Chapter 630: I want to go back and save Huangfu Qiye

Xiu Yuan did not expect her to do this. His face instantly darkened. He impatiently signaled to the bodyguards beside him, and then two bodyguards came forward.

Therefore, two minutes later, Tang Xiaowei's hands and feet were tied up. Her mouth and eyes were covered by tape.

She could not even cry or curse, and her hands and feet could not move. She could only be picked up by Xiu Yuan again.

Xiu Yuan picked her up again. He said coldly, "Now that the main building has been blown up, no one can live there anymore. No one else will come to this island anymore. We will continue to live here. However, the room you will be staying in might be the villa you stayed in before. When I get all the property of the Xiu family, I will take you away from this island."

Tang Xiaowei couldn't speak, nor could she see everything.

She could only turn a deaf ear to Xiu Yuan's words.

She was now completely worried about Huangfu Qiye.

The moment the main building exploded, she clearly saw Huangfu Qiye walking towards her.

She knew that he had not recovered his memory yet, but he had already begun to try to believe that he was Huangfu Qiye.

However, in just a few minutes, Xiu Yuan actually let her see Huangfu Qiye and the main building being destroyed in front of her.

The cloth covering her eyes was soon wet with tears. She was in so much pain that she cried silently. No matter how hard she tried, she could not stop her tears.

Xiu Yuan was really annoyed that Tang Xiaowei was crying all the time.

Therefore, when he arrived at the villa where Tang Xiaowei was previously imprisoned, he placed her on the bed and asked his trusted maid to take care of Tang Xiaowei. Then, he walked out. After all, he had just destroyed the main building over there. Now, he had openly started a war with Xiu Zhongsheng. There were still very troublesome losses that needed to be dealt with.

After all, at the beginning, he thought that his plan was very secretive and that no one would know about it. Therefore, today, he could completely blackmail everyone and use everyone's lives to force Xiu Zhongsheng to hand over his power. This way, in the future, even if Xiu Zhongsheng was angry, he would also lose his power.

But he did not expect that letting Huangfu Haoming out would have no effect at all.

He also did not expect that Xiu Zhongsheng knew that he wanted to defect, so he had long known to secretly smuggle away those guests.

After those distinguished guests were transported away, Xiu Yuan had no one to use.

However, now that he could blow up Huangfu Qiye, whom his grandfather cared about the most, Xiu Yuan felt refreshed.


In the room, the bandages on Tang Xiaowei's eyes and mouth were all removed.

However, her hands and feet were still tied.

She lay flat on the bed and kept shouting, "Let go of me, I want to go back and save him. He's definitely not dead, I want to go back and save him."

"Xiu Yuan, get your people to let me go, do you hear me?"

"Let me go, I want to go back and save Huangfu Qiye."

"I can't leave him behind."

"Huangfu Qiye... "

She cried bitterly, but Xiu Yuan had long gone to deal with other matters. The maid who was left to take care of her could not untie her rope, so she could only stand nearby and pretend not to hear what she was shouting.

Tang Xiaowei shouted until her voice became hoarse. She was on the verge of breaking down and her face was full of tears.

Just when she did not have the strength to shout anymore, the door to the room was opened and Xiu Rouxue appeared at the door.

Xiu Rouxue stood at the door and looked coldly at Tang Xiaowei, who was on the verge of breaking down. Although she felt a little pity for Tang Xiaowei, Xiu Rouxue still hated Tang Xiaowei very much. After all, Tang Xiaowei had easily snatched away Xiu Yuan's attention.

And she was Xiu Yuan's fiancee, yet Xiu Yuan had never been attracted to her. This made Xiu Rouxue very resentful, and at the same time, very unhappy.

Therefore, after listening to Tang Xiaowei's cries for a long time outside, Xiu Rouxue thought that since Xiu Yuan had gone out to do other things, then why not work hard for herself.

Therefore, after she entered the room, the maid in the room was about to go forward and ask her about it when she suddenly reached out and punched the maid on the head, knocking her out. Then, she took out a silenced pistol and shot the maid in the head.

She had been trained since she was young. Although she did not know hypnotism like Xiu Lulu, her kung fu was not bad. It was just that she was usually by Xiu Yuan's side. She did not want Xiu Yuan to think that she was too strong, so she deliberately pretended to be weak.

After doing all this, Xiu Rouxue walked to the bedside with a cold face. She looked down at Tang Xiaowei, who was tied up and broken.

"Tang Xiaowei, I can help you. I will let you go out to save Huangfu Qiye, but you must promise me that you will leave this place immediately after you find Huangfu Qiye. If you can't find him, you must also leave immediately. The latest is before dawn today. So, if you are still on the island before dawn, I will not help you even if Xiu Yuan wants to do anything to you in the future. Here, this is the key to a yacht. I've parked a yacht on the side of the island. It should still be there at this time. When the time comes, you can get on it and leave," Xiu rouxue said coldly. She took out a key and threw it on the bed.

After Tang Xiaowei heard so much from Xiu Rouxue after she came in, Tang Xiaowei's emotions had gradually calmed down.

When she finally heard Xiu Rouxue's words clearly, Tang Xiaowei hurriedly nodded. "Okay, I promise you. I will definitely leave this island before daybreak. I definitely won't come back. Quickly untie me. I have to save him immediately, please."

After receiving Tang Xiaowei's promise, Xiu Rouxue's eyes flashed with a deep meaning. Then, she began to help Tang Xiaowei untie the rope.

Tang Xiaowei's body could finally be untied. She immediately got up from the bed, grabbed the keys to the yacht, and prepared to leave.

"Thank you. If there's a chance in the future, I will definitely repay you." However, before leaving, Tang Xiaowei still stopped and turned around to say thank you to Xiu Rouxue. Then, she hurriedly left.

After listening to Tang Xiaowei's thanks, Xiu Rouxue snorted coldly and didn't say anything.

After Tang Xiaowei left, Xiu Rouxue made some arrangements in the room before leaving in a hurry.

However, after she returned to her room, she stood in front of the window and a strange smile appeared on her lips.

The key that she had just given to Tang Xiaowei couldn't possibly activate the yacht. There was indeed a yacht on the side of the island, but that yacht was broken.

Moreover, the houses in the main building had almost been burnt down. Huangfu Qiye had been inside at that time, and he might have been blown to pieces by now.

After Tang Xiaowei arrived at the main building, as long as she went into the main building to look for people, she would definitely be burned to death by the fire. Therefore, she did not need any yacht at all.