guys go? Where are you guys?"

"Huangfu Qiye..."

She was standing in the spacious living room downstairs, and someone was shouting. Her face was pale, and her body couldn't help but tremble.

Her heart suddenly felt empty, and she felt very scared. Why did they suddenly disappear?

What was going on?