Chapter 638: will also die on the surface of the sea!

Then, many of them fell into the sea at the side. The blood that flowed out of their bodies dyed the sea water beside them red.

However, even so, the people beside the beach were still controlled by Xiu Rouxue's anger and madness. "Don't stop, you must kill the people on the yacht, now!"

The other bodyguards didn't dare to disobey and continued to fire at the yacht.

Huangfu Qiye fired a few more shots, and then a few more people fell.

At this time, there were only three bullets left in his gun.

He was also out of bullets.

And the people on the other side were only Xiu Rouxue and the two bodyguards.

The two bodyguards had already lost their strength and were panting dejectedly. They had never thought that Huangfu Qiye's combat ability would be so strong.

And since Xiu Rouxue's gun was out of bullets, she also stopped.

Huangfu Qiye saw that the other party had stopped firing, so he thought that the other party was out of bullets. Moreover, the yacht was gradually getting closer and closer to the shore.

Thus, he didn't plan to fire again. He decided to keep the remaining three bullets for future use.

However, just as he was about to turn around, Xiu Rouxue, who had been secretly observing, had already discovered which direction the bullets were coming from on the yacht. So when she saw a figure on the deck, her eyes immediately widened in surprise.

However, the pistol in her hand was already out of bullets, but she still immediately snatched the gun from the bodyguard beside her and fired a few shots at the figure on the yacht.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three consecutive sounds rang out. Xiu Rouxue could even clearly see that the figure on the yacht suddenly fell to the ground.

Only then did she burst out laughing in excitement. "So what if you can escape? You've still been shot by me. Now, even if you escape, you'll still die on the surface of the sea!"

She sneered and stood there for a while before she remembered that she had been stung by a wasp. She was afraid that it would be poisonous, and it was still painful, so she ordered the remaining two bodyguards to deal with the other people's bodies before going back. She wanted to go back immediately.

However, after she left, the remaining two bodyguards hated her for acting recklessly just now, which caused the deaths of their good brothers.

However, they only dared to be angry but did not dare to say anything. They could only deal with the other people's bodies.


On the yacht, Tang Xiaowei did not dare to leave the cockpit. This was because the yacht was old and broken. Even if it was repaired and could be started, there still had to be someone guarding it.

Moreover, she was a newbie, and she was also a newbie who was fumbling around on her own, so she had to guard it even more.

She kept hearing gunshots coming from outside.

But now, the gunshots outside had stopped, and she could also feel that this place was further away from the coast. They should be safe now, so why wasn't Huangfu Qiye back yet?

As she thought of something, her face suddenly turned pale. Then, she turned around and ran out, regardless of how the yacht was going.

However, when she ran to the deck, her eyes immediately turned red, and tears immediately fell.

Huangfu Qiye was unconscious. Even though the heavy rain was pouring on his body, he did not react at all.

He was lying on the ground, and there was a large pool of blood on the ground. The heavy rain had spread the blood out, so the deck was covered in his blood.

There was a bullet hole in his arm, and blood was still flowing out from it.

He had been shot.

She was not sure if he had only been shot in the arm, or if the rest of his body had been shot.

But she knew very well that she was very afraid now.

She was afraid of losing him.

She knelt in front of him and reached out to help him with her teary eyes. "Huangfu Qiye, get up quickly. You can't lie on the ground. Get up quickly, do you hear me?"

Unfortunately, his body was too heavy. No matter how she tried to help him up, she could not get him up.

In the end, she gave up on helping him up and carefully reached out her hand. When she finally felt that he was still breathing and his chest was beating, she heaved a sigh of relief.

Then, she bit her lips to hold back her tears and slowly dragged him into the yacht.

Finally, she finally got him into the yacht and was no longer drenched by the rain.

She immediately took the medical kit and took off all his clothes. Only then did she realize that he had also been shot in the abdomen.

Her tears immediately fell again.

What should she do?

He had been shot twice, and there was no doctor here now. How could she save him?

She trembled all over and broke down crying.

Then, a large hand suddenly reached out and gently touched her face. Immediately, there was a large patch of red marks on her face.

"Don't cry, I'm fine." His voice sounded weak.

Tang Xiaowei immediately raised her head, then held his hand in surprise and looked at him. "You're awake? Then quickly tell me how I should take the bullet out for you. I don't know how."

Upon hearing this, Huangfu Qiye did not waste his energy. He asked her, "Is the medical box that I found in the wooden house still there?"

Tang Xiaowei immediately nodded vigorously. "It's still there. I'll go and get it right away."

Then, she quickly got up and went to get the medical box. She opened it again and showed him the things inside.

Huangfu Qiye took a look. Then, he said, "Aalthough the things are not complete, we can still do a simple surgery. Go and look for it in the corner of the yacht. I saw a few boxes of water there just now. There should be pure water in them. If there's no hot water here, use that. Then, I'll teach you how to get the bullet out..."

Thus, Tang Xiaowei nodded again and quickly brought back several bottles of water.

After that, she found a large basin and used the rainwater outside to wash away the dust inside. Then, she used clean and unexpired pure water to wash the basin and poured a large basin of water. Then, she began to follow Huangfu Qiye's instructions. She began to clean his wound and remove the bullet.

During this process, she was very careful and focused.

Huangfu Qiye bit down to endure the pain.

After more than an hour, she finally took the bullet from his arm.

Only then did she realize that he had not been shot in the abdomen. He had only been grazed by the bullet, so there was a lot of blood.

She cleaned the wound on his abdomen, applied medicine, and bandaged it.

Then, she took the bullet from his arm. The moment she took the bullet out, Huangfu Qiye was in so much pain that his entire body stiffened. He did not say a word. Only Tang Xiaowei could hear his rough breathing, his pale face, and the color of his lips.

She felt sorry for him. The moment she took out the bullet, she hurriedly comforted him, "Is it very painful? It'll be fine soon. Bear with it."

"Xiaowei, I want to kiss you." However, Huangfu Qiye looked at her and suddenly spoke.