Chapter 595: Pain, helplessness

At the same time, she also remembered that Huangfu Qiye did not care about how sad she was. Right now, she was the only one in the room.

The slender fingers under the blanket tightly gripped the bedsheet. Her tears quietly slid down and disappeared into the pillow.

She did not know what had happened.

However, she knew very well that the current Huangfu Qiye no longer cared about her and did not want her anymore.

After not seeing him for three years, she thought that she would tell him everything clearly and that under his gentle pampering, they would be happy forever.

However, she had not expected that he would change his surname to Xiu. He clearly wanted everything in the Xiu family before abandoning her and her child and choosing to be with the woman in the Xiu family.

He had actually abandoned her for money.

She really wanted to tell herself that it was no big deal. If he could not even acknowledge her for money and was even willing to change his surname, then the words he had said in the past must have been all sweet words to deceive her. They were all fake.

She was stupid. That was why she had trusted him time and time again because she loved him.

This time, she trusted him more than ever. But before she fainted, she kept asking him, but he was as cold as ice, and he even made out with other women.

She had once said that if he dared to let other women touch him, she would take the child and run away.

Now he finally touched someone else, and it was in front of her.

"Heh." She sneered, feeling that her relationship was really too rough.

It seemed that she really could not trust him anymore.

This time, she shouldn't have thought that she would be happy. Perhaps there was no such thing as happiness in her life.

If he let go, so be it. Although she was heartbroken and sad, she wasn't willing to pester him anymore.

Before she left this place, she could force herself to forget about him. If she could leave this place in the future, she swore that she would never see him again.

Because, she realized that he was really a scoundrel. She was clearly abandoned, but she still didn't want to hate him.

She lay quietly on the bed, not moving at all.

The maid gently pushed the door open and walked in. Then, she called out in a low voice, "Miss Tang, are you awake? You've been unconscious for an entire day. If you're awake, then get up and eat something."

Hearing the maid's voice, Tang Xiaowei, who had been silent all this while, finally sat up. However, she ignored the maid's relieved look when she saw that she was awake and thought that she would eat.

Tang Xiaowei asked with a dull gaze, "Is my child still there?"

The maid hurriedly nodded. "Yes, yes, he's still there. The doctor said that it's not a miscarriage. Just be careful in the future."

"When I was unconscious, did he come?" Tang Xiaowei asked again.

The maid was stunned for a moment, and then vaguely guessed that the person Tang Xiaowei was asking about might be that young master Qiye whom the Xiu family had just brought back in the past few days.

After all, the reason Miss Tang was unconscious today was also because of young master Qiye.

Although the maid previously thought that Tang Xiaowei couldn't have anything to do with young master Qiye, after seeing Tang Xiaowei's craziness today, the maid didn't dare to say anything and didn't dare to ridicule her.

She shook her head. "After you were unconscious, only the doctor came to see you. No one else came."

After all, Tang Xiaowei was imprisoned here. Who could come to see her?

Moreover, even though the maid did not say it, she still felt that Tang Xiaowei was talking nonsense. The maid felt that only Miss Lulu had the qualifications and status to be worthy of young master Qiye.

On the other hand, Tang Xiaowei was just an ordinary person.

After listening to the maid's words, Tang Xiaowei's eyes dimmed.

It turned out that after she passed out, Huangfu Qiye did not come to see her.

Although she knew that the child was still there and that she did not miscarry, she still could not be happy. Her heart was still stinging.

Did Huangfu Qiye not have enough?

Why did he change so much now? He did not even want his own surname. He took someone else's surname and still pretended not to know her.

She reached out and hugged her aching head. Then, she fell back onto the bed and covered herself with the blanket.

The maid originally thought that Tang Xiaowei had sat up because she wanted to eat. Now that she had fallen back onto the bed again.. She could not help but worry. "Miss Tang, you should get up and eat something. You have not eaten for a day. This is not good for your body and it is not good for the child in your stomach."

But this time, Tang Xiaowei ignored the maid. She didn't say a word and hid under the blanket.

Although the maid was very worried, she didn't dare to go up and lift the blanket.

She shouted a few more times. In the end, she was really afraid that Tang Xiaowei would drag her body down more and more because she hadn't eaten anything, so she could only leave. Then, she made a phone call and reported to Xiu Zhongsheng.


In the cute children's room full of children's toys.

At this moment, Xiao Anan picked up the toys and threw them on the ground in frustration. He pointed at the old man who was smiling at him. "Bad old man, how long are you going to keep me locked up? I want to see my mother? If I don't see her today, I will smash everything here."

Xiu Zhongsheng frowned. "An An, I am your great-grandfather. Now your father is calling me grandfather, why do you still not know the rules?"

"I don't believe that my father will call you grandfather. You are so bad. You took me away. It has been a few days and you still won't let me see my mother." Xiao Anan did not believe what the old man said.

He was so angry that his little face turned red. Tears quickly gathered in his big eyes. His little hand angrily wiped his eyes. "I miss my mother. If you don't let me see my mother, I'll starve to death. Sob sob sob..."

Xiu Zhongsheng saw that the little guy was crying and hurriedly reached out to carry Xiao Anan.

However, Xiao Anan especially hated him. He turned around and walked into the pile of toys behind him.

Xiu Zhongsheng couldn't carry the little guy and could only stand there and sigh.

He had already let Xiu Lulu hypnotize Qiye, and Qiye had completely lost his previous memories. Now, Qiye was very respectful to him.

However, Xiao Anan was not so obedient.

However, Xiao Anan was still young and was a child. He did not want Xiu Lulu to hypnotize the little guy, so he wanted to take care of him himself and let the little guy slowly fall in love with his great-grandfather.

Unfortunately, Xiao Anan was too attached to his mother now, so Xiao Anan had been asking for information about Tang Xiaowei every day for the past few days.

Xiu Zhongsheng sighed. At this time, the bodyguard next to him took out a phone and whispered a few words to him.

When Xiu Zhongsheng heard this, he frowned and took the phone.

Soon, he hung up the phone and walked to Xiao Anan He said helplessly, "Let's go. I'll bring you to see your mother. However, I can only let you see her for a few minutes. After a few minutes, you have to separate from her. In these few minutes, you have to let her eat."