Chapter 588: At least she knows what's good for her

"You have to pay back everything you've done. I've said everything I wanted to say to you today, so I'll go back now. You can stay here by yourself!" Xiu Zhongsheng said coldly. Then, he turned around and left without looking at Huangfu Haoming again.

Even though Huangfu Haoming had defeated him before, Huangfu Haoming was not only suppressed by Qiye before, but now he was also captured by him. Although Xiu Zhongsheng still hated Huangfu Haoming, he looked down on Huangfu Haoming even more.

This was because Huangfu Haoming was really too useless.

A few years ago, his identity had been taken away by Qiye. Without any income and support from the Huangfu family, he could only rely on the money he had saved in the past to survive.

Speaking of which, the descendants of Huangfu Cheng were the most powerful. Huangfu Haoming, this damn old man, didn't even have a descendant, yet he still courted death. He really deserved it!

Xiu Zhongsheng snorted coldly and quickly left the dilapidated small building.

Xiu Yuan didn't say anything until the moment he left. He looked back at Huangfu Haoming in the dilapidated small building, and a hint of deep meaning flashed in his eyes. Then, he hurriedly followed Xiu Zhongsheng and left.


When Tang Xiaowei was escorted back to the door of the room, the maid at the door was obviously shocked to see her return. After all, the maid did not see her go out before, and the windows in the room could not be opened.

Then, how did Tang Xiaowei get out?

The maid was very confused, but she did not dare to ask. She could only listen to the bodyguard and open the door to let Tang Xiaowei in.

After Tang Xiaowei entered, the doctor who had been knocked unconscious by her just woke up. After the doctor opened her eyes, she immediately shouted anxiously, "Help, Miss Tang is going to run away."

The doctor's shout made the bodyguards and maids who had accompanied Tang Xiaowei into the room feel a little awkward. Tang Xiaowei only felt that this doctor was too dedicated. She had just woken up and she was shouting that Xiaowei had escaped.

The three of them did not say anything.

After the doctor shouted, she saw the three people who had just entered. She was stunned for a moment before she blinked her eyes hard to see if there was something wrong with her eyes.

However, after she blinked her eyes and realized that the people in front of him were still there, the doctor was even more stunned.

Her head was still hurting. It was obvious that Tang Xiaowei's beating was real. Then, why was Tang Xiaowei still in the room?

"Come down quickly. Miss Tang is already back." Seeing that the doctor was still in a daze, the maid hurriedly reached out to pull the doctor down.

The bodyguard also glanced at the doctor and reminded her not to be in a daze.

Hearing this, the doctor hurriedly got off the bed. Although Tang Xiaowei's identity was not important in the eyes of the Xiu family, and she was also an awkward existence, she was treated like a guest by Master Xiu.

However, Tang Xiaowei was pregnant after all. Servants, bodyguards, and doctors could not be offended and treat her harshly.

Tang Xiaowei did not get angry at them. After all, she was the one who beat the doctor to escape when she fainted. She asked the maid and bodyguard to go out, and then asked the doctor to go back and rest. She closed the door, walked into the bathroom, and took a shower. She came out and changed into the dress that had been left in the room. Then, she changed the bedsheets and lay down.

After doing all this, she took a deep breath and tried her best to close her eyes and fall asleep as soon as possible.

After the incident where she had escaped to prepare to take An An away, the small villa that she was living in now would definitely be more heavily guarded. It would definitely not be easy for her to escape in the future.

In that case, she could not simply escape at the moment, and it was even more impossible for her to escape tonight. Then, she should rest well first, in case she did not have the energy tomorrow.

Although she was still filled with anxiety, in the end, she still forced herself to fall asleep.


For two days in a row, Huangfu Qiye went to look for someone according to the address and information that Xiu Zhongsheng had sent that day, but he still couldn't find them.

It wasn't until the next night that he received a call from Xiu Zhongsheng again.

"Qiye, I've probed you enough for the past two days. Now, follow the message that I'll send you and come directly to my place. This time, the address is real." Xiu Zhongsheng's voice was cold, and his tone was lazy. However, if one listened carefully, one could still hear a hint of arrogance.

Only now did Huangfu Qiye realize that he had been deceived. It turned out that he had been following Xiu Zhongsheng's method to look for XiaoWei and An An for the past few days, but had not been able to find them. It turned out that this was the reason.

Because these past few days, Xiu Zhongsheng had been changing his meeting address.

From the start, he had been changing Huangfu Qiye's address nonstop.

Huangfu Qiye had still brought his bodyguards with him at the start.

But these bodyguards had been arranged by him in the dark, just so that they could appear at the critical moment.

However, Xiu Zhongsheng kept changing his address, causing Huangfu Qiye to keep changing his position, so there were fewer and fewer people around him.

Until now, because Huangfu Qiye did not have time to arrange his men, he was the only one standing by the seaside.

This was the place where Xiu Zhongsheng had asked him to come after he changed his meeting address last time.

Before he could even speak, Xiu Zhongsheng had turned off the phone and hung up.

"Damn it!" He cursed in a low voice.

He had no choice but to open the message box again, and then he saw the new address that Xiu Zhongsheng had just sent him.

So he immediately turned around and got into the car, leaving the seaside and directly heading to the new address.

The moonlight was deep, and there were no pedestrians on the surrounding roads. Only the black moonlight accompanied his angry heart.

The car sped along the national road.


In the luxurious room, the light was dim, and an old man with grizzled hair sat on the sofa drinking tea.

Having just ended the call with Huangfu Qiye, Xiu Zhongsheng put down the teacup in satisfaction.

He knew that his grandson would definitely rush over this time, and the address this time was also true. Moreover, he had even shaken off Huangfu Qiye's bodyguards this time, so it would be very easy to keep Huangfu Qiye by his side.

Therefore, he asked the bodyguard next to him, "How's that person's situation these two days?"

The bodyguard knew that his master was asking about Tang Xiaowei, so he respectfully replied, "Miss Tang has been very quiet these two days. She's very well-behaved. She didn't do anything and has been in the room the entire time."

Hearing this, Xiu Zhongsheng nodded with some satisfaction. "She can be considered quite sensible."

If Tang Xiaowei could continue to be so well-behaved, then in the future, when she gave birth to the child in her belly, he wouldn't kill her. He might even let her go and give her a sum of money.

"What is little young master doing now?" Xiu Zhongsheng asked about Xiao Anan.

The bodyguard answered respectfully, "Little young master is already asleep."

Xiu Zhongsheng narrowed his eyes. It was already late.