Chapter 585: locked up again

As for Xiu Rouxue, she secretly sneered and acted as if it was none of her business.

Xiu Zhongsheng walked up to Tang Xiaowei after hitting her. His expression was still gloomy. "I didn't expect you to have a way to sneak in."

Xiu Zhongsheng looked at her coldly. "And you even managed to steal the child away from my eyes. But Tang Xiaowei, I want to tell you that I, Xiu Zhongsheng, said that you are not allowed to be with Qiye, so you don't have the right to be with him. Even if you are An An's mother, you don't have the right to take An An away. If you don't want to die here immediately, then put the child down and return to your room to recuperate. I won't pursue the matter today."

"Mr. Xiu, does Huangfu Qiye have a grudge against you? Do you want to torture him like this?" Tang Xiaowei couldn't bear it any longer and coldly looked at the old man who was the only one in front of her.

Speaking of which, this old man was Huangfu Qiye's grandfather.

However, his style made Huangfu Qiye reject him. Moreover, this old man said that he was still in love with his first love. However, he hadn't gone back to save Huangfu Qiye's grandmother for so many years.

Instead, he had a woman and a family outside.

Although he was an old man now and only had a grandson by his side, this old man was still an extremely willful person.

He was high and mighty, and it was fine if he looked down on others. She and Huangfu Qiye had clearly suffered a lot and had a child. This old man did not have to bless them, so why did he have to separate them?

"If it wasn't for the fact that you were pregnant with our Huangfu family's bloodline, I would have long sent someone to drag you down to be punished!" Xiu Zhongsheng looked at Tang Xiaowei angrily, his eyes full of anger.

In all these years, other than when he had been schemed against by Huangfu Haoming in the past, and when he had to conceal his identity and start all over again, Xiu Zhongsheng had never heard anyone speak ill of him to his face like this.

Moreover, he only wanted to find a more obedient and suitable woman for Qiye. This was very normal.

"Bad old man, you're not allowed to scold my mother, and you're not allowed to separate my mother and my father." Xiao Anan knew that pretending to cry would attract this old man to help him. Moreover, he also knew that although this old man was fierce, he was not completely cruel.

Therefore, seeing that the old man was fierce to his mother and still wanted to threaten his mother, Xiao Anan immediately stretched out his little finger and pointed at Xiu Zhongsheng, glaring at Xiu Zhongsheng angrily.

Xiu Zhongsheng frowned unhappily and then ordered the bodyguards at the side, "Go and take the young master back, and then send Tang Xiaowei back to the previous room. Until she gives birth to a child, she is not allowed to come out again."

After he finished giving his orders, the two tall bodyguards beside him immediately went forward.

Tang Xiaowei knew very well that she was already pregnant, so she didn't dare to go against these two tall bodyguards. Moreover, these two bodyguards weren't the only ones here, so she knew that Xiu Zhongsheng wouldn't hurt Xiao Anan.

She gritted her teeth and could only say to the two bodyguards who had already walked in front of her, "Don't make a move. I'm afraid of hurting the child, so I'll put the child down myself."

The two bodyguards saw that she was so sensible, so they weren't willing to make a move. After all, she was pregnant, and Master Xiu cared about the family's bloodline the most. If they accidentally caused Tang Xiaowei to miscarry, the person who caused the trouble would definitely die.

Therefore, the two bodyguards listened to her words and didn't make a move.

Tang Xiaowei really had no choice now. She could only untie the bedsheet and carefully put Xiao Anan down. She squatted down and gently stroked Xiao Anan's head. She softly said to him, "An An, you stay with old Master Xiu for a few days. Remember to stay by his side and don't pay attention to others. Although he hates me, he should protect you until your father comes. So you can't run around. You have to stay by old Master Xiu's side, understand?"

"Mom, what about you? You're not with An An anymore, are you? Then where are you going?" Xiao Anan also vaguely felt that old man Xiu was treating him quite well, but old man Xiu strangely disliked his mother, which made Xiao Anan very unhappy.

Now that he could hear that his mother's tone was not right, Xiao Anan was also afraid. Because he was afraid of being separated from his mother, his little hand tightly grabbed Tang Xiaowei's arm.

"I..." Tang Xiaowei opened her mouth, not knowing how to comfort her child, but before she could finish, two big hands suddenly stretched out from behind Xiao Anan. One of the two tall bodyguards suddenly picked up Xiao Anan and then retreated.

Xiao Anan immediately struggled in panic and cried in Tang Xiaowei's direction, "Mommy..."

Tang Xiaowei also stood up. Her eyes were red and she wanted to go forward and get the child back. "An An, don't be afraid. Mommy is here."

But another bodyguard stopped her and warned her in a cold voice from above, "Miss Tang, it's best if you don't stay here and disturb young master anymore. Otherwise, I'll send you to the small dark room and you'll suffer."

Tang Xiaowei looked at Xiao Anan and found that Xiao Anan had already been carried to Xiu Zhongsheng. Although Xiu Zhongsheng had white hair and wrinkles, he was very strong. He reached out and carried Xiao Anan from the bodyguard's hand.

Xiao Anan began to struggle and huffed, "Bad old man, don't separate me and my mother."

This time, Xiu Zhongsheng did not coax the little guy gently. Instead, his face darkened and he threatened coldly, "If you don't shut up, I'll have someone kill your mother."

His face was gloomy and his voice was cold. The aura from his body naturally scared the three-year-old child. Xiao Anan's face turned pale and he immediately did not dare to speak.

Xiu Zhongsheng then waved to the other bodyguard in satisfaction, "Take him away."

The person he was referring to was Tang Xiaowei.

Tang Xiaowei didn't have the time to say anything before the bodyguard in front of her grabbed her arm and dragged her out.

She gritted her teeth and didn't struggle. She silently followed him out.

If she fought head-on with the Xiu family now, she would only die a miserable death. She could only go back first and think of a new way.

After Tang Xiaowei was taken away, everyone in the spacious and luxurious living room was so quiet that they didn't dare to speak.

Xiu Zhongsheng carried Xiao Anan who didn't dare to speak. He turned around and looked at Xiu Yuan, Xiu Rouxue, and Xiu Lulu.

"Today, you were able to stop the young master from being taken away. It is indeed worthy of a reward. However, don't let me see anyone hurt the master of the Huangfu family in the future. Rouxue, Lulu, you can leave. Ah Yuan, come over and accompany me to do something."

After Xiu Zhongsheng coldly gave his orders, Xiu rouxue and Xiu Lulu didn't dare to make a sound. They lowered their heads and quietly left.