Chapter 617: "Don't curse me. "

Xiu Zhongsheng didn't ask any more questions. He only gave an order, "After Qiye leaves tonight, if the young master is still not back, send someone to bring the young master back."

"Okay, master." The housekeeper nodded again.

Xiu Zhongsheng then waved his hand to let the housekeeper and the bodyguard, Aze, go out.


Tang Xiaowei hadn't slept the whole time. She had been quietly accompanying her little son. Her gaze was too gentle. Even though she knew that the situation she was in wasn't very good, this still couldn't stop her from seeing her child's obedient appearance and the gentleness that was naturally emitted.

She had been lying with her eyes open whilst Xiao Anan slept for more than three hours. Then, she turned around and woke up.

The little fellow had just woken up. He looked at her with his big eyes and his voice was soft and cute. "Mommy, where are we?"

Xiao Anan temporarily forgot where they were now because when he woke up, he did not see strangers like he did a few days ago. The little fellow thought that he was already with his father and mother.

Tang Xiaowei stroked her child's hair. "We don't care where we are. Mommy just wants to ask An An, did you sleep well just now? Are you still sleepy?"

When Xiao Anan heard his mother say this, he opened his eyes wide and looked around. Only then did he slowly remember that this was the place where the bad old man imprisoned his mother. In an instant, he lost his vitality and lay down next to Tang Xiaowei. He stretched out his hand and hugged Tang Xiaowei.

"Mommy, I'm not sleepy anymore, but I don't want to go." Xiao Anan's small body curled up into a ball. He didn't dare to look at Tang Xiaowei. He spoke in a low voice, and in the end, his voice sounded like he was crying.

He knew that after he woke up, he would have to leave soon.

When Tang Xiaowei heard the sound of her child crying, her heart ached again.

She hurriedly comforted her back, "An An, don't cry. Trust mom. Our family will be together again very soon."

"Mom, is what you said true?" When Xiao Anan heard this, he immediately raised his head and looked at Tang Xiaowei. His big eyes were full of anticipation.

Tang Xiaowei nodded and hugged her son tightly, "Of course it's true."

Hearing her mother's assurance, Xiao Anan's mood quickly lightened.

At that moment, someone suddenly knocked on the door from outside, and the maid's voice rang out. "Miss Tang, the master has sent someone to pick up the young master."

Hearing the maid's words, Tang Xiaowei, who was in the room, did not reply. Xiao Anan began to hug Tang Xiaowei nervously. "Mom, I don't want to leave. I want to stay with you."

Tang Xiaowei also wanted to, but she did not have the right to say anything now. She could only comfort Xiao Anan gently. "An An, you should go back with them first. That way, they won't be angry and you can visit me more often in the future. Okay."

Xiao Anan actually understood that he could stay with his mother for a long time today, and he even slept for a while because his father was helping him. But the bad old man would definitely not agree to let him stay, so he didn't want to anger the bad old man because he wanted to stay. He was afraid that the bad old man would blame his mother, so Xiao Anan let out a muffled sound Then, he sat up and slowly slid down from the bed, tugging at the little clothes on his body. Then, he turned his head and looked seriously at the still very weak Tang Xiaowei. "Mom, I'll go back now. You have to rest well and recover. An An will come to see you tomorrow."

Tang Xiaowei did not have the strength to send the child off, so she could only nod her head. Then, she did not dare to say anything, afraid that she would cry because she could not bear to leave. She could only watch as Xiao Anan turned around and walked out.

After Xiao Anan walked out, he followed the maid downstairs. Only then did he realize that his father, who had come with him, was gone. Only the housekeeper, Xiu Zhongsheng, who often stood by the door, was there. He squatted down slightly and gently said to Xiao Anan, "Young master, let me carry you back."

Xiao Anan still refused to give up and looked around. He frowned. "Where's my father?"

"Young master Qiye went out on an errand, so master asked me to bring young master back," butler Xiu explained calmly. He still squatted on the spot, wanting to carry Xiao Anan back.

After all, it was already dark outside. Although there were lights all around the island, and there were street lights on the lawn and the path outside, butler Xiu was still worried that Xiao Anan, who was only three years old, would fall.

However, Xiao Anan was very unhappy that he could not see his father.

He did not want butler Xiu to carry him. He pouted and walked out in a huff.

Thus, butler Xiu hurriedly stood up and followed the other two bodyguards and the two maids who came along.

"Young master, walk slowly. It's dark outside, or you might accidentally fall," butler Xiu reminded worriedly from behind.

Xiao Anan ignored him. "Don't curse me. It's not like I can't see clearly."

After saying that, the little guy quickly ran forward. Then, butler Xiu, the bodyguards, and the maid had no choice but to chase after him.


After Xiao Anan left, another doctor came over to take a look at Tang Xiaowei's condition. After finding she was fine, the doctor left.

Then, a maid came over to ask Tang Xiaowei what she wanted to eat. After all, it was already dark. Previously, Tang Xiaowei had been accompanying the child and did not want to be disturbed, so no one came in to disturb her during dinner time.

Now, these maids treated Tang Xiaowei better than before.

Tang Xiaowei found that the maid had casually prepared a vegetarian meal for her and so she then casually ate a little, before she lost her appetite.

After this, she was not sleepy and quietly lay on the bed alone.

However, suddenly, without a knock on the door, it was opened from the outside and something made a sound.

She was shocked and turned back to look. She saw that Xiu Yuan, who had been chased away by her yesterday and whom she had told not to come again, was now here again.

Her face immediately darkened. "Xiu Yuan, what do you want? I said I don't know you. Can you not come to my room?"

She was locked up and could not get out, but this Xiu Yuan could freely enter and exit her room. Moreover, it was already dark now. All of this made Tang Xiaowei angry.

"I said that I would come to see you often. Have you forgotten?" Xiu Yuan did not care about her cold tone and impatient look.

He walked in and tactfully did not go to her side. Instead, he sat down on a sofa in the room that was some distance away from her.

"I've said that I don't need you to visit me." Tang Xiaowei's tone could not be more serious.

"I've also said that I want to visit you, so you can't stop me." Xiu Yuan's gaze looked at her with a hint of indescribable affection.