Chapter 591: Huangfu Qiye is hypnotized

Soon after, a doctor came over and gave Huangfu Qiye two injections before leaving silently.

A few minutes later, Xiu Lulu also entered the room.

Xiu Zhongsheng entered the bedroom and sat on the sofa. He then instructed Xiu Lulu and the bodyguards, "Go wake up Qiye. He doesn't have the strength to fight anyone."

Xiu Zhongsheng's tone was nervous and hurried. "Get someone to hold his body. Lulu, go and hypnotize him. Make him forget everything and everyone in the past, including people like Huangfu Haoming and Tang Xiaowei. He is my biological grandson. In his memory, reenter the memory that I prepared beforehand."

Xiu Lulu nodded and took a thick stack of papers.

Xiu Zhongsheng had prepared all of them. He asked Xiu Lulu to erase Huangfu Qiye's previous memories and then input them again, so that he could live with the memories on this stack of papers in the future.

Thus, Huangfu Qiye was quickly woken up.

After he opened his eyes, although he knew that his entire body was weak and that his entire body, including his head, was controlled by someone, he was still extremely angry. He shouted in the direction of Xiu Zhongsheng, "Xiu Zhongsheng, get your men to release me immediately. Otherwise, I will definitely not go easy on you just because you are my grandfather. I will definitely kill you!"

"You will not kill me. We are family, and soon, you will only acknowledge me as your biological grandfather. In the future, you will be filial to me and obediently follow the path that I have arranged for you. You will not disobey me again," Xiu Zhongsheng said faintly. He was not angry at all because of Huangfu Qiye's threat.

After all, he had won now. As long as Xiu Lulu successfully hypnotized him, Huangfu Qiye would only have him as his grandfather in the future, and he would also obediently listen to him.

"Stop daydreaming. I won't be hypnotized." Huangfu Qiye snorted coldly.

"Lulu, let's begin." Xiu Zhongsheng began to urge Xiu Lulu, unwilling to speak to Huangfu Qiye anymore.

Thus, Xiu Lulu went forward with some trepidation, preparing to hypnotize Huangfu Qiye.

However, when she met Huangfu Qiye's eyes, Xiu Lulu began to be afraid. In the past, Xiu Lulu had never liked anyone. In order to live well in the Xiu family, she obediently became Xiu Sheng's fiancee. But later, she discovered that Xiu Sheng was useless.. In order to survive in the future, she began to seduce Xiu Yuan.

Of course, she also knew that Xiu Yuan did not like her, so she did not let go of her true feelings for anyone.

But now, after looking into Huangfu Qiye's eyes, although his gaze was filled with anger, displeasure, and unwillingness, she still had a good impression of him.

Sure enough, grandpa's taste was good. He was willing to give all of his assets to Huangfu Qiye, so it turned out that he had a reason.

Just one look from Huangfu Qiye could make her immediately change her attitude towards him.

She looked at Huangfu Qiye and began to plan in her heart. In any case, her grandfather wanted her to marry Huangfu Qiye, and in the future, her grandfather was going to give all the family assets to Huangfu Qiye.

In that case, since she wanted Huangfu Qiye to forget everything that had happened before and add new memories to him, she had to earn some benefits for herself.

Because she suddenly felt that it was very dangerous for her to fight for the family assets alone in the future, and it would be very easy for her to enjoy the family assets together with Huangfu Qiye after marrying him. Thinking about how Huangfu Qiye loved Tang Xiaowei so much.. Xiu Lulu was jealous and envious.

She felt that she could try to accept Huangfu Qiye. After he lost his previous memories and started over, she would live a good life with him. With her grandfather protecting them, she would be able to live a peaceful and stable life in the future without being afraid.

Therefore, she calmed down and took out the props, ready to hypnotize Huangfu Qiye.

When Huangfu Qiye saw the woman taking out the props, he also knew what the Xiu family was going to do to him.

"I'm warning you all to stop these boring actions. Believe me, when I recover one day, you won't have a good ending!" Huangfu Qiye coldly looked at the woman in front of him and Xiu Zhongsheng.

The cold and arrogant aura that he emitted made people involuntarily feel their hair stand on end, and they subconsciously felt afraid.

Xiu Lulu felt her hair stand on end under Huangfu Qiye's gaze. She was stunned for a moment and didn't dare to come any closer. Then, she turned around and carefully looked at Xiu Zhongsheng. "Gandfather..."

Xiu Zhongsheng coldly snorted, "Continue, don't stop. Before dawn, we must make him forget about the past!"

Xiu Lulu was most afraid of Xiu Zhongsheng. Therefore, when Xiu Zhongsheng said this, although she was also afraid of Huangfu Qiye's cold and terrifying gaze, she still braced herself and began to approach him.

Huangfu Qiye clenched his fists and wanted to push away the few bodyguards beside him. However, in the end, he was powerless. He did not have any strength and was still controlled by these bodyguards.

Xiu Lulu forced herself not to pay attention to Huangfu Qiye's frightening gaze because she was afraid that she would not be able to control the situation if she broke up with him.

After that, she began to focus on making her move.

At first, Huangfu Qiye was so angry that he almost wanted to kill someone.

But very soon, slowly, his expression began to change.


Tang Xiaowei counted the days and nights outside. After some calculations, she realized that she had actually been locked up for five days.

During these five days, other than the doctors who came in to check on her health every day or the maids who brought her food, she had not seen anyone else.

Of course, she could not go out either and was locked inside.

Occasionally, when she wanted to go out, she was blocked by the bodyguards at the door, and they were four tall bodyguards.

The other party also told her not to take the risk just because she was pregnant, because the master had already instructed that if she continued to make trouble, he would not care if she was pregnant and would directly attack her.

Tang Xiaowei was not familiar with Xiu Zhongsheng and did not know whether these words were true or false. Naturally, she did not dare to take the risk with the baby in her stomach, so she could only continue to stay in the room.

She was looking forward to Huangfu Qiye bringing many people to save her and Xiao Anan.

But day after day, there was no news of him coming.

Until noon that day, because she was locked in the room, she really had nothing to do and could only rest. After all, she also liked the baby in her stomach. Now that she could not escape, she could only take care of the baby.

However, while she was half asleep, she vaguely heard a familiar voice.

His voice was very gentle, as if he was talking to someone. His voice was deep, pleasant, and full of tenderness, just like every time he spoke to her.

She opened her eyes, not daring to breathe loudly. She listened carefully, afraid that she had misheard.