Chapter 598: knowing that he had lost his memory

Tang Xiaowei was in a bad mood and couldn't eat at all. Now that Xiao Anan had persuaded her, she could only nod. "Okay, Mommy will eat in a while. Don't worry."

"Okay, that's good." Xiao Anan then rubbed his small head against Tang Xiaowei's shoulder, and his eyes quickly turned red.

Xiao Anan was indeed very happy to see his mother, but now, he had no choice but to be separated from his mother for a few days.

Thinking of this, his little brows furrowed tightly. "Mom, I missed you so much. That bad old man, why did he have to separate us? And why didn't dad come to save us?"

"Your dad still didn't come? You didn't see him outside?'' Tang Xiaowei hugged her son with heartache and asked him with a choked voice.

Tang Xiaowei was surprised. She had already seen Huangfu Qiye when she was locked up here, but why didn't An An see him outside?

Xiao Anan blinked and tears rolled down his cheeks. "I didn't see dad. I just saw a person who looked like dad."

"That person is your dad." Tang Xiaowei was sure that the person her son saw who looked like Huangfu Qiye must be Huangfu Qiye.

However, judging from An An's tone, it seemed that Huangfu Qiye not only pretended not to know her, but also pretended not to know An An, right?

Tang Xiaowei felt that it was very strange and suspicious, but she couldn't tell what exactly was strange and suspicious.

"Mom, have you seen that person who looks like dad? Why did you and the old man say that he is my dad?" Xiao Anan completely forgot that Xiu Zhongsheng told him not to talk nonsense when he entered the room. He frowned and said, "That old man said that the person who looks like my dad is my dad, but he lost his memory. Is that true?"

"Lost his memory?" Upon hearing these three words, Tang Xiaowei's expression froze.

"Yes, that's what the bad old man said, and he also told me not to tell you, but I still don't think that person looks like my dad." Xiao Anan curled his lips.

Tang Xiaowei's heart was in turmoil.

Did Huangfu Qiye lose his memory?

Because he lost his memory, he couldn't recognize her when they met this morning. Moreover, he was affectionate with other women, so even when he saw her faint, he didn't come to see her.

Was it because of this?

If he really treated her like this because of his memory, she wouldn't feel so bad.

At least, he must have come to save her, so he only then lost his memory.

Her heart, which was in pain and on the verge of death, began to revive again.

She hugged Xiao Anan and kissed the little guy's face a few times fiercely and excitedly. Then she said happily, "An An, that person must be your father, but he must be like what Mr. Xiu said. Your father lost his memory."

Tang Xiaowei was extremely excited.

Her heart was already dead, but Xiao Anan's arrival and the news that Xiao Anan brought could definitely save her.

Although she did not know why Huangfu Qiye lost his memory and whether he could regain his memory in the future, she only knew that he did not abandon her because he was toying with her. Nor did he abandon her because he was greedy for the Xiu family's property.

As long as he lost his memory, she could forgive him for ignoring her this morning and even holding hands with other women.

"But why did dad lose his memory? Does losing his memory mean that he doesn't remember us?" Xiao Anan still couldn't figure it out, and he didn't quite believe that the person who looked like his father was his father.

"Maybe he became like this because of some difficulties. An An, are you still going back later? If you go back, remember to come back to see me again when you have the chance, understand?" Tang Xiaowei gently touched her son's little face. She wiped away his tears and said, "Don't cry anymore. Look, your eyes are red from crying. Be good; don't cry anymore."

Xiao Anan nodded obediently. He didn't want his mother to worry, so he stopped crying. "Mom, then can I go find dad and tell him about the things he forgot? This way, when he finds out about us, he can come and save us."

Tang Xiaowei was silent for a few seconds. She felt that this was not very safe. After all, An An was still young, and now that Huangfu Qiye had lost his memory, his son had seen him today. He felt that he had seen his father. Huangfu Qiye definitely would not easily believe the words of a child.

Moreover, now that Huangfu Qiye believed that Xiu Lulu was his fiancee, he did not believe that she, who was locked up here, was his fiancee.

"An An, you can try to avoid others, but if your father is unwilling to believe you, you have to stop, understand?" Tang Xiaowei hugged her son worriedly. She was afraid that if An An told Huangfu Qiye about the past, not only would he not believe it, but he would also hurt An An.

Xiao Anan heard this and nodded. "Okay, I understand."

Tang Xiaowei sighed in relief. She was about to say something else, but the door was suddenly opened from the outside, and two tall bodyguards walked in.

They stood at the side and reminded in a low voice, "Young master, it's time. Master is waiting for you downstairs."

Hearing this, Xiao Anan squeezed into Tang Xiaowei's arms. "Mom, I don't want to go back. I don't want to be alone in a room in a daze. I want to stay with you."

Tang Xiaowei also hugged the child tightly. She didn't want to be separated from the child, but she knew that Xiu Zhongsheng would never let them be alone together.

Sure enough, before she could say anything, the two bodyguards came forward. "Young master, come now or we won't be polite."

Thus, one of the two forcefully held Tang Xiaowei's arm, while the other forcefully carried Xiao Anan over.

Then, the two didn't say anything else. They carried Xiao Anan and wanted to go out.

Tang Xiaowei's body was weak. She could not struggle at all, nor could she snatch the child. Moreover, she knew that she had to endure it. She could only watch as Xiao Anan was carried outside by them.

"An An, remember what Mommy said to you. Be good." She clenched her fists in pain.

Xiao Anan leaned on the bodyguard's shoulder. She nodded her little head and began to cry again. "Mommy, I understand. Don't be afraid. I will be obedient."

After the child said this, the door was mercilessly closed.

In the room, only Tang Xiaowei was left. Other than her sobbing, there was no other sound.

She covered her face in pain and tears kept falling through her fingers.

After a long time, Tang Xiaowei finally calmed down.

At that time, there was a knock on the door. The maid did not wait for her answer and pushed the door open and walked in.