Chapter 594: Heartache for her

It turned out that she was really unimportant in Huangfu Qiye's heart.

Her existence might just be a toy for him, but she really thought that they would be together forever.


Her tears suddenly became more and more fierce, attracting the attention of the bodyguards and maids, as well as Huangfu Qiye and Xiu Lulu.

However, Huangfu Qiye did not come over to hug her as he used to. He just stood with another woman, holding hands and watching her cry coldly.

Tang Xiaowei suddenly felt that it was extremely ironic. She kept stepping back. She did not make a sound, but her tears kept falling. She looked at Huangfu Qiye, who was so close to this other woman, in disbelief.

She did not know why he would suddenly act like this.

But now that he had done so, she was clear about his choice.

His love was so cheap and short-lived. A few days ago, he had proposed in a hurry. Now, he was able to make out with other women in front of her.

Now she no longer cared about whether he saved her or not. She only knew that he could act so well in front of her, saying that she had mistaken him for someone else.

How could she have mistaken him for someone else.

He was the one who was lying. He deliberately did not acknowledge her.

Fine, if he did not acknowledge her, then so be it. She immediately turned around and walked inside, unwilling to look at the two people outside the door.

If he did not love her, then she did not love him. She could also completely walk away and forget about him. She was not the kind of woman who would shamelessly go after someone who had played her. She was not that stupid.

However, she had only run two steps when she suddenly felt a pain in her stomach. She fell to the ground.

She closed her eyes and tears kept flowing down. However, a faint and strange smile appeared on her lips.

It turned out that Huangfu Qiye wasn't the only one who didn't want her anymore. Even the baby in her stomach might be leaving her.

She closed her eyes in pain and quickly fainted.

The maid next to her fainted. She was so scared that she hurriedly shouted, "Miss Tang!"

Then, she and the bodyguard rushed forward to help her up.

Meanwhile, Xiu Lulu, who was standing at the entrance of the villa, continued to stand there without saying a word or making a move.

As for Huangfu Qiye, he suddenly covered his chest tightly with his hand and frowned.

He asked himself, why?

Why did his heart ache so much when he saw the woman who had called out to him just now faint after crying and leaving?

Why was it like this?

Could it be that he really knew this woman in the past?

But why didn't he have any impression of this woman in his mind?

But since she wasn't in his memories, then why did his heart hurt so much when she was heartbroken and fainted? He was already in so much pain that he really wanted to push everyone away immediately and hug this unconscious woman.

But reason told him that he didn't know this woman, and his own fianc��e was right next to him. He wasn't a promiscuous person, and he didn't like to touch other women when he already had a fianc��e. Anyway, there were maids and bodyguards here Even if that woman fainted, there would be someone to take care of her. Therefore, Huangfu Qiye did not want to stay any longer. He was afraid that he would not be able to control his actions because of his heartache. Hence, he pulled Xiu Lulu's hand He said in a deep voice, "let's go. We should go back. "

Xiu Lulu saw that he did not show any signs of heartache or worry after seeing Tang Xiaowei cry and faint. Hence, she believed that he had definitely lost his memory. Therefore, she nodded happily and left with him.

After the two of them left, Huangfu Qiye was in a bad mood and returned to his room.

Xiu Lulu felt that she had just brought Huangfu Qiye out and must have provoked him a little. Then, she didn't bother him anymore and left his room, preparing to leave.

However, just as she went downstairs, she was blocked by someone.

Xiu Yuan didn't tie his long hair today. His hair grew to his shoulders. He stood at the stairs and stared coldly at Xiu Lulu. His tone was unfriendly. "Lulu, have you forgotten our plan and cooperation?"

Even though Xiu Zhongsheng had warned Xiu Yuan not to look for Xiu Lulu, Xiu Yuan could not help it for the past two days.

Xiu Lulu had changed her plans. She planned to rely on Huangfu Qiye and Xiu Zhongsheng to live her life. Therefore, she naturally did not pay attention to Xiu Yuan these few days. She also did not care about the matter of her and Xiu Yuan working together.

Therefore, at this moment, she deliberately pretended to be stupid and smiled. "Brother Xiu Yuan, what are you talking about? What cooperation can we have?"

When Xiu Yuan heard this, he knew that Xiu Lulu must have given up on cooperating with him. After all, if she gave up on him, she could smoothly be together with Huangfu Qiye. Moreover, Huangfu Qiye was the person that his grandfather valued the most. He was a smart and normal person. He would choose Huangfu Qiye and not him, Xiu Yuan.

However, he was still angry. He sneered. "Do you think you can work with me just because you want to? Do you think you can abandon me just because you want to? Xiu Lulu, I'm not someone to be trifled with. It's best for you to remember what you've done now. In the future, when you regret it, there's no reason for you to cry."

"Then you can rest assured. I have such an outstanding and perfect fiancee now. My future will be very good. I don't need you to worry at all. You should still worry about your current attitude. In the future, I might ask my future husband to not give you a job." Xiu Lulu knew that her path in the Xiu family would be more and more smooth in the future Therefore, her tone naturally became arrogant. In the past, she had to carefully talk to Xiu Yuan. After all, Xiu Yuan's status was more noble than hers and he was the grandson of the Xiu family.

But now, her fiancee was the person that her grandfather valued the most. Xiu Yuan was nothing.

In the future, a person like Xiu Yuan was not worth her hooking up with. Xiu Yuan might not even have the right to carry her shoes.

"Yes, I know that you have hardened your wings now. Then you better wait!" Xiu Yuan glanced at Xiu Lulu angrily, then turned around and left.

"Hmph." Xiu Lulu didn't care about his threat at all and snorted coldly from behind.

Anyway, Xiu Yuan knew what Xiu Lulu was going to do in the previous plan.

Moreover, now that her grandfather and Huangfu Qiye were protecting her, Xiu Lulu wasn't afraid of anything.

She could also tell her grandfather about Xiu Yuan's plan and let him deal with Xiu Yuan.

Thus, Xiu Lulu left the main building in a good mood.

However, she didn't notice that a black shadow flashed across the corridor behind him as he left.


When Tang Xiaowei woke up, her stomach was no longer in pain, but her heart still ached.

Although she was awake, she still closed her eyes and lay quietly on the bed, unwilling to move.

She still remembered everything before she fainted, including the appearance of Huangfu Qiye.