Chapter 568: Sweet Time

Because he was touched and felt happy, his body trembled slightly, and his eyes were still moist.

Huangfu Qiye could not bear to let go of her like this.

Since the proposal was successful, he signaled to the others beside him. Therefore, Tang Qingxuan, Ning Xintian, Tao Yuyan, and Xiao Anan, who had just arrived, were all invited out.

There were only the two of them left.

The two of them maintained this posture for a long time, until Tang Xiaowei could not help but sneeze.

Only then did Huangfu Qiye remember that although this place was quite beautiful, he had also prepared it after he had asked Tang Qingxuan and his wife and found out that Xiaowei liked this kind of church that was carved out of ice.

However, it was really too cold inside.

Staying here for a long time was not good for the body.

He immediately carried her up, turned around and walked outside. "It's too cold inside. Let's go out now."

"Okay." Tang Xiaowei nodded in his arms.

Actually, she felt that they had been together for a long time, and it felt like they were an old married couple. He had suddenly become so romantic today, and it really made her a little infatuated.

That was why she had forgotten that it was very cold inside.

After the two of them rushed out, Tang Xiaowei originally wanted to visit her foster parents and good friend Yuyan. After all, it had been a long time since she had properly met her foster parents, and she also missed Yuyan.

However, Huangfu Qiye was reluctant to let her go.

He directly carried him upstairs and returned to their room.

"Today, you can only accompany me. Tomorrow, I will go out to do some things, and you can freely allocate your time." Huangfu Qiye looked at her deeply. It was obvious that he would not allow her to leave, but he would give her freedom tomorrow.

Tang Xiaowei originally wanted to meet her adoptive parents and good friends immediately.

Seeing that Huangfu Qiye was like this, she could not open her mouth again.

Therefore, for the whole day, she found that the downstairs was very quiet. No one came up to disturb them, and Huangfu Qiye had been accompanying her the whole day.

The two of them spent the whole morning in the bedroom. She was a little sleepy and fell asleep. Not long after she fell asleep, she woke up. In the bedroom, she was alone. The room was very quiet. She looked at the time and saw that it was just past 12 o'clock in the afternoon.

She got up and went downstairs.

The faint fragrance of flowers came from downstairs. Beautiful roses were placed in many places.

There was no one downstairs, but it did not make her as scared as she was in the morning.

That was because she heard the sound of cooking coming from the kitchen.

She walked towards the kitchen.

When she pushed open the open door, she immediately saw a familiar tall figure with his back to her. He was holding a spatula that was used to stir-fry vegetables in the wok.

She was slightly surprised. She didn't expect that he would send everyone away today. He actually wanted to personally cook.

But, would the food he made be edible?

When she thought of this, she couldn't help but snicker.

Hearing the sound of the door opening and snickering coming from behind, Huangfu Qiye immediately turned off the fire. He turned around to look at her and said gently, "You're awake?"

"Yes." Tang Xiaowei nodded and then walked to his side.

She was wearing a white lace fairy dress. It was a nightgown. Her black hair draped over her shoulders and was a little fluffy. Her face was pure and innocent. Standing next to him with a faint smile, it could make people feel inexplicably good.

Huangfu Qiye looked at her for a long time, then moved his eyes away and said, "This place is very smoky. Go to the side and wait for me. You can eat it in a while."

"Why did you think of cooking today?" Tang Xiaowei didn't leave and continued seriously, "Your cooking is not good. If you don't want to be disturbed by others, you can ask me to cook."

"Who said I'm not good at cooking? You will know when you try it later.' 'Huangfu Qiye was full of anticipation to cook a delicious meal for her, but he didn't expect her to directly say that his cooking was not good.

However, he was in a good mood today, so he did not argue with her.

And he would also use his cooking skills to prove that he was capable.

Tang Xiaowei was afraid that she would provoke him into getting angry, so she obediently walked to the side and sat down. Then, she supported her chin with both hands and focused on staring at the handsome man in front of her, cooking diligently.

He might have learned it, or else his posture would not be so presentable. The instant he cooked cleanly and neatly, his whole temperament changed. Just by looking at his back view, one could not help but be mesmerized by his handsomeness.

Tang Xiaowei looked at him in front of her, and her lips couldn't help but reveal a smile.

Huangfu Qiye quickly finished cooking the last dish, then turned off the heat. After tidying up, he brought two dishes to her, raised his eyebrows, took out a pair of chopsticks, and said in a deep voice, "Try it. How does it taste?"

Tang Xiaowei saw that the dish he brought over was actually a simple tomato fried egg with hot and sour shredded potatoes.

This was the easiest dish to learn how to cook, and it was also her favorite home-cooked dish.

And today, Huangfu Qiye was actually able to stir-fry these two dishes by himself. Moreover, his cooking skills seemed to be pretty good. The color and luster of these two dishes looked very beautiful, very tempting and tempting to her appetite.

She also smelled the fragrance of the food.

So she took the chopsticks and gently picked up a portion of each and ate it.

Seeing that she had started to eat, Huangfu Qiye looked a little nervous, but he didn't show it very clearly. Instead, he asked indifferently, "How is it, huh?"

Tang Xiaowei raised her head and smiled sweetly. "It's very delicious. You should try it, too."

She picked up a piece of tomato and egg for him. She didn't pick up any spicy or sour shredded potatoes because he didn't like spicy or sour ones.

Therefore, his culinary skills were not exquisite enough. It was already very impressive for him to be able to cook two servings of dishes today.

Huangfu Qiye ate the dishes that she picked up and tasted them. The taste was indeed good. It felt very homely.

"Let's eat." After he felt that the dishes tasted good, he took the dishes out and let her follow him.

Tang Xiaowei followed beside him. Then, she reached out to hug his arm and walked into the dining room with him.

After that, the two of them ate the dishes he had cooked sweetly in the dining room.

When it was time for their afternoon nap, he caught her and kissed her again and again. After teasing her for a while, the two of them started their afternoon nap.

It was not until dusk that the two of them hugged each other and woke up.

However, Huangfu Qiye was not in the mood to cook anymore. He made a call and asked the chef to come back and cook dinner. After he was done, he asked the chef to leave immediately.

Meanwhile, he and Tang Xiaowei got out of bed.

Tang Xiaowei was brought by him to the bathroom to take a shower. After a long time, they came out together.

When they came out, Tang Xiaowei was already weak. She was completely carried out by Huangfu Qiye.

The two of them went downstairs together and realized that the chef downstairs had already left. The dining table in the restaurant was filled with delicious food.

Tang Xiaowei had just been tortured by him and was now hungry and tired.