Chapter 614: Both of them are asleep?

The person who brought Xiao Anan here just now was Huangfu Qiye. At the same time, he said that Tang Xiaowei was the one who was sick.

He originally didn't want to believe what Tang Xiaowei said, and he also didn't want to listen to what she said.

But at this moment, Tang Xiaowei inside didn't know that he was here, and Xiao Anan also listened to his words and didn't spill the beans.

However, when there was no one else in the room, Tang Xiaowei inside didn't randomly teach Xiao Anan to talk nonsense, nor did she randomly instil any terrifying thoughts into Xiao Anan.

Her voice was so gentle that it could drip water. She actually coaxed the child with that kind of doting voice, telling stories to the child, and even talking about the interesting things that had happened with Xiao Anan in the past to make Xiao Anan laugh.

She actually did not have any schemes. This meant that she really liked this child and did not treat this child as a tool.

So, her words were also credible?

Xiao Anan liked her so much and even said that he had been deceived, saying that he, Tang Xiaowei, and Xiao Anan were family.

Huangfu Qiye reached out and rubbed his aching head. He tried his best to recall, but he couldn't remember anything. He only felt that his head was in a lot of pain.

His grandfather had hidden many things from him. Xiu Yuan and Xiu Rouxue hated him very much. Xiu Lulu had also hypnotized him.

On the other hand, Xiao Anan and Tang Xiaowei didn't hurt him. They had always wanted him to recover his memories.

He indeed felt that his current memories were very rare and abnormal. Although his grandfather said that it was because of an accident, what exactly was the accident? His grandfather didn't explain clearly.

Moreover, he had already begun to have doubts, so now, he only needed to find evidence to explain everything.

Other than Xiao Anan's words that were somewhat believable, shouldn't he also try to believe Tang Xiaowei's words?

Speaking of this matter, he remembered that she had suddenly jumped into the sea today. His heart began to ache faintly again, and this kind of pain made it almost impossible for him to breathe.

In the corridor, his figure suddenly became somewhat unstable.

He tried to not make a sound, so Tang Xiaowei inside would not know that he was eavesdropping. After all, he couldn't completely trust her now, so he still had to be on guard. So he immediately turned around and went downstairs.

In the room, Tang Xiaowei had no idea that Huangfu Qiye was outside just now.

However, even if she knew, she didn't want to see him now.

Although she jumped into the sea on purpose, she really felt that her heart was broken at that time.

The words he said after losing his memory were really too hurtful. At that time, she really almost couldn't bear it.

"Mom, that bad old man has something to deal with today. I can accompany you for a while more. Can An an sleep next to you for a while?" Xiao Anan looked at Tang Xiaowei, his big eyes full of anticipation.

He had slept with his mother since he was young. Although he had slept by himself when he was older, his mother would occasionally hug him to sleep, so he didn't feel afraid.

During this period of time, he and his mother had been forced to separate. Many nights when he slept in an unfamiliar place, he would have nightmares. When he woke up, he couldn't see his mother. He only felt afraid when he saw an unfamiliar servant.

Now, because of his father, he was finally able to stay here for a while longer. Xiao Anan wanted to stay in his mother's arms for a while, but he knew that his mother was sick, and he was afraid to disturb her.

Tang Xiaowei was very happy when she heard her child say this. Other than seeing An An this morning, the last time An An came to visit her, she only stayed for a few minutes before leaving. She also missed him very much.

"Of course, you can lie down here. Mommy really wants to hug you, too." Tang Xiaowei immediately made room for him and looked at him with a smile.

Xiao Anan was very happy when he saw this. He hurriedly hugged Tang Xiaowei's waist and lay down beside her.

Tang Xiaowei could feel the child's happiness, but her heart was filled with both happiness and sadness.

However, she did not show it. She reached out and touched her son's little head and said gently, "If An An is sleepy, sleep for a while. Mommy will accompany you. Don't be afraid, understand?"

"Yes, yes. An An knows." Xiao Anan nodded obediently and then closed his eyes.

After that, the mother and son did not speak anymore. Xiao Anan quickly fell asleep.

As for Tang Xiaowei, she was not very sleepy and did not dare to sleep. She was afraid that after she woke up, Xiao Anan would be carried away by someone else.

She lay quietly and guarded the child.


Huangfu Qiye waited downstairs for a long time, but he did not see Xiao Anan go downstairs. His mood had eased a lot, but he was unwilling to go upstairs.

He was afraid that the closer he got to Tang Xiaowei, the more inexplicably painful he would feel.

He ordered the maid to go up and check on the situation.

Not long after, the maid rushed downstairs and carefully said, "Young master Qiye, young master is sleeping next to Miss Tang. Tang Xiaowei is accompanying him."

"Both of them are asleep?" Huangfu Qiye looked up at the maid and said in a cold and hard tone.

"Only young master is sleeping. Miss Tang is not sleeping." The maid lowered her head and answered fearfully.

Huangfu Qiye frowned. He didn't understand what Tang Xiaowei was doing, but it seemed that he could only continue to wait.

He waved his hand to dismiss the maid.

Then, he continued to sit on the sofa and wait.


In the dim basement.

At this moment, Xiu Lulu's back was full of marks from the whip. After the people who were punishing her stopped, they realized that she had already fainted. Then, they ordered people to come and take her away.

Therefore, Xiu Lulu was sent back to her own room by a few bodyguards. Then, they asked the maid to find a doctor for her.

It was not until the doctor had treated her wounds that everyone else left her room. She was the only one left.

At that moment, she groaned in pain and opened her eyes.

She was indeed in a lot of pain from the beating, especially at the beginning.

Fortunately, she pretended to be unconscious, so the strength of the executioner was much lighter. Otherwise, she would have definitely been beaten until she vomited blood.

She lay on the bed, unable to move because her entire back was in pain.

Therefore, she could only reach out and touch it. Then, she touched her phone and called Huangfu Qiye.

The phone rang for a long time before it was picked up.

Huangfu Qiye's voice was a little cold. "Lulu, what's the matter?"

When Xiu Lulu heard his question, she was in a very bad mood. Because she had been punished to such an extent because of him, he actually did not come to see her. Now, he was still asking her what the matter was. Was Huangfu Qiye treating her like his fiancee?

"I was just punished by grandpa's men."