Chapter 600: Leave Australia

After that, she wiped the sweat off her forehead.

Xiu Zhongsheng's tone and intention were not to reject her, but he did not agree either. Even so, she knew that he would give her a chance.

She also felt that Xiu Zhongsheng had been forcing Huangfu Qiye to come back, and because he still cared about Huangfu Qiye's grandmother, he also cared about Huangfu Qiye.

In that case, he definitely did not want to see Huangfu Qiye unable to be with the person he loved his entire life.

Therefore, Tang Xiaowei could only make herself stronger and no longer let others think that she was a waste.


Tang Xiaowei stayed in her room for two days in a row. Then, that night.. She finally received a call from Xiu Zhongsheng. "Tonight, we're leaving Australia. Since you want me to give you a chance, then this time, when you take the plane to leave, it's best if you don't do anything sneaky. I won't drug you. As long as you obediently follow the bodyguards and maids by your side to leave Australia, I'll immediately give you a chance to test you once you reach your destination."

Xiu Zhongsheng didn't want to give her a drug that would make her fall asleep. He was afraid that it would hurt the Huangfu family's bloodline in her stomach.

And now, he was in a hurry to leave and go back to his base camp, so he called her.

Tang Xiaowei waited for two days and finally got the result she wanted. Of course, she didn't dare to say anything. She could only answer seriously, "Okay, please don't worry, Mr. Xiu. I won't do anything. As long as I get to my destination, please give me a chance."

She urgently needed a chance to prove herself. As long as Xiu Zhongsheng felt that she was worthy of Huangfu Qiye, she would not be locked up anymore. Then, she would be able to meet Xiao Anan and Huangfu Qiye.

"We'll talk when we arrive at the destination. At that time, you might not even last a day." Xiu Zhongsheng's tone started to become sarcastic again. After saying that, he directly hung up the phone.

Tang Xiaowei was holding the phone, but she felt a sense of relief in her heart.

Because of the way the phone was set up, there was no way for her to call anyone outside for help.

So after she put down her phone and got up, she saw the maid come in and say to her, "Miss Tang, we're going to leave this place now. Come with us."

Tang Xiaowei nodded. Since she didn't have any luggage, she followed them out.

There were two cars parked on the lawn outside.

She got into one of them, followed by the bodyguards and the maid, while the rest of them got into another car.

The car soon left this place in the night.

There were people on both sides of Tang Xiaowei, but she could still see the scenery outside the car window.

As the car gradually drove away from the small villa, she looked back at the main building of the ancient castle that she had entered once before.

Therefore, she could see the lights shining from afar. There were many cars and many people.

It seemed that tonight, everyone was leaving together.

It was the people from the Xiu family. They were afraid that the people that Huangfu Qiye had arranged would find them.

Tang Xiaowei couldn't contact the outside world right now, and the people she cared about the most were controlled by Xiu Zhongsheng, so she didn't dare to make a sound. She could only look away. After all, after looking for a while, she still didn't see Huangfu Qiye or Xiao Anan.

After this, her thoughts were wandering the entire way.

Until the car arrived at the airport and then boarded the private plane, there were bodyguards and maids guarding her at all times. No one was allowed to see her, and she was also not allowed to get close to anyone.

She and these people boarded the plane first, and then they were arranged to sit in a corner.

Then, she heard voices coming from the front. The members of the Xiu family had all come up together.

She raised her head slightly and indeed, she saw Xiu Zhongsheng holding Xiao Anan's hand. The old man had a serious expression and the child pouted in dissatisfaction.

On the side, there was a silent and cold-faced Huangfu Qiye. However, what made Tang Xiaowei suffocate was that Xiu Lulu was still smiling as she held onto Huangfu Qiye's arm. Huangfu Qiye did not push her away.

The members of the Xiu family had also noticed Tang Xiaowei's figure. However, no one paid any attention to her. As Xiao Anan was still young, he could not see Tang Xiaowei, who was hidden behind the bodyguards.

Tang Xiaowei bit her lip and endured the unspeakable discomfort she felt after seeing another woman touch Huangfu Qiye.

Her gaze locked tightly onto Huangfu Qiye. As expected, she quickly discovered that he was indeed different from before.

In the past, although he was cold and indifferent, he wouldn't be so arrogant and aloof.

In the past, his coldness carried a domineering feeling, unlike now, when he was always so quiet and silent.

Therefore, he had indeed lost his memory, and had forgotten what kind of person he was in the past.

But why had he lost his memory?

Two days ago, in order to get Xiu Zhongsheng to agree to give her a chance, she did not dare to ask Xiu Zhongsheng why Huangfu Qiye had lost his memory. After all, Xiao Anan had also said at that time that Xiu Zhongsheng had asked Xiao Anan not to tell her.

But now, the matter of Huangfu Qiye losing his memory had become a huge question mark that pressed heavily on her head, giving her an incomparable headache.

How did he lose his memory?

Could it be that when he came to save her and her child, something happened and he was injured?

Thinking that he might be injured, Tang Xiaowei could not help but stare at him. The worry and nervousness in her eyes were obvious.

The maids and bodyguards beside her wanted to stop her, but they did not dare to do anything. After all, the master of the Xiu family was not far away. No one dared to make any noise, so they could only stand up with Tang Xiaowei and look around.

On the other side, Huangfu Qiye and Xiu Lulu followed Xiu Zhongsheng to their seats. Xiu Lulu sat down next to Huangfu Qiye and pretended not to notice Tang Xiaowei's gaze not far away. Instead, she continued to intimately hold onto Huangfu Qiye's arm and said gently, "Qiye, what do you want to eat? I'll get someone to prepare it for you."

Huangfu Qiye shook his head and then pulled his arm out of Xiu Lulu's hand. He said coldly, "I don't want to eat anything. Let me rest for a while."

After he finished speaking, he took out an eye mask and put it on. Then, he leaned back, looking like he wanted to sleep quietly.

Seeing him like this, Xiu Lulu didn't want to disturb him anymore. Then, she took out an eye mask and pretended to be obedient beside him. She also began to sleep.

Not far away, when Xiu Yuan and Xiu Rouxue saw the situation, Xiu Yuan's gaze became even gloomier. However, he didn't say anything and turned his head to look elsewhere.

Xiu Rouxue looked in Xiu Yuan's direction.