Chapter 632: It's easy for him to be shy now

After all, it was because Xiu Rouxue let her go that she was no longer trapped by Xiu Yuan. Instead, she was carried by Huangfu Qiye and was with him.

Thinking of this, she leaned on his back and asked him in a low voice, "Were you injured just now?"

"It's just a small scratch. It's fine. Don't worry," Huangfu Qiye replied indifferently. Then, he kicked away the tree branch in front of him and walked into the depths of the forest.

"If it's too serious, don't hide it from me. Let me down and walk by myself," Tang Xiaowei hurriedly suggested.

"I'm really fine. It's just a few scratches on my arm."

"Don't move around. What if you hurt the baby in your belly?" Huangfu Qiye hurriedly stopped her. However, when he said the last sentence, his handsome face turned a little red under the night sky.

He had lost his memory and couldn't remember anything about him and Tang Xiaowei in the past.

However, now, he believed that he was definitely Huangfu Qiye and not Xiu Qiye.

Therefore, when he thought of his child in her belly, his heart felt warm, curious, and embarrassed.

After all, he felt as if he had suddenly had intimate contact with a strange girl, and then he had a child.

Now that he had lost his memory, he was not as overbearing and domineering as before. He was also very simple-minded, so it was easy for him to be shy.

However, because Tang Xiaowei was being carried on his back and the light in the forest was dim, she could not see his red face at all.

She only heard him talking about their baby, and her heart suddenly felt extremely sweet.

He was finally willing to admit and accept her, right?

At the same time, he did not doubt her and the words that Xiu Yuan had said earlier. He believed that she was really pregnant. At the same time, from his tone, he also liked this child.

Tang Xiaowei stopped moving and did not say that she wanted to go down and walk on her own.

She continued to lie on his back. The surrounding forest was always moving backwards. He carried her and walked forward at an unhurried pace.

The light in the forest was originally dim, but after walking for a while, their eyes adapted to the surrounding light, so she could see her surroundings clearly.

Fortunately, the moonlight was very bright tonight, so it didn't make people so nervous and afraid.

Now she realized that as long as she was with him, she didn't have to be afraid of anything.

"Oh right, you just said that you originally had a way to leave, but there was a small problem. What exactly happened?" She felt that it was too quiet, and she didn't dare to talk about the past with him, for fear of provoking him. After all, he hadn't recovered his memory yet, and now that he could finally be gentle to her, she naturally had to cherish it, so she asked about the matter that she had neglected just now.

"Actually, I told Xiu Yuan that grandpa and I arranged for other guests to leave from the helicopter. I also prepared a helicopter for myself. However, when Xiu Yuan detonated the bomb, my helicopter was destroyed, so I couldn't leave. For now, I can only wait here. Grandpa will definitely send someone to pick us up immediately. However, before that, we can't let Xiu Yuan discover us, so we have to hide," Huangfu Qiye explained calmly.

However, he didn't tell Tang Xiaowei. In fact, as long as he and Xiu Yuan couldn't come to an agreement, he could leave immediately.

However, when he saw that Tang Xiaowei was being held hostage and heard Xiu Yuan's words, he did not want to leave alone.

He had to bring Tang Xiaowei with him.

Because of this, he did not leave immediately. Instead, he wanted to save Tang Xiaowei. When Xiu Yuan detonated the bomb, the helicopter that he hid behind the main building was blown up, and he could only hide in the forest.

His purpose of hiding in the forest was to think of a way to save Tang Xiaowei.

However, he didn't expect Tang Xiaowei to suddenly appear and cry out his name. She even wanted to walk into the sea of fire and commit suicide.

He didn't speak anymore and just quickened his pace.

After a few minutes, he finally stopped.

"We'll stay here for the time being tonight." He put her down, held her hand, and walked forward.

After Tang Xiaowei stood firm, she followed him forward. When she got closer, she found that there was a very small wooden house.

Huangfu Qiye pushed the door open and held her hand as he walked in. There were lights, candles, various household appliances, and even a bed and other food.

However, Huangfu Qiye did not turn on the lights or light the candles.

After the main building had been bombed, he had stayed there for a period of time. When he saw Xiu Yuan's men patrolling the area, they thought that he had been killed in the main building, so they were no longer on guard.

However, he still could not be careless. He could not light the lights to let others know that there were people here.

And there was a wooden house here. He only found out about it a few days ago when he was bored in his room and took the map of the island from his grandfather.

His grandfather had told him that he was not allowed to let anyone in this forest, so very few people knew that there was a wooden house here.

So tonight, the two of them temporarily staying here was the best choice.

He helped Tang Xiaowei to sit down on the bed and then reached out his hand to pat her head stiffly. "Sit for a while. I'll go see if there's anything to eat. You must be hungry."

Tang Xiaowei hurriedly grabbed his hand and shook her head. "I'm not hungry. I've already eaten at the banquet. Don't go. Just stay here and accompany me, okay?"

She patted the seat next to her.

Huangfu Qiye was silent for a few seconds before replying, "Okay."

Therefore, he sat down next to her. She held his hand and did not let go. He did not remind her either.

The two of them sat quietly on the bed. The door of the wooden house was closed. It was very quiet around them. Only the faint moonlight shone through the window. It was beautiful and melancholic.

"Do you remember anything from the past now?" Tang Xiaowei felt that he was too silent. She could not help but turn her head to look at him.

Huangfu Qiye heard this and shook his head. "No, I don't remember anything."

However, he knew very well that even if he did not remember any of her memories, he liked her now and cared about her. He could not bear to see her in pain because once he saw her, his heart would hurt. He could not control the pain.

In the beginning, he was unwilling to face it.

But now, he could no longer hide and suppress it.

Perhaps this was also a kind of love, a love that he hadn't discovered before.

Now he finally understood.

When they were rescued, if Xiu Lulu was still around, he would propose to cancel the fiancee relationship with Xiu Lulu.