Chapter 589: negotiation, three choices

His body was old and he was indeed a little sleepy. Moreover, there were still at least two to three hours before Huangfu Qiye came over.

In that case, he decided to take a nap first. When Huangfu Qiye came over, he would come out to see him.

Therefore, he waved his hand and asked the bodyguard to leave. Then, he went back to his room to rest.


These two days, Tang Xiaowei's days and nights were reversed.

Because last time, she took advantage of a loophole and put on the doctor's clothes to escape once.

Therefore, the security in her place was very tight now.

Therefore, it was impossible for her to go out during the day. Therefore, during the day, when there were many people guarding outside, she would rest in her room.

However, because she slept too much during the day and could not sleep at night, she could only sit in her room in a daze because there was no television or books inside.

In the beginning, when she and Xiao Anan were captured, they were indeed like prisoners.

However, because Xiu Zhongsheng liked Xiao Anan, Xiao Anan was also doing well.

As for her, she was pregnant, so it was more or less the same.

But in the end, although they were not beaten or tortured, they were still imprisoned.

Who knew when these days would come to an end? Where was Huangfu Qiye?

Why hadn't he come yet?

Now, she couldn't escape by herself.


The night was heavy.

When the hour hand pointed to 12 o'clock, a black sports car quickly stopped in front of the iron gate of the ancient castle.

The security guard at the gate immediately went forward to check and inquire.

The car door was opened, and a handsome but dark-faced man walked out. He pushed aside the security guard who had come forward to inquire and strode into the castle with a dark expression.

The security guard did not know who the other party was. Seeing that the other party was so arrogant, he immediately reached out his hand to grab the arrogant man. "Stop, this is a private castle!"

There were two security guards at the gate, so after one of the security guards shouted, the other quickly walked over, wanting to stop the arrogant man who had just gotten out of the car.

However, they had just gotten close to the man, and before they could touch the corner of his clothes, they were easily controlled by the man and thrown to the ground.

After Huangfu Qiye beat up the man, he dusted off the dust on his hands. His black eyes coldly swept across the security guards on the ground who he could not get up from. Then, he strode into the ancient castle.

This time, there were people here, and the ancient castle inside had lights. It seemed that old man Xiu was not lying when he said that the address this time was real.

Huangfu Qiye walked into the ancient castle. Because of the noise at the door, a group of black-clothed men came out from the ancient castle and quickly surrounded him.

Huangfu Qiye's face was gloomy. His cold gaze swept over the people who surrounded him.

The anger in his heart exploded at this moment.

He didn't say anything. He walked forward, raised his fist, and began to beat people.

These black-clothed men originally thought that they would scare him and ask him who he was, but they didn't expect him to be so powerful and brave. He clenched his fist and started to fight.

Thus, very quickly, a group of people rushed to his side, and the group of people started to fight.

At that moment, the bodyguard guarding the door of Xiu Zhongsheng's room anxiously knocked on the door. "Master, young master Qiye is here. Please get up and take a look. He is fighting with the bodyguards in the castle."

Although Xiu Zhongsheng was tired, he was still a light sleeper. When he heard the sound outside, he immediately woke up.

Therefore, with the help of the maid, he put on his clothes, walked out of the door and went downstairs.

At that moment, on the lawn outside, the group of men in black were all lying on the ground, unable to move. Almost all of them were injured, with bruises and painful groans.

On the other hand, Huangfu Qiye's clothes and hair were only a little messy. He did not look injured at all.

He panted slightly and ignored the people who had been beaten to the ground. Then, he walked into the castle.

When he walked into the hall of the castle, it was so quiet inside that it was as if a needle had fallen to the ground. One could even hear the sound of it.

However, there were many more men in black inside than on the lawn outside. There were only eight to nine people outside, but there were actually more than dozens of people in this hall.

Huangfu Qiye had just fought with those men in black. Those men in black knew kung fu, so he could easily deal with them. However, if the dozens of people in the hall fought with him, he knew very well that under such circumstances, he couldn't easily leave with Xiaowei and An An.

He walked over and saw Xiu Zhongsheng sitting on a wooden chair among the men in black, squinting at him.

"Where's my fiancee and child?" Huangfu Qiye looked at Xiu Zhongsheng coldly. He sneered, "Just tell me what you want. I'll give you everything I can, but you have to release my fiancee and child immediately. Otherwise, no matter how many bodyguards you have by your side, I'll make you regret capturing my fiancee and child!"

"Qiye, we're blood-related grandfather and grandson. When we meet, we shouldn't be so confrontational. Sit down first, we can have a good chat." Xiu Zhongsheng's voice sounded very gentle.

Huangfu Qiye did not go over to sit down. He still stood in his original spot, standing straight. His entire body was filled with a cold and hard aura.

"Speak, what exactly do you want?"

Xiu Zhongsheng saw that this grandson did not listen to him, he simply did not know what was good for him.

He also frowned and said unhappily, "I did prepare three choices for you to choose from."

"Speak." Huangfu Qiye's expression was cold; one could not see the thoughts in his heart.

"The first choice, if you want to save your woman, I can promise that you can take her away immediately, but I have to keep your son. I will kill this child. The second choice, you can choose to save your child, but you can not take your woman away. Similarly, I will kill your woman when you leave. And the third choice..." Xiu Zhongsheng coldly said the first two choices. Then, he deliberately paused for a moment and looked coldly at Huangfu Qiye.

Huangfu Qiye's face was darker than before. Although Xiu Zhongsheng's suggestion made him angry, he did not want to lose his temper at this moment. He frowned and asked, "What is the third choice?"

"The third choice is for you to stay and be my grandson obediently. Then, I will prepare someone to hypnotize you and make you forget about the past. After all, it's easier to manage you this way. If you choose the third choice, then I will let your child and woman go. After all, you are my grandson." Xiu Zhongsheng calmly said the third choice.

"What if I say that I'm not willing to choose anything?" Huangfu Qiye was silent for a few seconds. He looked sharply at Xiu Zhongsheng and his voice was frighteningly cold.

These three choices made it very difficult for him to choose!