Chapter 618: My ruler is no longer him

Tang Xiaowei felt uncomfortable all over.

Why was this Xiu Yuan so shameless?

No matter what she said, she could not chase him away. It seemed that she could only ask Xiu Zhongsheng for help.

She closed her eyes and sighed helplessly. Then, she was ready to call the maid in.

But before she could say anything, Xiu Yuan suddenly threw a bomb at her. "Tang Xiaowei, during this period of time, you should rest well in your room and recover your body. I don't mind that you have been with another man. After all, I have also had other women. After a period of time, I want to marry you. You'd better not refuse."

"What did you say? Xiu Yuan, are you crazy?" When Tang Xiaowei heard him say this, she immediately became so angry that she could not control herself and shouted, "Are you people of the Xiu family crazy? Why do all of you act like you're crazy?"

Xiu Zhongsheng wanted to recognize his family. Instead of talking nicely, he directly separated his grandson and granddaughter-in-law. In this era, this kind of behavior was already like being crazy.

And at this moment, Xiu Yuan came to her for no reason and even said that he wanted to marry her. It really looked like he was crazy.

Tang Xiaowei even suspected that there was a virus on this island, so the people of the Xiu family had stayed here for a long time. That was why their minds were so abnormal.

"Crazy?" Xiu Yuan was scolded, but he wasn't angry. Instead, he chuckled. "I also feel like I'm crazy, but don't worry. I believe that this crazy will last for a long time. If I marry you, I definitely won't be like Huangfu Qiye who can't protect you and causes you to suffer."

"I can't explain it to you clearly. I advise you to go out now and don't come looking for me in the future. If you want to go crazy, go look for your other women. If you come to pester me again, I'll tell your grandfather about this matter. I believe he will handle this matter well." Tang Xiaowei was too lazy to talk to Xiu Yuan anymore. She was afraid that her weak body would not be able to accept her anger.

"You want to use grandpa to suppress me?" Xiu Yuan asked. There was a hint of a smile in his eyes. "You are not stupid. You know that grandpa can suppress and control me now. I can't resist. But soon, my master will no longer be him." Xiu Yuan smiled strangely. He stood up and looked at the pale woman on the bed. Even though she was weak, she still looked so beautiful, which made him even more intoxicated.

"What do you mean?' 'Tang Xiaowei felt that there was a deeper meaning in his words, but she did not understand.

"You want to know?" Xiu Yuan suddenly came forward. He had tied his hair behind his head today, so his face was clean and refreshing, and he was unusually handsome, especially at this moment. When he smiled at her, his entire person was filled with a demonic aura.

"I don't want to know. You can leave. If you don't leave now, I'll really call your grandfather. " Tang Xiaowei did not expect him to suddenly move his head closer, but it was just a distance that she could not touch. Otherwise, she really wanted to punch him in the head She wanted him to learn his lesson and not pester her in the future.

"Forget it. It's not convenient to tell you now. You'll know when I succeed. Anyway, you should rest well for the next few days and wait for my good news." Xiu Yuan suddenly reached out and quickly touched her head. Then, he quickly moved back and walked out with a smile.

"Xiu Yuan, are you really sick?" Tang Xiaowei frowned and cursed. Then, she took out a tissue and wiped the hair that he touched.

However, Xiu Yuan had already left and did not come back to answer her.

Tang Xiaowei was extremely angry.

She did not know what had happened to Xiu Yuan these two days. He could not be stopped at all.

Tang Xiaowei thought that the maid would definitely not help her to report to Xiu Zhongsheng. When the sun rose tomorrow, she must tell Xiu Zhongsheng about this. She must get Xiu Zhongsheng to help her stop Xiu Yuan.


Early the next morning, Tang Xiaowei told the maid that she wanted to talk to Xiu Zhongsheng on the phone.

Soon, the maid came in with the connected phone, but she didn't give it to her. Instead, she stood at the side with the phone. She said in a low voice, "Tang Xiaowei, master said that you are not in good health now, so don't touch the electronic products. What did you say? Speak louder. Master can hear you."

Tang Xiaowei believed the maid's words. She was also worried about the baby in her belly. After all, the baby was not good when it came. Now that her life was very turbulent, she naturally didn't dare to be careless.

Therefore, she told Xiu Zhongsheng on the other side of the phone about Xiu Yuan pestering her yesterday and the day before yesterday. Then, she finally said, "Mr. Xiu, I believe you know that I only love Qiye. Moreover, I can't stop your other grandson, Xiu Yuan, from coming over. But you can. If you don't want to see me being pestered by him until something unexpected happens, please ask the bodyguards downstairs to help me stop this person."

The phone was on speaker, so after Tang Xiaowei finished speaking, Xiu Zhongsheng was only silent for a few seconds before his voice rang, "Okay, I can help you deal with this."

When Tang Xiaowei heard Xiu Zhongsheng's words, she finally heaved a sigh of relief.

Then, she remembered that Xiu Zhongsheng had promised to give her a chance to be a maid for a week. Initially, she was willing, but now, her body was very weak. The doctor said that she had to rest in bed for two months She could only get out of bed after the child was stable.

However, she was still worried that Xiu Zhongsheng would not give her a chance after two months. She had previously asked the maid to help her ask Xiu Zhongsheng, but although the maid had agreed, there was no news from her after that. She naturally had to seize the opportunity to ask now.

So before the phone hung up, she immediately asked, "Mr. Xiu, you promised to give me a week's chance before. I can't be a maid now because of my health. But after my body recovers and the child is stable, I can be a maid again. Can you give me another chance after two months? When that time comes, I will definitely work hard. I hope you can give me another chance."

"Tang Xiaowei, what kind of person do you think I am? Do you think I am the kind of person who is willing to give others two chances?" Xiu Zhongsheng listened to her words. On the other end of the phone, there was a sneer. "From the moment you jumped into the sea to commit suicide, you have to stay in your room to recuperate. As for the chance, I will not give it to you again!"

Xiu Zhongsheng spoke coldly. Then, without waiting for Tang Xiaowei to answer, he directly hung up the phone.

Tang Xiaowei listened to the end of the phone and her expression froze.

The chance was gone!

Xiu Zhongsheng said that he would not give her another chance!