Chapter 619: She had better bear with it

So, what Xiu Zhongsheng meant was that she had to stay here to recuperate until she gave birth to the child, and then she would be sent away in the future, right?

Tang Xiaowei gripped the bedsheet tightly with both hands, her face pale.

If she didn't have a chance, she wouldn't be able to be with Huangfu Qiye, and she wouldn't be able to see An An in the future, and she wouldn't be able to personally raise the child in her belly.

Xiu Zhongsheng said that he wouldn't give her a chance because she jumped into the sea to commit suicide that day.

However, if she hadn't done that at that time, Xiu Lulu and Huangfu Qiye might have really gotten married two days later. Therefore, she had no choice but to use extreme methods to save her lover.

"Miss Tang, the call has ended. I'll go out now." The maid put away her phone and prepared to go out.

Hearing the maid's voice, Tang Xiaowei immediately came back to her senses.

She reached out her hand to the maid and said expectantly, "Help me call again. I still have something to say to old Mister Xiu."

However, the maid shook her head in a difficult position. "It won't do. The master was obviously very angry just now. Since he personally hung up the phone, you can't call him again. Otherwise, Miss Tang, you'll definitely suffer. I think you'd better try again tomorrow.''

Tang Xiaowei was very uncomfortable now, and her mind was also in a mess.

Therefore, hearing the maid's concern, she thought about it and felt that it made sense. Xiu Zhongsheng's tone just now did sound very angry. She'd better call him again tomorrow and ask him to give her another chance.


Under the heavy night sky, on the calm sea surface, a ship was heading towards another island in the distance.

In a room on the ship, Huangfu Qiye sat in front of his desk. On the desk in front of him was a set of documents that his bodyguard, Aze, had just passed to him.

In the next few days, he would arrive at another private island belonging to Xiu Zhongsheng and prepare some things.

After reading for a while, he pushed the documents aside and his gaze darkened slightly. He began to think of Xiao Anan who was still at the Xiu family's main residence.

Before he left, he originally wanted to personally pick up the child. However, after thinking about it, he inexplicably wanted Xiao Anan to stay with Tang Xiaowei, so he wanted the mother and son to stay a little longer.

This time, he promised his grandfather to come out. Not only did he want to finish what his grandfather asked him to do, he also had more important things to do.

On the island at the main residence, he had no chance to get in touch with things like television. He could make a phone call, but he could not access the internet.

Therefore, it was completely impossible for him to look up some information.

At first, he did not think much of it, but later, because he suspected his grandfather and Xiu Lulu, he began to feel that it was very strange that he could not access the computer and internet.

Therefore, after coming out this time, he had to find an opportunity to connect to the internet. This was one of the fastest ways to help him find out about his past memories.

A faint moonlight shone through the window of the room.

Huangfu Qiye was deep in thought. His eyes were clearly not as calm as when he first woke up and knew that he had lost his memory.


On the other side.

Tang Xiaowei still called Xiu Zhongsheng the next day, wanting him to give her another chance. However, the moment she opened her mouth, Xiu Zhongsheng directly hung up the phone.

Then, the maid was forced by Tang Xiaowei to call him again, but the call could not get through.

Tang Xiaowei was very anxious, but she did not dare to run out to look for Xiu Zhongsheng while the child in her stomach was still unstable.

Therefore, she could only continue to stay in the room.

However, when she waited for the doctor to examine her body again, Tang Xiaowei grabbed the doctor's arm. She asked bitterly, "Doctor, how is my body now? Can I get out of bed earlier? I really don't want to stay in bed for two months."

If she didn't have to save her lover now, and she didn't have to worry about her family being broken up, she could totally lie in bed and protect the baby in her belly.

However, Xiu Zhongsheng wasn't willing to give her another chance. After she gave birth to the baby in her belly, she would definitely be chased away.

She was really unwilling, so she had to think of a way to stop it now.

Therefore, she could not get through to Xiu Zhongsheng's phone right now, so she had to go see Xiu Zhongsheng and explain it to him personally.

But the doctor shook his head helplessly at her. "Miss Tang, I'm sorry. Your current condition is really not very optimistic. It's already very fortunate that your child was saved that day. If you don't take good care of it now, it's very likely that something will happen to the child."

Hearing the doctor's words, Tang Xiaowei's hands drooped weakly.

Her expression was full of frustration, and her tone was full of bitterness. "Okay, I understand. I'll take good care of the baby."

On one side was Huangfu Qiye, who had lost his memory, and on the other side was a child that had yet to stabilize and was very likely to miscarry. It was really difficult for her to choose.

But after all, there was still no news that Huangfu Qiye was about to get married. It was better for her to endure it.

Therefore, after the doctor left, she wrapped herself in the blanket and curled up in it, no longer moving.


After that, Tang Xiaowei fell asleep again in a daze. But in the end, she was woken up by a series of noises.

When she opened her eyes, it was already dark.

It was very dark in the room. She realized that she was actually so afraid of the dark now. She reached out to turn on the bedside lamp and sat up. Only then did she hear the sounds outside clearly.

"Do you want to die? How dare you stop me!" Xiu Yuan's loud roar was clearly accompanied by thick anger.

The bodyguard downstairs answered with a cold and firm attitude, "Please forgive us, young master Yuan. We are only following the orders of the master. The master said that except for those who are specially permitted by him, no one else can enter this place."

"Even I can't? Do you lackeys still treat me as their master?" Xiu Yuan's anger kept increasing.

"Young master Yuan, please forgive us. We really can't let you in. This is the old master's order." The bodyguard's tone was still as cold as ice.

Xiu Yuan was simply angered to death. He clenched his fists and his expression was gloomy and unsightly. However, in the end, he did not lose his temper again. He only coldly glanced at the bodyguard guarding the door, snorted coldly, and turned around to leave.

These disobedient lackeys, after he had taken over the main house and property of the Xiu family, he would be the first to dispose of these people!

The bodyguards downstairs saw that Xiu Yuan had left, and they all let out a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Tang Xiaowei, who was upstairs, although she could not see the expressions of the people downstairs, heard their agitated and angry quarrel. It was very clear that Xiu Zhongsheng's promise to help her stop Xiu Yuan from coming over was indeed effective.

She finally let out a sigh of relief.

That day, Xiu Yuan asked her to cooperate with him. In fact, she was very clear that there was no benefit in cooperating with Xiu Yuan, so she did not agree and did not care.