Chapter 584: Getting slapped on the face

Xiu Rouxue glared at Tang Xiaowei unhappily and snorted coldly in her heart. This Tang Xiaowei, it was one thing if she was good-looking, but she actually didn't look simple. What if Xiu Yuan fell in love with her?

Xiu Yuan was a womanizer. He was usually unwilling to let go of a beautiful woman. Moreover, this was Huangfu Qiye's woman. Maybe Xiu Yuan wanted to try something new?

Xiu Yuan naturally didn't reveal his feelings. No one knew what he was thinking.

As for Xiu Lulu, she glanced at Xiu Rouxue's man who wanted to control her but was powerless. Moreover, when she saw Xiu Yuan staring at Tang Xiaowei, Xiu Lulu could not help but want to laugh.

Xiu Rouxue was an idiot. She did not care. Xiu Yuan was just a partner of hers, so she did not care.

On the other hand, although Tang Xiaowei had nothing to do with her, if she wanted to provoke Huangfu Qiye, she could not do without Tang Xiaowei.

Therefore, she took a step forward. With a sneer, she said, "Miss Tang, it seems that grandpa's villa is not big enough for you. You'd better go back to the dark room with me. Huangfu Yuner and the other two women are waiting for you there."

Hearing this, Tang Xiaowei frowned and looked at the woman in red in front of her unhappily.

Tang Xiaowei didn't plan to pay attention to this woman. This woman was not in her right mind. She seemed to like driving people crazy.

Therefore, Tang Xiaowei only glanced at her coldly before shifting her gaze away. She was trying to think of a way to see if there was any way to make the situation better.

After Xiu Lulu finished speaking, she did not expect that Tang Xiaowei would not be scared at all. On the contrary, Tang Xiaowei did not even bother to look at her.

She felt both angry and strange at the same time.

Previously in the dark room, she had let in three crazy women. Almost every normal person who saw or interacted with those three crazy women would be afraid. Moreover, over time, normal people would also be infected and become crazy.

However, why was Tang Xiaowei not afraid at all?

Thinking back to that day when Tang Xiaowei suddenly fainted, and after the doctor checked her body and said that she was pregnant, her grandfather had requested to send her to a clean and comfortable room to stay. Tang Xiaowei would definitely be put back with those three crazy women and she would definitely be going crazy soon.

The more Xiu Lulu thought about it, the more excited she became. Then, she kept going forward, wanting to reach out and grab Tang Xiaowei. She wanted to take advantage of the fact that her grandfather was resting now to send Tang Xiaowei directly into the small dark room.

Then, she would quietly order the three crazy women to beat Tang Xiaowei until she had a miscarriage. This way, when her grandfather woke up the next day and knew that Tang Xiaowei had a miscarriage, he would definitely not protect Tang Xiaowei's little life.

Xiu Lulu did not love her former fiancee, Xiu Sheng, nor did she love her current lover, Fu Xiuyuan. At the same time, she did not love Huangfu Qiye.

However, she knew that as long as her grandfather was around, after her grandfather subdued Huangfu Qiye, she would definitely marry Huangfu Qiye.

Therefore, at present, she did not care about the three-year-old son that Huangfu Qiye and Tang Xiaowei had. However, she did not allow Tang Xiaowei to give birth to Huangfu Qiye's child.

That was because she was forced to be the stepmother of one child. However, if she was forced to be the stepmother of two children, she could not bear it.

Therefore, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that she had to immediately throw Tang Xiaowei back into the dark room. She had to miscarry tonight. Therefore, when she approached Tang Xiaowei, the smile on her face immediately became more sinister and strange.

Xiu Yuan and Xiu Rouxue, who were standing at the side, watched the commotion from afar. They did not move or make a sound.

Tang Xiaowei wanted to carry her child and leave, but there were people in front of her and people behind her. She had nowhere to run.

She also noticed that there was something wrong with the woman in the red dress. Her expression of wanting to eat someone made her hair stand on end.

Until now, Xiao Anan, who had been sitting on Tang Xiaowei's back,hadn't made a sound. However, he suddenly burst into tears. "Help, bad old man, your little servant girl wants to kill someone. Why aren't you coming out to save me? Do you still have the cheek to say that you're my great-grandfather?" he sobbed.

Xiao Anan cried very loudly, and his soft baby voice sounded pitiful.

Tang Xiaowei's heart ached when she heard it.

Xiu Lulu, who was opposite her, also stopped in her tracks, her face stiff.

As for Xiu Rouxue and Xiu Yuan, who were watching the show from behind, they looked at each other for a while, and then looked away.

Xiu Lulu stopped at first because she was startled by Xiao Anan's sudden cry.

However, after she came to her senses, she began to move forward again.

And this time, just as she stretched out her hand and almost bumped into Tang Xiaowei, a dignified and cold voice rang out from upstairs. "Lulu, stop right there, back off!"

Xiu Lulu's face was full of struggle when she heard this voice. In the end, she glared angrily at Xiao Anan and Tang Xiaowei before she prepared to leave.

Xiao Anan cried even louder, "So scary. This bad woman glared at me. She's so fierce..."

Xiu Lulu clenched her fists and almost punched the child's head. At this moment, she really wanted to kill the child with a knife.

She bit her lip. In the future, she must find an opportunity to take advantage of this child being alone to deal with this child. Otherwise, this child would definitely block her footsteps in the future.

While she was thinking about this, Xiu Zhongsheng had already walked down from upstairs calmly.

He was wearing pajamas. His hair was white and there were wrinkles on his face, but the cold aura on him did not diminish at all.

Behind him were two bodyguards and two servants.

When he walked downstairs and passed Xiu Lulu, he suddenly reached out and gave Xiu Lulu a hard slap on the face.

"Pa!" Everyone was stunned on the spot. They looked at him, especially Xiu Lulu herself. Half of her face was red as she looked at Xiu Zhongsheng in disbelief. She tried to explain, "Grandpa, it was that woman who wanted to escape with the child. I helped you capture them. Did Lulu do something wrong?"

Xiu Zhongsheng looked at Xiu Lulu coldly. His gaze was sinister, "Yes, she didn't do anything wrong. However, you should be like Xiu Yuan and Xiu Rouxue. You shouldn't have intentionally gone over to scare my great-grandson. How can a woman like you threaten a man from the Huangfu family? You have to remember your identity. In front of the Huangfu family, you are just a servant."

Xiu Zhongsheng's words made the surrounding people not dare to make a sound, especially Xiu Lulu, who was covering her face to seek justice for herself. She did not dare to make a sound. She could only lower her head and retreat to the side in embarrassment.

Xiu Yuan, who was at the side, only took a glance at her before he looked away indifferently.