Chapter 615: Ultimate Ambition

"My back was almost broken. Can you come and see me now?" she said pitifully on purpose with a sobbing voice.

However, this time, Huangfu Qiye didn't listen to her like he did a few days ago. He was silent for a few seconds and then said, "I'm a little busy now. Get a doctor to come and see you and then have a good rest."

"Qiye, are you really not coming to see me? I'm so uncomfortable and I really want to see you." Xiu Lulu was surprised to hear that he actually rejected her, but at the same time, she was also a little uncomfortable.

After all, these few days, Huangfu Qiye, who had lost his memory, had been very obedient to her, causing her to develop a habit. Now that he suddenly did not listen to her, she naturally felt uncomfortable.

"Don't be willful, let's do this first." Huangfu Qiye only gave her six cold words in response to her coquettishness, and then the phone call was hung up.

When Xiu Lulu heard the phone call being hung up, her eyes could not help but widen.

How could this be?

Hadn't Huangfu Qiye, who had lost his memory, only cared about her and her grandfather?

Why did he suddenly change?

Xiu Lulu was very scared. Could it be that Huangfu Qiye already knew something?

When she thought of this possibility, she felt scared and her whole body felt cold. She couldn't even feel the pain on her back anymore.

She immediately dialed another number and waited anxiously.

However, this time, after she dialed the number, the other party's call got through, but no one picked up.

She gritted her teeth and continued to call.

It was not until twenty minutes later, when her phone was burning hot, that the other party picked up the call. Moreover, the moment he opened his mouth, he warned her coldly, "Xiu Lulu, do you want to die? Keep calling me? What is there for us to communicate about now?"

The voice from the other side was clearly Xiu Yuan's angry roar.

When Xiu Lulu heard Xiu Yuan's anger, she also knew that it was because she had been too cocky a few days ago, which was why she had offended Xiu Yuan.

A few days ago, she was very confident in her plan, but now, after discovering that Huangfu Qiye had changed, and her grandfather had even ordered people to punish her so severely, Xiu Lulu had already begun to be paranoid, afraid, and worried about her situation.

Therefore, even if it was a slap in the face to go back and hug Xiu Yuan's thigh, she didn't care. She had to catch the person who was beneficial to her. She couldn't end up with nothing.

"Ah Yuan, I was crazy before. I know I was wrong. Don't be angry anymore. I actually still love you. I just wanted to use Huangfu Qiye to provoke you, to see if you love me. Actually, I don't like Huangfu Qiye at all. I was forced to listen to my grandfather's instructions and agreed to be with Huangfu Qiye," Xiu Lulu said as pitifully as she could It was as if nothing was her fault. It was all forced on her by others. She was innocent. She was not at fault.

Unfortunately, Xiu Yuan was not the same Xiu Yuan who hated Xiu Rouxue and could only keep Xiu Lulu by his side.

He had a better pursuit.

When he heard Xiu Lulu's words, he recalled the arrogant words that Xiu Lulu said to him a few days ago and Xiu Lulu's arrogant attitude Xiu Yuan sneered. "Xiu Lulu, I have nothing to do with you. In the future, whether you live or die, it's all your own doing. I won't save you. You can count on your own luck!"

Xiu Yuan said coldly and immediately hung up the phone, dragging Xiu Lulu into the shadows.

Xiu Lulu was just a chess piece that he provoked when he was bored and needed Xiu Lulu's hypnosis. After Xiu Lulu betrayed him, insulted him, and stepped on him, Xiu Yuan no longer had any feelings for Xiu Lulu.

If the lives of Xiu Rouxue and Xiu Lulu were in danger in front of him now, he would even be willing to save Xiu Rouxue. He would not save the fickle and ambitious Xiu Lulu.

Xiu Yuan did not care what would happen to Xiu Lulu in the future.

Xiu Yuan was in his own room. After he hung up the phone, he got up from the sofa and walked into the bathroom. He closed the door, swiped the screen, and dialed a number.

After the call was connected, he stood in front of the bathroom sink. His gaze was dark, but the corners of his mouth curled into a faint smile. "Have you prepared the things I asked you to prepare?"

"Young master, it's already prepared. It will be ready in two days," the other side replied respectfully.

Xiu Yuan's gaze was even deeper, and his smile became even stranger. "Very well, then I will give you two days to arrange everything without anyone knowing. After all, these things will come in handy in a week."

"Okay, please rest assured, young master." The person on the other side was still respectful.

"Go do your work," Xiu Yuan said the last sentence before hanging up the phone.

After that, he put away his phone, turned on the tap, and began to wash his hands. Then, he looked up again and met his own eyes in the mirror.

His smile was strange like a bloody flower. The dark color in his eyes was filled with extreme ambition, desire, and deep expectation.

In a week, the entire Xiu family would be his.

At that time, he would deal with all the people he hated.

He would keep everything he liked.

And now, he found that the person he liked was the woman who was so stupid that she jumped into the sea for a man.

Xiu Yuan thought of that woman and his smile became more and more brilliant.

It turned out that love at first sight really existed in this world.

He used to think that as long as he got all the assets of the Xiu family, he would be very satisfied and very happy. As for women, as long as he had money, he could casually wave his hand and a large number of women would come to him. He did not have to worry at all.

But now, he realized that if he fell in love with someone and could live with that person, it was worth looking forward to and itching to be with a large number of women.

"Tang Xiaowei, just wait. In a week, you will be my woman!"

Xiu Yuan looked at himself in the mirror and said this in a deep voice.


At this moment, downstairs of the villa where Tang Xiaowei was imprisoned, Huangfu Qiye did not look anxious. He sat quietly and silently in the living room downstairs.

The maids and bodyguards around him did not dare to go up and disturb him, so they were very quiet around him.

He had just ended the call with Xiu Lulu and refused to go over to see her. He even said that he had something to do now, so there was naturally a reason.

When he had just woken up a few days ago, he had indeed forgotten many things. The memories in his mind were not clear enough.

Therefore, he believed whatever his grandfather said or Xiu Lulu said. It was as if his mind had been implanted with a design.