Chapter 573: Rough pulling

She opened her eyes and realized that she was no longer in the previous car. She did not know what brand and model the car was. The windows of the car were covered by curtains, so she could not see what was happening outside.

The light in the car was also very dim.

She could see at a glance that there were two men in black wearing masks sitting opposite her. The man driving in front was also wearing black clothes and a mask.

She was very surprised. Could it be the bodyguard from before? Did he have accomplices?

They were going to kidnap her and Xiao Anan, right? Where were they now?

However, she did not have the time to ask these people. She opened her eyes wide, just wanting to see where her child was.

However, her body was tied up and she could not move at all. She could not even turn her body to look for her child.

However, soon, she could feel a small ball of something soft next to her. She lowered her head to take a closer look. It was Xiao Anan. However, Xiao Anan's eyes were closed now, as if he was asleep.

She was extremely afraid. She was afraid that these people would hurt Xiao Anan. After all, she had just been hit in the head. Her head was still hurting.

"An An...An An." She could not move and could only call out the child's name worriedly.

Xiao Anan did not wake up when he heard her voice. However, the men in black beside him said impatiently, "Miss Tang, you're awake? Don't worry. The child is fine. He's just asleep."

"What exactly do you want?" Tang Xiaowei could not be bothered to ask who the other party was. It did not matter who these people were. What was important was what these people wanted to do to her and Xiao Anan.

"Isn't it obvious? We want to kidnap you and your child," the other party replied coldly.

"You want money? How much do you want?" Tang Xiaowei heard that they were kidnapping and relaxed a little.

However, the other party ignored her and didn't say anything to her.

Tang Xiaowei had a headache that she couldn't bear, but she couldn't care about herself. She thought that these people probably wanted money, so they definitely wouldn't hurt her and Xiao Anan's lives. While she relaxed, she also wanted to get more information out of them.

However, at this time, the car had already left the bumpy road and was already on the normal road. The car began to stabilize.

Then, not long after, the car seemed to have driven into a relatively dark place. The outside of the car window suddenly darkened, and the inside of the car also became much darker.

Then, the sound of the rolling gate coming down came from outside.

Tang Xiaowei's heart began to beat faster.

They were already inside. She didn't know what position she, Xiao Anan, and these people were in now.

Moreover, in Australia, the people who had kidnapped her and Xiao Anan spoke Chinese. The people who had tricked her were Huangfu Qiye's bodyguards.

Then, these people must have a motive, so this time, it wouldn't be so easy for her and Xiao Anan to escape safely.

Moreover, she had just asked these people how much money they wanted, but they didn't say anything. This meant that they really couldn't just ask for money.

She recalled the phone call she had with Huangfu Qiye. He must have known about her and Xiao Anan's current situation, so he must have started looking for them, right?

Then, the car suddenly stopped.

The driver in front got out of the car.

The two people behind no longer spoke. After opening the car door, one of them hugged Xiao Anan, who was still asleep, and got out of the car. The other person reached out and grabbed Tang Xiaowei's arm, saying coldly, "Get out of the car."

Tang Xiaowei was unable to move. She was roughly pulled out of the car by the other party, and she almost fell to the ground.

However, she didn't have the mood or time to care about this. After getting out of the car, she realized that the surroundings looked like a garage, and it was quite big. At this moment, the person who had carried Xiao Anan out of the car earlier, carried him into a door at the side, and his back was about to disappear.

However, Tang Xiaowei was pulled by another person's arm and was about to be pulled to another door.

She was so scared that her face turned pale. "Where do you want to carry the child? Quickly return him to me. I can't be separated from my child."

"Stop arguing! Be quiet!" But these people were cold and didn't care about her at all. They pulled her forcefully and were about to leave.

Tang Xiaowei was scared to death.

She and Xiao Anan had been kidnapped, and these people actually wanted to separate them. How could she possibly agree?

She struggled crazily and shouted at the top of her lungs, "An An, An An... Return An An to me. You are not allowed to separate us. Don't you just want money? I can give it to you, and An An's father can also give it to you. Quickly bring him back..."

"Miss Tang, if you don't be quiet, you better believe that I will get someone to beat you up." The man who was pulling Tang Xiaowei threatened fiercely.

The man who was holding Xiao Anan had already disappeared behind the door.

Tang Xiaowei just didn't want to be separated from the child. She was afraid that the child would be hurt after being separated from her. She was afraid that the child would never see her again. She was trembling all over and her face was abnormally pale.

She wasn't afraid that she would be beaten up by these people. She was even more afraid that Xiao Anan would be bullied by these people after being separated from her.

"As long as you send the child back, you can beat me up however you want. I won't have any complaints." Tang Xiaowei struggled and kept her eyes on the direction where Xiao Anan was taken away.

The men who had kidnapped her were stunned when they heard her words.

However, these men did not listen to her. Instead, they forcefully brought Tang Xiaowei through a door in front of them.

This was a dark room. Tang Xiaowei was pushed in by them. Then, the men retreated and closed the door. They did not say another word to her.

After Tang Xiaowei was pushed into the dark room, she was stunned.

But then, she immediately turned around. Even though her hands were tied together, she kept banging her arms against the door and shouted outside, "Return the child to me. You can ask for as much money as you want, but you have to let me stay with my child."

She knew that it was impossible for her to ask these people to let her go.

Then, she could only hope that these people would let her stay with the child.

In that case, she would feel more at ease.

However, no matter how much she shouted inside, there was still no sound from the outside, and no one came to pay attention to her.

Tang Xiaowei was extremely afraid. She didn't know if all these people were bodyguards who had betrayed Huangfu Qiye.

But she knew that when she had fainted, the bodyguards who had tricked her into getting into the car had given her and Xiao Anan to these people.

At the moment, she didn't know what these people were going to do.

She was so afraid that these people would do something to Xiao Anan that would hurt him.