Chapter 590: Huangfu Qiye in a coma

Upon hearing Huangfu Qiye's words, Xiu Zhongsheng had an indifferent look on his face. He chuckled and said, "Qiye, you're still too young. Previously at your forest manor, it was your territory after all. Moreover, it was the first and last time I went to your place, so when you chased me away, I didn't fight back."

Upon hearing this, Huangfu Qiye's frown deepened.

Xiu Zhongsheng's expression was arrogant. He continued, "Do you really think that your grandfather can't defeat you? I advise you to be tactful. From the start of our conversation today, I will have someone calculate the time. In one hour, if you still don't make a good choice, I will kill your woman first, and then one hour later, your son..."

"Don't you dare touch them!" Huangfu Qiye roared angrily when he heard this. He took a few steps forward and was so angry that he wanted to kill someone.

The men in black beside Xiu Zhongsheng rushed forward and surrounded him. They immediately put some distance between them so that Huangfu Qiye could not get close to Xiu Zhongsheng at all.

At that moment, Xiu Zhongsheng opened his mouth and said, "Show him."

Huangfu Qiye was stunned. Then, he suddenly heard a few women's screams and sounds of fighting.

There was a sense of deja vu in that voice. Huangfu Qiye frowned and turned to look at the television on the wall beside him.

On the television, there were some scenes playing. In the scene, in a dark room, the video was recorded through an infrared surveillance camera.

There were four people inside. Three of them were in ragged clothes and were fighting in an abnormal state of mind. In the other corner, a trembling person was hugging her knees, her face full of fear.

He actually knew who these people were.

The three women who seemed to have gone crazy fighting were actually Huangfu Yuner and Yuan Shan, as well as Zhang Tian, who he had chased out of the company.

On the other side, the person who was squatting on the ground and afraid was his Xiaowei.

"What on earth did you do to her?" Huangfu Qiye clenched his fists in anger and turned his head to look at Xiu Zhongsheng.

Xiu Zhongsheng's expression was indifferent. He had a gentle look on his face. "As you can see, those three people have gone mad. Now that your woman is locked up with them, if you don't want to see your woman driven mad or beaten up by those three crazy women, then obediently choose."

"Where's the child?" Huangfu Qiye controlled his anger and asked.

Just now, he only saw Xiaowei, but An An didn't appear in the picture. He was worried about Xiaowei and An An.

Now, he didn't even dare to look at the picture that was still playing on the TV.

"The child? Of course, he's being held separately. If you still don't make a good choice after an hour, I'll show you the video of the child after killing Tang Xiaowei. I believe you won't be able to take it." Xiu Zhongsheng deliberately smiled in a very strange and sinister manner.

In fact, because Tang Xiaowei had been found to be pregnant, although Xiu Zhongsheng had imprisoned her, he didn't lock her up in the small dark room again.

The video that had just been shown to Huangfu Qiye in the small dark room was edited from the video that Tang Xiaowei had recorded when she was imprisoned in the beginning.

These videos were meant to provoke Huangfu Qiye. Now, it was up to him to decide.

As soon as Xiu Zhongsheng finished speaking, Huangfu Qiye frowned.

He remembered the three choices that Xiu Zhongsheng had mentioned clearly.

Of course, he wanted to save Xiaowei and the child, but the price was to make him recognize Xiu Zhongsheng as his grandfather and to be hypnotized to forget the past.

The more Huangfu Qiye thought about hypnosis being used to erase his memories, the more painful it became.

How could he bear to forget Xiao Wei and everything that happened in the past?

But for now, if he wanted Xiaowei and An An to live a good life, he could only agree to it first.

Because he didn't have any extra people around him, and he didn't know where Xiu Zhongsheng had locked Xiaowei and An An up. If he were to rashly resist, what if Xiu Zhongsheng really killed Xiaowei after an hour?

Although Xiu Zhongsheng looked like an ordinary old man at the moment, Xiu Zhongsheng had once been pursued by Huangfu Haoming, but now he was doing well. This meant that Xiu Zhongsheng wasn't a simple person, not to mention that Huangfu Qiye had also found some information about Xiu Zhongsheng, and he knew that Xiu Zhongsheng was ruthless.

Therefore, even if he could struggle a little, Huangfu Qiye did not dare to risk the woman and child he loved the most.

As long as he could save Xiaowei and An An, he was willing to accept it as long as he recognized his grandfather and agreed to be hypnotized.

He believed that no matter how the other party hypnotized him, he would not be hypnotized. He loved Xiaowei so much, and he would definitely remember her forever.

"I choose the third one, but you must release the mother and son immediately," Huangfu Qiye said in a deep voice. His tone was solemn. "I want to see you send them to a safe place, and then my people will take them away. Only then will I agree to be hypnotized by you."

Upon hearing that, Xiu Zhongsheng sneered "Qiye, actually, you can only choose the third choice after you enter this ancient castle. I can't promise you I will release the mother and son because you can't wait until an hour later in your current state. Hahaha..."

Huangfu Qiye frowned. He felt that something was wrong after listening to the other party's words. Moreover, he also felt that something was wrong with his body.

He felt dizzy and his body was unstable. He staggered for a moment before he stabilized his body. His black eyes were filled with fury. "When did you guys drug me?"

He could feel that he must have been drugged. Otherwise, he wouldn't suddenly feel so dizzy.

If he didn't feel dizzy, he could still fight with these people and persist until the end until these people let Xiaowei and An An go. This way, at least after he was controlled by old man Xiu, he would be able to save Xiao Wei and An An.

However, his head was especially dizzy now, so not to mention fighting with others, even if these tall bodyguards pushed him, he might fall down.

"Just now when you were fighting with those bodyguards outside, a few of them did something. They are experts in using poison. No wonder you didn't notice." Xiu Zhongsheng still smiled coldly.

Huangfu Qiye was filled with regret. If he hadn't rushed in to look for them, how could he not have noticed that there was something wrong with those bodyguards.

However, it was too late to regret now. He couldn't hold on for long and cursed angrily before fainting and falling to the ground.

Xiu Zhongsheng let out a long sigh before standing up and instructing the bodyguards at the side, "Send young master Qiye back to the room prepared for him. Then, give him a few injections of medicine and call Xiu Lulu over."

"Yes, master, please rest assured." The bodyguards hurriedly nodded respectfully in reply.

Then, under the watchful gaze of Xiu Zhongsheng, Huangfu Qiye was carried upstairs by two bodyguards to a large bed in a spacious and luxurious bedroom.