Chapter 601: "I don't like her at all. "

Seeing that Xiu Yuan was very angry, Xiu Rouxue didn't reveal anything on the surface, but in her heart, she felt very happy.

Xiu Yuan was finally no longer seduced by that little slut Xiu Lulu. Moreover, in the future, Xiu Yuan definitely wouldn't have any chance of getting the Xiu family's property. Xiu Yuan definitely wouldn't dare to yell at her in the future.

Compared to the thoughts and actions of the other adults, Xiao Anan, who was currently sitting with Xiu Zhongsheng, had his eyes wide open.

The little guy had been carefully looking in Huangfu Qiye's direction.

For the past two days, he had been paying attention to this person who looked like his father, but whose personality was completely different from his father's.

When he had met his mother that day, his mother had said that this person was his father. The bad old man had also said that this was his father, but his father had lost his memory.

Thus, Xiao Anan would monitor Huangfu Qiye every day. Every time he saw him and Xiu Lulu getting close, the little guy would stop him.

However, he could only stop Xiu Lulu from doing something bold. Xiao Anan could not stop Xiu Lulu from pulling Huangfu Qiye's arm.

So now that Huangfu Qiye was asleep and Xiu Lulu did not pester Huangfu Qiye anymore, Xiao Anan let out a sigh of relief.

Although his father had forgotten about him and his mother and changed his personality, as long as he was around, he would definitely stop his father from being with another woman.

"An An, are you sleepy? Sleep for a while now. You should be here when you wake up." Xiu Zhongsheng gently patted Xiao Anan's head.

Xiao Anan looked serious as he continued to stare in Huangfu Qiye's direction. "I'm not sleepy. I want to guard properly."

"Guard what?" Xiu Zhongsheng's curiosity was piqued and he couldn't help but ask.

Xiao Anan said righteously, "Of course, I want to guard my father. I can't let him betray my mother when he has lost his memory."

"An An, I've said it before. Your mother isn't good enough for your father. This aunt Lulu is more suitable for your father. You should try to like aunt Lulu and stop thinking about your mother." After listening to Xiao Anan's words, Xiu Zhongsheng started to teach him again.

Xiao Anan frowned when he heard this. He clenched his small fists and shouted angrily, "I don't like this bad woman in red. She stole my father. I don't like her. I only like my own mother."

Everyone on the plane instantly quieted down when the little guy's voice came out.

Even Xiu Lulu, who was still pretending to be asleep, subconsciously gasped. She wanted to hear what her grandfather's attitude was like when he spoke to Xiao Anan.

Not far away, Tang Xiaowei was in her seat. Because the plane was about to take off, the bodyguards had already let her sit down and fastened her seatbelt, so she couldn't see the child, but she could still hear the child's voice.

She was also silent, wanting to hear Xiu Zhongsheng's answer.

However, after a long silence, Xiu Zhongsheng only said faintly, "An An, great-grandfather is a little sleepy and wants to rest. Your father is also resting. You should close your eyes and rest."

Xiu Zhongsheng deliberately ignored what Xiao Anan said. He did not say that Xiao Anan must accept Xiu Lulu, nor did he say that there was no need to accept her. He also did not mention Tang Xiaowei. After saying that, he seemed to be really sleepy. Then, he yawned and asked the maid next to him to help him rest.

His answer made Xiu Lulu, who was listening carefully, a little worried. She thought that grandfather would always support her, but she did not expect that grandfather would not pick up the child's words in front of so many people. He did not directly announce that the child should accept her.

From the sound of it, there might be some changes in the future.

But now, she had already fallen out with her former partner, Xiu Yuan. Now, she could only cling tightly to Huangfu Qiye and her grandfather. So even if her grandfather did not force Xiao Anan to accept her now, Xiu Lulu did not dare to say anything. She could only continue to pretend to be asleep.

On the other side, Tang Xiaowei heard Xiu Zhongsheng's words and knew that he was indeed giving her a chance.

She heaved a sigh of relief. As long as she could pass Xiu Zhongsheng's test in the future, she would soon be able to be together with Qiye and Xiao Anan.

Even if Huangfu Qiye had forgotten her, she was not afraid. She would stay with him and try her best to remind him of her.

Xiao Anan saw that the bad old man ignored him and went straight to sleep. He turned and looked around him. He saw that everyone else besides the bodyguards and maids had started to sleep. He could not help but yawn. Then, he felt a little sleepy.

Therefore, he leaned towards Xiu Zhongsheng and asked in a low voice, "Bad old man, where's my mother? Didn't you say that she would leave with us?"

Xiu Zhongsheng did not feel sleepy. He just did not want to be questioned by Xiao Anan.

However, even though he was pretending to be asleep, he still could not avoid the little guy's questions. He could only open his eyes and reach out to hug Xiao Anan, saying, "In the future, you have to call me great-grandfather. Otherwise, I won't talk to you. I won't answer your questions."

Xiao Anan heard this and pouted in anger, "You're so bad. You caused me to be separated from my parents. I won't call you great-grandfather unless you can let me be together with my parents."

"Little brat, I can't win against you. Okay, I'll tell you. Your mother is here, too, but I won't tell you where she is. I'll tell you where she is after we get off the plane." Xiu Zhongsheng was very fond of this child who had the Huangfu family's bloodline. He was very fond of this child, so if the little guy's request wasn't too excessive, he would be able to satisfy it.

"Is my mother really here? You didn't lie to me?" Xiao Anan still didn't believe it. After all, he had been looking around, but he still hadn't found his mother.

"Why would I lie to you?" Xiu Zhongsheng lowered his voice. "I'm a man of my word. Hurry up and sit down. Otherwise, accidents will happen when the plane takes off."

Only then did Xiao Anan believe him, and he sat down obediently.

Hearing that Xiao Anan had become obedient, Tang Xiaowei on the other side also let out a sigh of relief.

After that, it was a long flight.

During this period, Tang Xiaowei had been feeling very uncomfortable. Along the way, she went to the bathroom twice with the help of the maid.

The third time when she wanted to vomit, she covered her mouth and walked into the bathroom under the supervision of a maid and a bodyguard.

However, when she came out of the bathroom after vomiting painfully, she found a familiar figure standing outside.

She stood at the door of the bathroom, her body stiff. She found that she could not move and could only stare blankly at his back. Her eyes began to hurt.

At that moment, he suddenly turned around and looked at her with a slightly cold gaze.