Chapter 631: She loved him like her life

She had helped Tang Xiaowei, but only she knew that she was helping herself.

Because Tang Xiaowei was dead and Huangfu Qiye was dead, the Xiu family would belong to Xiu Yuan, and Xiu Yuan could only have her by his side. Wouldn't it be obvious who the winner was?

As for that damn woman, Xiu Lulu, before the banquet began tonight, she seemed to have been banned from attending the banquet by her grandfather. Later, when her grandfather took the others away, it was unknown whether Xiu Lulu was brought along.

If he didn't bring her along, that damned woman would definitely have been blown to pieces.

Thinking of this, Xiu Rouxue's smile became even more radiant.


Tang Xiaowei hurriedly ran downstairs and only then did she realize that this place was empty. She had lived here for more than a week before and had never seen this empty downstairs. Today was the first time.

However, it was also because there were fewer people here today that Xiu Rouxue was able to help her.

Tang Xiaowei didn't dare to stay here any longer and hurriedly left this villa. Then, she ran from the other road behind the villa to the main building that was still burning under the night sky.

Because she didn't dare to walk on the road ahead, she was afraid that she would run into Xiu Yuan and his men.

However, the road behind this should be rarely used, so there wasn't even a street lamp here tonight. And behind the small road was a forest. Under the moonlight, Tang Xiaowei tried hard not to be afraid of the forest and the surrounding night. Then, she hurriedly ran to the main building in front of her that was still burning.

After a few minutes, she finally ran to the back of the main building.

At this moment, she was already panting.

In front of her, the sound of the constantly spreading flames pierced her ears.

Her entire body was trembling. It was hard to imagine how she would be able to go in and save Huangfu Qiye if he was still inside.

This was because the main building had been burned for a short period of time and was already in a terrible state. She simply had no way to enter.

If she really wanted to enter, she would definitely be burned to death the moment she went in.

Moreover, Huangfu Qiye was inside at that time with such a big fire. At this moment, he must have met with an accident as well.

Tang Xiaowei's tears once again invaded her eyes. Thinking that Huangfu Qiye might have died inside, her heart couldn't help but ache.

She reached out to cover her face, tears rolling down her eyes. She really didn't want to lose Huangfu Qiye.

"Ye, what should I do?"

"Okay, I'll accompany you."

She closed her eyes in pain, took a deep breath, and opened her eyes again. She had made up her mind.

Perhaps this was the fate of her and Huangfu Qiye.

Even if he had forgotten her now, she really didn't mind dying with him today.

It was just that she pitied their child, Xiao Anan, and the unborn child in her belly. She had let them down.

However, Tang Xiaowei knew very well that she really couldn't live on her own.

She gritted her teeth, her eyes filled with determination. Then, she walked step by step into the sea of fire.

At that moment, a black shadow suddenly ran out from the forest not far behind her. Then, it grabbed her waist and pulled her back.

"Who?" Tang Xiaowei was shocked and began to struggle to ask loudly.

"It's me, don't be afraid." The deep voice was the person she was familiar with.

The dead sea in Tang Xiaowei's heart suddenly revived.

Under the dark night, the light of the sea of fire beside him lit up the side of his face, allowing her to clearly see him.

She reached out to touch his face in disbelief, trembling. "You...are you really...? Or is it just my illusion?"

After asking this question, her tears fell again.

The man who carried her quickly into the forest finally let go of her. Then, he said in a deep voice, "I'm real. When Xiu Yuan detonated the bomb, I actually had a premonition. After all, I decided to stay behind to deal with the aftermath and knew that he might detonate the bomb. So, I planned to escape unscathed. Although there is a small problem, I'm fine. As for you, you should have been taken away by him just now. Why are you here again?"

Because the fire outside was really big, although it didn't reach the forest, the light from the fire still shone over.

Therefore, when she heard him say this, Tang Xiaowei's hands held him tightly. Only then did she slowly believe that he was real and not her imagination.

It turned out that he wasn't dead.

She suddenly threw herself into his arms and burst into tears. "I thought something happened to you. Fortunately, you're fine. Otherwise, I..."

Otherwise, she would have walked into the sea of fire to accompany him.

Huangfu Qiye reached out to hold the woman who was crying non-stop. Although he had not recovered his memories, he was already very clear about the ripples and waves she had caused in his heart.

She was so sorrowful just now. She must have thought that he was dead, so she did not even want her own life. She actually wanted to walk into the sea of fire to accompany him.

It was the same last time when he went with Xiu Lulu in a daze and said a lot of hurtful words to this woman. She was also hurt and jumped into the sea.

She loved him very much. Huangfu Qiye knew very well that she loved him as if he was her life. or rather, it was even more than her life.

Even though he had not recovered his memories, even though he had always felt that he could not betray his fiancee when he had a fiancee.

But now, he finally understood that there was no Xiu Lulu in his heart. There was no shadow at all. Only when he was close to Tang Xiaowei did his heart not seem fake. Only then could it beat, sting, and be moved.

"Don't cry. I'll take you to find a place to rest. At the moment, we can't leave this place. We can only wait for grandpa to send someone to save us." He was not good at speaking out the feelings in his heart, so even though he knew that he had feelings for her, he was also moved by her actions just now, so he didn't say anything.

He squatted down, grabbed her hand, and carried her on his back. He said in a low voice, "The light here isn't good. You can't wander around when you're pregnant. I'll carry you in."

Tang Xiaowei heard him say this. She hurriedly took out the key that Xiu Rouxue had given her. "I have the key to a yacht here. When Xiu Rouxue let me out, she told me that I could go to the side of the island to find the yacht, and then I could leave."

"She lied to you. That yacht has been broken for years. It has been left there unattended." After hearing her words, Huangfu Qiye didn't get excited. He only lightly exposed Xiu Rouxue's lie.

Hearing this, Tang Xiaowei was stunned.

So Xiu Rouxue had lied to her. However, it made sense. Xiu Rouxue and she weren't friends. They had quarreled before, and Xiu Rouxue hated her because of Xiu Yuan, so it was normal for her to deliberately set a trap for her.

However, Tang Xiaowei didn't have the energy or time to complain about Xiu Rouxue.