Chapter 599: Please give me a chance

This time, she held a tray with food on it.

"Miss Tang, you should be hungry. Eat something."

Although Tang Xiaowei still didn't have much of an appetite, she thought of Xiao Anan's words just now and knew that Huangfu Qiye had lost his memory and hadn't really abandoned her for money, so she nodded. Then, she asked the maid to put down the food.

Then, she got up, walked over, and sat down to eat.

Since she now roughly understood that Huangfu Qiye had lost his memory, that was why he was so cold to her.

In that case, she now had a very tough battle to fight, so she could not continue to be hungry. She needed to get better, and then think of a way to let Huangfu Qiye regain his memory so that the three of them could leave this place.

So, after eating, Tang Xiaowei told herself not to think too much. After sitting for a while, she began to lie down and rest.

The next morning.

She woke up very early. The sky outside had not yet fully lit up, and it was gray.

After she woke up, she walked into the bathroom and hurriedly washed up before opening the door.

Outside the door, there was another maid and two other bodyguards.

They looked at her who had suddenly appeared at the door and hurriedly asked, "Miss Tang, what's the matter?"

"You go and tell your master that I have something very important to discuss with him." Tang Xiaowei stood at the door and did not move. She only spoke calmly with a serious tone.

The maids and bodyguards at the door looked at each other. In the end, they saw that Tang Xiaowei was really serious The maid could only nod. "Okay, then I'll go and report it to master. However, he might not be up yet, so I can only report it to the butler beside him. Miss Tang, you need to wait a little longer."

"It's okay, I'm willing to wait. Then, I'll leave this matter to you. Thank you." After saying this, Tang Xiaowei gently closed the door and returned to the sofa in her room to sit down.

Her expression was calm, and her state of mind was also calm.

Perhaps, at the moment, this was the only method she could use to allow herself to move freely. She could also get close to Huangfu Qiye and regain his memories.

Although she might suffer a little, she wasn't afraid.

In the beginning, when she didn't like him, he could always pursue her. Now that he had lost his memories, she could only make this choice if she wanted to save their family of three and let him regain his memories.

Who asked her to be imprisoned now?

She waited in the room until it was daybreak when someone knocked on the door. Then, the maid pushed the door open and walked in, handing her a phone. "Miss Tang, our master wants to talk to you."

Tang Xiaowei nodded, then took the phone and put it to her ear.

"Tang Xiaowei, if you don't stay here and take care of the baby, do you think that because I asked Xiao Anan to visit you yesterday, you want to do something irresponsible again?" Xiu Zhongsheng's tone was not very good, obviously suspecting that she wanted to do something like escape again, so he was very annoyed.

Tang Xiaowei was not angry. She said calmly, "Mr. Xiu, I have something to discuss with you."

"What is it?" Xiu Zhongsheng said in a deep voice. "Get to the point."

"You asked Qiye and Xiu Lulu to be together because you think you have nurtured her, so you don't want to waste her, right?" Tang Xiaowei analyzed the situation indifferently.

After hearing this, Xiu Zhongsheng was silent for a while. Then, he said in an unhappy voice, "So what if I am? So what if I am not?"

Hearing this, Tang Xiaowei took a deep breath. Then, she said, "If you think so, then I want to tell you that you can train me and nurture me. I believe that I can do what Xiu Lulu can do. So, if I can do what you asked me to do, please don't put Huangfu Qiye and Xiu Lulu together. Please let me, Huangfu Qiye, and Xiao Anan not be separated like now."

"Train you? Nurture you?" Xiu Zhongsheng heard this. He was stunned for a few seconds. Then, he laughed mockingly. "Do you think it's so easy to train and nurture a person? Xiu Lulu was chosen by me from the orphanage. She has been training since she was a few years old. You are a girl who has never suffered, and you are still a pregnant woman. Do you really think you can compete with Xiu Lulu?"

Xiu Zhongsheng's tone was full of contempt and derision.

In his eyes, only strength and power were important. Therefore, he knew very well which of Xiu Lulu and Tang Xiaowei was a person who could endure hardship and which was useless.

"I haven't tried yet. How do you know that I can't compete with her? Anyway, you only need a granddaughter-in-law who is not a waste. Why aren't you willing to put me to the test? Huangfu Qiye and I love each other very much. If I pass your test and I am with Huangfu Qiye, you won't have anything to worry about?" Tang Xiaowei's tone was a little anxious.

"Just based on the fact that you're pregnant now, you won't be able to compete with the physical strength of a normal person like her." Xiu Zhongsheng coldly announced the final result. "Don't let your imagination run wild. Take good care of the fetus. When you give birth to Qiye's child, I might not kill you and let you leave safely."

Xiu Zhongsheng did not expect that Tang Xiaowei would actually guess his thoughts. Ever since he was chased out of the family by his brother, Huangfu Haoming, he indeed felt that when a Huangfu man married a woman, he had to marry a capable person and not a good-for-nothing who could not help in any way.

However, he was unwilling to continue the conversation with Tang Xiaowei.

Because he had read Tang Xiaowei's information, he felt that Tang Xiaowei was a good-for-nothing to the Huangfu family.

"Mr. Xiu, please give me a chance. I don't want to give up. No matter what you want me to do, as long as I can do it, please don't separate me, Qiye, and An An, okay?" Tang Xiaowei clenched her teeth and made another request.

Now that she was imprisoned and Huangfu Qiye had lost his memory, she had no other choice at the moment.

She really could not watch Huangfu Qiye, who had lost his memory, be with someone else.

At the same time, she could not accept that after she gave birth to the child in her belly, her fate would be unknown.

"Why did you make such a request?" This time, Xiu Zhongsheng did not reject her immediately. Instead, he was silent for a while before he asked in a slightly curious tone.

Tang Xiaowei did not even think about it and answered directly, "Because I love them."

She loved them, Huangfu Qiye and Xiao Anan. The two of them were the most important people in her life. She could not live without them.

She did not want to see them belong to someone else.

Xiu Zhongsheng snorted when he heard this. "Just wait. I'll call you when I've thought things through."

After he finished speaking, he immediately hung up.

After he hung up, Tang Xiaowei let out a long sigh of relief.