Chapter 587: Revenge

Xiu Zhongsheng frowned. Xiu Yuan, who was next to him, immediately handed him a clean handkerchief.

Xiu Zhongsheng gave him a satisfied look. Then, he took the handkerchief and covered his mouth and nose before walking inside.

This place was so dirty and messy. As long as he gave the order, someone would come and clean it up immediately.

However, he liked this place to be dirty and messy because the enemy he had worked so hard to capture, Huangfu Haoming, was locked up here.

Huangfu Haoming was Xiu Zhongsheng's older brother. In the past, he had plotted to rob all of the Huangfu family's assets, causing Xiu Zhongsheng to almost die.

After surviving for so many years, Xiu Zhongsheng's hatred grew even stronger.

His original name was Huangfu Cheng, and he was later named Xiu Zhongsheng. When he wanted to do it all over again, he was the one who won.

Xiu Zhongsheng walked inside.

This time, not only did he capture Huangfu Haoming, but he also captured some other people.

For example, Huangfu Haoming, Huangfu Yuner, and Yuan Shan, who used to be Huangfu Qiye's bodyguard, were also captured by him together with Huangfu Haoming some time ago.

As for Huangfu Yuner and Yuan Shan, Xiu Zhongsheng was not interested. In any case, those two people did not have any enmity with him. If Xiu Lulu wanted those two people, he would give them to her.

As for Huangfu Haoming, he had been locked up in this dirty, shabby, and extremely stinky small building.

Xiu Zhongsheng walked into the innermost room of the small building.

The moment he entered, he saw Huangfu Haoming, whose hands and feet were tied up by iron chains, and whose shoulders were also hooked onto iron hooks.

Xiu Zhongsheng's mood was both excited and faintly painful. Looking at the environment here, it reminded him of the time when he had been schemed against by Huangfu Haoming. He had been hiding everywhere like a drowning dog. He had once avoided Huangfu Haoming's pursuit in such a dirty place. He had not been able to find food for a long time and had eaten a lot of disgusting things.

He frowned fiercely. Every time he thought of the past, he would feel extremely angry.

He took a few steps forward and saw the bodyguard who had come in earlier carrying a bucket of cold water that was emitting cold air.

"Fall down," Xiu Zhongsheng ordered coldly.

The bodyguard immediately did as he was told. A bucket of cold water that was emitting cold air immediately fell on Huangfu Haoming, who was covered in wounds all over his body and had a bloody face. He had already lost a hand and was blind in one eye.

"Ah!" The ice-cold water stimulated his painful body. Huangfu Haoming groaned in pain and woke up. He opened his last eye, which was covered by water and blood.

Then, he saw the old man who looked somewhat like him not far in front of him.

Huangfu Haoming was two years older than Xiu Zhongsheng, but Xiu Zhongsheng looked a little older than Huangfu Haoming. The reason was that in the past few decades, Xiu Zhongsheng had been hiding and trying to strengthen himself, so he had suffered a lot. On the contrary, Huangfu Haoming had schemed against others to seize the Huangfu family's property, so he had been living very well these years. He looked much younger, and although his hair was white, he liked to dye it, so his hair was black. Unlike Xiu Zhongsheng, who had a head full of white hair.

After Huangfu Haoming saw Xiu Zhongsheng, his old eyes were filled with fear, and he was no longer as arrogant as before.

"You...what do you want to do?" Huangfu Haoming's voice was full of fear.

Xiu Zhongsheng stood not far in front of Huangfu Haoming and looked at the miserable expression on the other party's face. Furthermore, the fear in the other party's eyes made Xiu Zhongsheng almost die. He had been looking forward to the day when Huangfu Haoming would show such an expression in front of him. Therefore, Xiu Zhongsheng's mood began to improve.

He laughed. His voice was cold. "Of course, I want to slowly play with until your death, just like how you chased me back then. Do you think that because you're old, I won't be able to kill you? Huangfu Haoming, how did you treat me in the past? Now that you've fallen into my hands, you shouldn't think that I'll kill you easily, because I'll slowly torture you."

Huangfu Haoming had been tortured to a state worse than death during this period of time. However, every time he felt that he was about to die, he would be saved again. Therefore, even if he was seriously injured, he couldn't die at all.

Ever since he was taken over by Huangfu Qiye in the company, he had been living a very unhappy life. After that, he brought Huangfu Yuner to hide everywhere. The money he had on hand became less and less, and the bodyguards by his side became more and more useless. That was why he was captured by Xiu Zhongsheng not too long ago.

When he was captured, he almost thought that he had seen a ghost. For so many years, Huangfu Cheng, which was now Xiu Zhongsheng, had not appeared. Huangfu Haoming thought that his younger brother, Huangfu Cheng, was dead. After all, he had once sent people to hunt down his younger brother. The killers who were chasing him said that Huangfu Cheng had been burned to death in a house. He had also obtained a photo, so he believed it.

But he did not expect to see his younger brother again. The younger brother that he should have killed had reappeared, and it was very terrifying.

When Xiu Zhongsheng saw that Huangfu Haoming was absent-minded, he frowned unhappily. "Huangfu Haoming, do you know what I came here to tell you today?"

"I don't want to hear it. If you want to fight, then fight. If you don't want to fight, then leave." Huangfu Haoming did not want to listen to Xiu Zhongsheng anymore. He gritted his teeth and endured the pain in his body. He deliberately provoked Xiu Zhongsheng, hoping that he would leave after being provoked.

Huangfu Haoming was beaten every day now. Although he couldn't bear it, he didn't want to see Xiu Zhongsheng either.

Because when Xiu Zhongsheng was present, his bodyguards would beat him very hard, and he would feel even more pain.

Moreover, he knew that even if he begged for mercy, Xiu Zhongsheng wouldn't let him go. As he didn't want to be beaten, he could only provoke him.

Xiu Zhongsheng sneered. "I came here today to tell you that my grandson is coming to recognize me soon. He hates you so much, and I hate you, too. When the time comes, I will give you to him as a gift. He will teach you a good lesson."

"Qiye wants to recognize you?" Huangfu Haoming's thoughts were all diverted away when he heard that. He tried his best to look at Xiu Zhongsheng with his eyes wide open.

Xiu Zhongsheng saw that his brother, who had once sent people to kill him without caring about his brother's feelings, was finally blinded by him and had his hand broken. He looked miserable in front of him and followed him to take revenge. Xiu Zhongsheng looked even more proud. "Yes, Qiye will come to recognize me soon. After all, I am his biological grandfather."

"Heh." Huangfu Haoming could not help but be angry and wanted to sneer. "I raised him for so many years in vain and raised an ingrate."

"If it weren't for you stealing the family property that my father gave me and stealing the woman that I love the most, would you have the chance to raise Qiye? Huangfu Haoming, stop talking nonsense here."