Chapter 576: My Body is in so much pain, save me

The purpose of doing this was to lock the three of them together with Tang Xiaowei for this day. She wanted to use them to over-stimulate Tang Xiaowei, so that Tang Xiaowei would naturally become a lunatic.

After all, if she used hypnosis to become a lunatic, she might be able to regain her consciousness in the future.

However, if she was really stimulated to the point of going crazy, it would be impossible for her to regain her consciousness in the future.

Xiu Lulu knew that if she wanted to strike down Huangfu Qiye, who was fighting with her for the family property, she didn't need to kill Tang Xiaowei. It was enough to directly make Tang Xiaowei into a real lunatic.

A cold smile appeared on her lips.

"You can pray for yourself. Don't think that I will tell you anything," Xiu Lulu said coldly and left with a few men.

The last man who left quickly untied the rope for Tang Xiaowei. Then, before Tang Xiaowei could get up, he quickly ran out and closed the door.

Tang Xiaowei's hands and feet were numb from being tied up for a long time.

Now that they had let her go, she didn't even have the chance to stand up when she saw the door was closed. Even if she wanted to escape, she had no chance.

She rubbed her hands and feet, which were hurt by the rope, and fiercely frowned.

When she asked that woman earlier, that woman didn't answer.

What she wanted to know was what this woman, who was a member of the Xiu family, wanted. Did they want to stop her from being together with Huangfu Qiye or did they want to use her and Xiao Anan to threaten Huangfu Qiye and deal with Huangfu Qiye?

The first question she thought of was because that day, Huangfu Qiye's grandfather had said that he didn't like her and wanted Huangfu Qiye to marry someone else. That person should be that woman just now.

Her second thought was that she suspected that among the people of the Xiu family, only old master Xiu wanted Huangfu Qiye to recognize him. The other people of the Xiu family might be afraid that Huangfu Qiye would go back and snatch their things. That was why she wanted to capture her and Xiao Anan now.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt a headache coming on. She couldn't figure it out for the time being.

What was the reason for her being tied up this time?

She gently touched the wound on her head. The blood had stopped flowing, but her hair had been frozen by the blood. When she touched it, she felt pain. She bit her lip and hurriedly withdrew her hand.

When the man untied her rope, she really wanted to get up and run out immediately.

But she didn't have the strength now, and there were still so many people outside, so she couldn't escape.

She could only continue to sit down and think of a way to escape.

Although she was still worried about Xiao Anan, it was useless to worry about him now.

She could only think of a way out!

After the door was closed, because the last man who left also turned off the lights, the room was so dark that she couldn't see her fingers.

However, Tang Xiaowei wasn't afraid of the dark room now.

What was scary was that after the room was dark, she thought for a while, and suddenly, a terrible scream came from the room.

" hurts, my body hurts..." someone suddenly shouted. The voice was very familiar. It was obviously Huangfu Yuner.

Then, there was a series of crackling sounds.

Then, there were hurried and chaotic footsteps, shoving, and beating.

"It hurts, my body hurts, save me..." Huangfu Yuner's voice continued.

Tang Xiaowei didn't know if Huangfu Yuner, who was in the dark, had bitten herself because she had gone crazy, or if it was because the poison she had poisoned Huangfu Yuner with had worked.

At that time, on the cruise ship, she had poisoned Huangfu Yuner for revenge. The poison was under the name of Uncle Tian. Without an antidote, one could only live for two years at most, but it would hurt every day. She had been poisoned by Huangfu yuner before. It had also been painful for a very long time.

Now, regardless of what Huangfu Yuner was in pain for, Tang Xiaowei did not want to care about it, nor did she want to hear it. She simply closed her eyes and tried her best not to listen to it.

Her enemy, the person she once wanted to kill, was in so much pain. She was very happy to see that.

Even if someone said that she was vicious or cold-hearted, she did not care. She was not stupid enough to pity her enemy.

After she had been poisoned, the child had quickly turned into a pool of blood and disappeared under the intense pain.

She had misunderstood Huangfu Qiye because of that incident, causing them to suffer for a long time. She would never forgive Huangfu Yuner for such hatred!

However, even though she did not care about what happened over there, the three people over there were very close to each other just now, so the three people over there seemed to have started fighting.

Then, in the darkness, a heavy thud was heard. After that, Huangfu Yuner's crying stopped, and she was the only one panting softly.

Then, Tang Xiaowei clearly felt someone running toward her.

She didn't know who hit Huangfu Yuner just now, but the person who hit Huangfu Yuner probably didn't want to stay with Huangfu Yuner anymore, so the other two people walked over.

Tang Xiaowei immediately stood up, pressed down on her previous memories, and quietly retreated to the door.

She knew that the three people who were locked up with her were no longer normal people. There must be something wrong with their minds, and the woman from the Xiu family must have locked the three of them up with her on purpose. Thenrefore, in order to avoid any accidents, she had to avoid these three people.

Sure enough, she had only left for a few seconds when someone immediately ran to the spot where she had just been and stopped moving.

Then, in the darkness, the sound of biting fingers came from that spot again.

Tang Xiaowei's hair stood on end when she heard it.

On the other side, Huangfu Yuner was still crying out in pain, but her voice was much softer, and she did not hear the sound of her getting up and walking.

Tang Xiaowei felt even colder after she heard it.

Her hand had already touched the light switch, but she did not dare to turn it on.

Just like that, in the darkness, as long as she did not make any sound, she would not attract the attention of these three crazy people.

If she turned on the light and stayed with them for a long time, these three crazy people might suddenly find her interesting and come to find trouble with her.

Because she had been poisoned before, even though she had taken the antidote, her body was still a little exhausted from the torture. In the past few years, her physical condition was not very good, and her constitution was very poor, so she could not beat these three people at all. At the moment, she could only try her best not to be noticed by the three of them.

She squatted at the door and recalled that the woman from the Xiu family had said that she would let these three people monitor her and not allow her to shout loudly. Therefore, Tang Xiaowei did not dare to shout Xiao Anan's name anymore.