Chapter 569: Do you like roses?

Therefore, she could only lean softly into his arms.

And her being like this was naturally Huangfu Qiye's favorite moment.

He took the matter of feeding her food as a heavy responsibility and carefully and gently fed her until she finished her dinner.

If it weren't for the fact that she didn't have the strength, Tang Xiaowei would really feel that he was so gentle that she felt embarrassed.

After dinner, the sky had already darkened.

The castle was still very quiet, with only the two of them.

Huangfu Qiye looked at her, reached out and touched her head, and said in a deep voice, "Wait for me here for a while."

"Okay." Tang Xiaowei nodded with a sweet smile.

He had been with her almost every moment of the day, and she didn't know what to do at this time.

However, everything he did today filled her with happiness and expectation.

Huangfu Qiye gave her a gentle smile, then turned around and left the restaurant.

After he left, the lights in the restaurant and around the restaurant suddenly dimmed, and the entire castle seemed to have suddenly lost its electricity.

If it weren't for the candles that had been lit during the meal in the dining hall, Tang Xiaowei would have been standing alone in the darkness. She would definitely have been frightened and screamed.

However, because the dining table in the dining hall had just been lit with candles, there was naturally light inside. She didn't scream. Instead, she walked to the entrance of the dining hall worriedly and asked, "Ye, where are you? Is there a power failure?"

She suspected that there was a power failure.

However, she felt that it was unlikely. After all, there was no rain or thunder here. Moreover, the power supply here was definitely not bad. It was impossible for the power to suddenly go out for no reason.

Just a few seconds after her voice fell, many candles were suddenly lit in the living room outside.

At this time, a gentle and soothing music sounded.

Then, Huangfu Qiye appeared not far in front of her with a large bouquet of red roses in his hands.

He walked towards her.

When Tang Xiaowei saw the light in the living room and him, she was no longer afraid.

She took a few steps forward and jumped into his arms. The petals of many roses began to fall, and the fragrance filled the surrounding air.

"Why are you still doing this? I thought the power was out and I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to find your way back."

Huangfu Qiye hugged her. He wanted to show her all the roses, but he was worried that she wouldn't be able to carry them, so he asked, "Do you like roses?"

She nodded, but she smiled a little embarrassedly. "But you've prepared too many flowers. I can't carry them."

"It's okay. We only need one for now." Huangfu Qiye put down the flowers and picked one of them. He gently touched her head and then gently pinned the rose he picked onto her hair. Then, he gently hugged her and slowly moved along with the music. It was as if they were together with time, slowly feeling the beauty of this moment.

"Don't be afraid. Even if the power is really out, it's impossible for me to not find you." Huangfu Qiye held her hand and gently kissed the back of her hand. Then, he didn't let go of her hand and held it tightly.

Tang Xiaowei rested her head on his chest and closed her eyes. Listening to the gentle voice, she felt an endless sense of happiness that was about to drown her heart.


She woke up the next day.

Tang Xiaowei then realized that there was no one beside her.

Moreover, it was already 10 o'clock in the morning.

After she woke up, she was in a daze for a while before she remembered that when Huangfu Qiye left in the morning, he seemed to have kissed her awake. Then, he said that he would go out for a day today and would only come back at night.

At that time, she was very sleepy, so she did not say anything to him. Then, she quickly fell asleep.

After thinking for a while and thinking clearly that he had already left the house, she then woke up.

While Tang Xiaowei was washing herself in the bathroom, someone knocked on the bathroom door from outside.

It was Xiao Anan. He called her excitedly from outside, "Mom, come out quickly. I just saw two elderly people. They said that they were my grandparents. Godmother Yuyan also said that they were right. Come out quickly and tell me if it's true."

Tang Xiaowei was brushing her teeth when she heard her son's whistle. She quickly washed, opened the door, and walked out.

The little guy was looking at her anxiously and happily. His eyes were clearly filled with excitement.

Yuyan, who had not seen Xiao Anan for a few days, stood behind him and looked at Tang Xiaowei with a smile.

Tang Xiaowei held Xiao Anan's little hand and replied with a smile, "An An, let's go. Mommy will bring you to meet your grandparents."

She had wanted to meet her adoptive parents yesterday, but Huangfu Qiye stopped her.

However, he had said that he would be leaving today, so she could freely use today's time to meet whoever she wanted.

Xiao Anan listened to his mother's words and followed his mother out excitedly.

He didn't have a grandmother in the past. He only had a grandfather, Ling Shitian. Now that he suddenly had a grandfather and grandmother, the little guy was actually very happy and excited.

Tang Xiaowei held onto the excited Xiao Anan and then turned to speak to Tao Yuyan beside her. "Yuyan, when did you come over this time? Did he tell you in advance?"

Tao Yuyan smiled gently. "Your family's subordinate gave me a call in advance. He said that he would propose to you yesterday and asked me to come over. I was very happy and excited for you after I found out, but he wanted to give you a surprise, so we didn't tell you. Xiaowei, you're not angry, are you?"

Tang Xiaowei shook her head. Her eyes were a little red. "No, I'm not angry. I really didn't expect you guys to appear yesterday. I was touched and happy. At that moment, I felt very satisfied and happy to have you, An An, and my parents around."

"Silly, we will always be your backer. Don't cry." Tao Yuyan saw that Xiaowei's eyes were red and hurriedly took out a tissue to comfort her.

Tang Xiaowei nodded. Then, she held onto Yuyan's arm and brought Xiao Anan downstairs.

The living room downstairs, which had been quiet yesterday, was finally filled with people.

There were servants working and a few bodyguards guarding the door.

Tang Qingxuan and Ning Xintian, who had not seen each other for a long time, were sitting on the sofa in silence.

When they saw Tang Xiaowei, the couple's eyes reddened. Then, they stood up.

Tang Xiaowei pulled Xiao Anan and hurried over. Her eyes were also red. When they got closer, she reached out and hugged her adoptive parents.

"Dad, mom, I miss you so much." Tang Xiaowei's eyes were red, and tears flowed uncontrollably.

Her biological parents passed away early, and she was brought up by the Tang couple.