Chapter 572: Did you attack the Child?

On the other side.

The head bodyguard saw that Tang Xiaowei had fainted, so he put down his gun. Moreover, Xiao Anan was crying non-stop. The bodyguard coldly threw the phone in Tang Xiaowei's hand out of the car window, and then tied Xiao Anan up with a rope.

Xiao Anan saw that his mother had fainted, and the bodyguard in front of him was still tying him up fiercely. He was so scared that his little face turned pale, and he stared at the bodyguard with fear and anger.

"You big scoundrel, my father will definitely come to save us. When the time comes, my father will send you to prison." Xiao Anan cried until his big eyes were red. He was extremely angry and struggled with all his might.

However, he was still a child, so his strength could not be compared to a trained bodyguard.

The bodyguard who had already betrayed his master heard this and did not say anything more. He only tied up Xiao Anan, who was not a threat, and did not rough up Xiao Anan. Then, he turned around and continued to drive. The car immediately left this place.

The car drove quickly on the national road.

At the back, Tang Xiaowei was still unconscious. There was not much blood flowing from her head. In the end, the wound had slowly coagulated and no longer bled.

Xiao Anan's small body was tied up. He could not move. From time to time, he would look at his mother and call out for her. After crying for a while, he angrily scolded the bodyguard who was driving in front.

The bodyguard did not tire of it and could only light a type of incense.

Soon, the air in the car was filled with a faint fragrance that could make people fall asleep quickly.

Xiao Anan, who was sad and exhausted, quickly closed his eyes and fell asleep in his mother's arms.

The bodyguard in front of him had taken medicine beforehand, and his physical strength was not as weak as Xiao Anan's, so he did not fall asleep.

After Xiao Anan fell asleep, he put out the incense.

The car continued to drive.


More than half an hour later.

The car finally stopped.

This was an underground parking lot.

The number of cars inside was dazzling.

The car stopped in a dim corner. There were two disguised cars parked here.

After the bodyguard parked the car, he made a call to say that he had arrived.

Then, the doors of the two cars next to him opened, and a few people in black clothes walked out.

When they walked over, the bodyguard hurriedly opened the car door so that the other party could see the mother and son in the back seat.

The other party was wearing a mask. When he saw Tang Xiaowei and Xiao Anan inside the car, he revealed a slightly displeased expression and questioned the bodyguard, "You attacked the child?"

His voice was cold and filled with danger.

The bodyguard hurriedly replied, "No, no, I only knocked out young madam. Young master fell asleep because he smelled a fragrance that could make people fall asleep quickly."

After receiving the bodyguard's explanation, the man in black ordered his men to go and take a look at Tang Xiaowei and Xiao Anan in the car. Only then did he order his men to move Xiao Anan and Tang Xiaowei out of the car and into their own cars.

After doing all this, the man in black threw a large box to the traitor's bodyguard. "This is your money."

The other party hurriedly said this, and then a few people all got into their own cars, which immediately left the underground parking lot.

The bodyguard, who was left on the spot, opened the box with excitement and anticipation. He found that there was indeed a lot of money in the box, all in US dollars. He spent a few minutes to roughly count it, and it was indeed the amount he had requested.

With excitement, he closed the box containing the money, hurriedly picked it up, and prepared to leave.

However, just as he got into the car and was about to start the car and leave something happened.

He found that the originally dim underground parking lot suddenly became bright. Then, more than a dozen cars surrounded him from all directions.

The bodyguard's excited expression immediately became extremely terrified, and he did not dare to start the car.

He clenched the box filled with money, and the fear in his heart grew stronger and stronger.

His face quickly turned pale.

At that moment, the lights of the dozens of cars surrounding them shone on the bodies of the traitorous bodyguard.

Soon, the dozens of cars stopped.

Then, many cold-looking men in black quickly got out of each car.

When the traitorous bodyguard saw this, he began to tremble all over.

Especially when he saw the handsome man walking at the front of the group of men in black, who was the angriest, the traitorous bodyguard was so afraid that he did not dare to move.

How was that possible?

How did the young master come so quickly?

Didn't he throw young madam's phone away?

He knew that the young master must have installed a tracking system in the young madam's phone, so after he threw the phone away, he drove a out of his way before he arrived here.

How could the young master chase after them without a tracking system?

The bodyguard was trembling in the car and did not dare to run anymore, because he already knew that even if he ran again, he would not be able to escape.

At that moment, the man with a gloomy expression had already walked to the front of the car.

A few tall bodyguards from the Wei Meng group came up and smashed the car door, pulling the shivering man out of the car. The shards of the glass cut the bodyguard's body, but he didn't dare to speak.

He thought that after he betrayed his master and got the money, he could secretly leave and live a carefree life.

But now, everything was over.

The man was ruthlessly thrown in front of Huangfu Qiye.

Huangfu Qiye looked angrily at the bodyguard who had betrayed him. He raised his foot and kicked him a few times, but he still felt angry.

He shouted, "Where are they?"

He had thought that Xiaowei and the child were still in the car, but when he walked to the front of the car, he realized that there was only this bodyguard in the car.

So, where was Xiaowei? Where was An An?

"Young master, young madam and young master were just taken away." The bodyguard did not dare to lie now. Even though he was kicked until his entire body was in pain, he still told the truth.

"Who took them away?" Huangfu Qiye asked in a deep voice.

"I don't know. The other party didn't tell me who they were. I only took their money, I..." The bodyguard shook his head hard. He really did not know who the other party was, and he really only betrayed his master for the money.

"Trash!" Huangfu Qiye cursed in a low voice in anger. Then, he waved his hand to send someone up. "Continue to beat him. Tell him to tell you everything he knows, and then tell me!"

Therefore, several bodyguards immediately came up and started to beat the bodyguard on the ground with their fists, and they kept questioning him.

Huangfu Qiye didn't stay to listen to the noise.

Instead, he immediately turned around and got into the car. While he ordered the driver to leave, he also asked someone to contact the management here, intending to check the surveillance video first.



Tang Xiaowei was jolted awake by a jolt.