Chapter 577: Vomiting

She couldn't possibly be killed by these three crazy women before she even saw her child and Huangfu Qiye.

Although one of these three people used to be Huangfu Qiye's bodyguard and had protected her before, Yuan Shan didn't look like she was conscious anymore. She didn't dare to go near Yuan Shan at all.

As for Huangfu Yuner, it was even more impossible to go near her. She also couldn't go near that so-called Zhang Tian.

Tang Xiaowei squatted down and reached out to hug her knees.

She hoped that Huangfu Qiye would be able to find her and Xiao Anan as soon as possible.

As she did not know how An An was doing, Tang Xiaowei could not make a sound for fear of attracting the attention of these three crazy people. She could only silently bite her lips and think of a way out.


Tang Xiaowei did not know how long she had been in the dark room.

Anyway, a long time had passed.

She squatted until her legs were numb, so she stood up for a while.

If the three people in front of her occasionally went crazy and walked towards her, she would quietly avoid them.

She did not know when this kind of life would come to an end.

At this time, because she had avoided the three people's approach, she had already left the side of the door. At the position of the door, at the bottom, a small opening suddenly appeared, and light came in from the outside.

Then, someone from the outside put in four servings of food wrapped in plastic wrap and said coldly, "It's time to eat."

After the person outside said that, he closed the wooden board with the small opening.

The people in the other party's room were just like the prisoners in the other party's prison.

Tang Xiaowei clenched her fists. When she heard them talking about food, she felt that her stomach was starting to feel hungry.

She had been in there for a very, very long time. Although she couldn't calculate the time, it must have been more than ten hours.

She didn't dare to eat the food these people gave her. No matter how hungry she was, she didn't dare to go over. She was afraid that they would drug her.

While she didn't go over, the other three people had already rushed over crazily. They started to snatch the food and started to fight.

"Don't take my food."

"It's mine, it's all mine."

"Get lost, get lost, this food is all mine, don't touch it."

The three people kept shouting. Not only did they snatch the food, the sound of fighting and the sound of plates of food falling to the ground could be heard in the dark room.

Tang Xiaowei started to get nervous.

Before this, although these three people looked crazy and would occasionally walk around in the room, crying or making a scene, they were all very quiet.

However, their movements were really too big now.

She stood up and stepped back, trying her best to keep some distance from them. She was afraid that if they fought, it would implicate her.

Right now, she couldn't even protect herself, and the three of them didn't listen to anyone at all. They were only willing to listen to the woman from the Xiu family. She was really powerless to do anything about it.

Soon, the three of them began to fight more and more fiercely. In the dark room, screams began to appear. "Ah, my face hurts so much. You cut off my flesh."

"I'll beat you to death. I'll beat you to death if you dare to steal my food."

"Damn woman, I want to eat your flesh."


The words of the three of them became more and more horrifying.

Tang Xiaowei widened her eyes, but she couldn't see anything clearly in front of her.

She became more and more afraid. The door was always closed, and the three of them had no rational and clear consciousness at all.

She really didn't know what to do.

"Ah, my hand, don't bite my hand."

"It hurts. Don't bite my face."

A few more screams of pain were heard.

Tang Xiaowei's mental state was on the verge of collapse due to the torture of the three of them.

She could not persuade them to be quiet, nor could she make them return to normal. Her head was in a lot of pain. Previously, she was injured and bleeding, but she did not manage to deal with it. Now that everything was so noisy and frightening, she felt trapped in the darkness for a long time and was very hungry. Therefore, her head began to ache faintly again, and it was getting more and more painful. This mental and physical pain was really making her unable to hold on any longer.

And the people from the Xiu family didn't seem to have any intention of caring about the situation inside.

Looking at the way these three people fought over food, they must have been like this before. Then the people from the Xiu family must also know, but they didn't stop them.

Tang Xiaowei began to think about other things.

She hoped that she could divert her attention so that she wouldn't feel afraid.

She thought, what on earth is Huangfu Qiye doing now?

Has he found the location of her and Xiao Anan?

After she and Xiao Anan were kidnapped, they hadn't moved their location since they arrived here. Therefore, as long as Huangfu Qiye could find the surveillance footage along the way, it would be easy for him to find her and Xiao Anan.

However, she was only consoling herself.

Her thoughts started to run wild.

Perhaps Huangfu Qiye had already found them, but he was controlled by the people of the Xiu family.

Or perhaps, Huangfu Qiye hadn't found them yet.

She thought of Xiao Anan. Before she was knocked out, Xiao Anan was still awake.

When she arrived here, she didn't know if Xiao Anan was asleep or unconscious. She also didn't know if Xiao Anan was bullied by these people after she was knocked out.

Now that Xiao Anan wasn't with her, the more she thought about it, the more she felt chills all over her body.

Unknowingly, the three people who were fighting over food stopped fighting and also quieted down.

After that, the dark room also began to quieten down.

After an unknown amount of time, Tang Xiaowei covered her mouth. Her stomach began to ache, and an uncomfortable feeling assaulted her. She squatted down and began to vomit.

She thought she must have been so hungry that after a simple bout of vomiting and feeling better, she was ready to get up.

But when she got up, she still wanted to throw up, so she just squatted down until a long time later. When she did not feel so nauseous, and ready to stand up, because she had squatted for such a long time, her legs were numb.

So she just got up, feel extremely dizzy, suddenly closed her eyes, and fainted on the soft side of the ground.


Huangfu Qiye investigated the surveillance cameras, but he still could not find out which car had kidnapped Xiao Wei and An An.

He was furious. Even though he beat up the bodyguard who had betrayed him, he still could not find out who had paid him.

Because the person who had taken Xiao Wei and An An did not reveal their identity.

Even though Huangfu Qiye frantically searched around for the entire day, he still could not find any useful clues.

Only at night did he receive a call.

On the phone, Xiu Zhongsheng's voice was cold and filled with joy. "Qiye, I'm also in Australia. Let's meet up."