Chapter 637: "Very Good, you're very talented. Good Luck. "

"But I don't know how to shoot. Also, what about you?" Tang Xiaowei took the pistol at a loss, but she didn't dare to hold it tightly. She looked at Huangfu Qiye in fear.

She even started to have wild thoughts, afraid that he would do something strange and scary.

After all, they were being chased. Her brain was completely dull and she couldn't think.

"Silly, don't worry. Isn't this yacht broken? I'll go fix it. It'll take a few minutes. As long as no one comes, we can leave after fixing the yacht. As for shooting, I don't have time to teach you in detail. But if you see someone from Xiu Yuan approaching, you can do this," Huangfu Qiye comforted her gently. Then, he simply showed her how to shoot. After that, he asked her to give him the key that Xiu Rouxue had given her.

Tang Xiaowei gave him the key, but she was still not sure. "Do you know how to fix a yacht?"

"Not definitely, but this is a special time. Trust me, I can protect you well. Go in first. We can't waste any more time. We have to finish this quickly." Huangfu Qiye touched her head again. Because they had just run away, they were all wet. The raindrops on his big hand fell on her face.

After he finished speaking, he turned around and walked into the cockpit of the yacht.

Although Tang Xiaowei was worried, she still felt that he was right. They had no time to waste now. Otherwise, if Xiu Rouxue or Xiu Yuan found them, even if Xiu Yuan didn't kill her, he would kill Huangfu Qiye.

Moreover, Xiu Rouxue hated her very much. She had just been stung by a hornet, so she would definitely kill her.

She had to fight for her and Huangfu Qiye.

Although she had never fired a gun before, Huangfu Qiye had already taught her a lesson, so as long as someone dared to threaten them, she definitely wouldn't be merciful.


After experiencing the pain of being stung by a wasp, Xiu Rouxue decided to use her raincoat to cover herself. Her heart grew more and more resentful. She angrily brought the other bodyguards who didn't want to move and continued to chase after the footprints in the forest.

After more than ten minutes, they finally walked out of the forest. They discovered that there were footprints on the soil outside the forest, and they continued all the way to the beach.

Xiu Rouxue widened her swollen eyes. Only then did she see clearly that there was an old yacht floating alone on the sea that wasn't in working order.

A smile immediately appeared on her face, and a strange laughter also sounded.

"So he hid on the yacht. Could it be that he thought that we knew that the yacht was broken, so he wouldn't go and check it? Today, I have to catch him and make him pay for causing me to be stung by a hornet!"

Xiu Rouxue laughed angrily and then waved her hand to have her bodyguards accompany her to the yacht in the rain.

At that moment, on the yacht, Huangfu Qiye was starting the yacht.

Tang Xiaowei had her back to him and was observing the outside of the window, which was the direction of the forest. When she saw Xiu Rouxue and a dozen men in black clothes appear, Tang Xiaowei's hands began to tremble.

"Ye, what should we do? They're chasing us. There are more than a dozen of them." Tang Xiaowei's voice began to tremble.

"Don't be afraid. Let's wait a little longer." Huangfu Qiye comforted her. Then, in the next second, the yacht was started. The sound of it starting was very pleasing to the ears.

At this moment, Huangfu Qiye quickly walked to her side and took the gun away from her hand. He said to her gently, "Do you know how to drive?"

Tang Xiaowei nodded. "Yes, but I rarely drive."

"Go and drive the yacht. Just drive it as you like. Just treat it as a car. Anyway, as long as we leave this place, it will be fine. I will dealt with the people behind us." Huangfu Qiye handed the task of driving the yacht to Tang Xiaowei.

Tang Xiaowei thought for two seconds, then nodded solemnly. She said yes and quickly walked into the cockpit.

However, when she saw that the driving method in the cockpit of the yacht was completely different from driving a car, she began to feel that Huangfu Qiye's expression just now was too calm.

He was really putting their fate in her hands.

She gritted her teeth, but she reached out her hand.

Then, in the next second, the yacht began to leave its previous position and began to drive unsteadily on the surface of the sea.

At this moment, Huangfu Qiye, who was not far behind her, had slightly steadied his body when the yacht was being driven unsteadily by Tang Xiaowei.

"Very good. You're very talented. Good luck." Huangfu Qiye was actually able to find the time to gently praise her.

After hearing this, Tang Xiaowei became even more confident. Then, she began to calm down and slowly read the instructions on the side. The yacht began to move steadily and at the same time, it gradually moved further away from the shore.

At that moment, not far from the beach, Xiu Rouxue widened her swollen eyes in disbelief. She was absolutely certain that this yacht was clearly broken. Why was it still able to move at this moment?

Could it be that Huangfu bullied Ye Xiu?

He actually had such an ability?

However, no matter how powerful Huangfu Qiye's ability was, Xiu Rouxue absolutely would not allow him to escape now.

"Shoot! All of you take out your guns and knock that yacht out of the sea. Otherwise, no one will be able to return alive today!" She immediately picked up her hands and guns. At the same time, the people around her began to aim their guns at the yacht that was gradually drifting away across the surface of the sea.

Xiu Rouxue was so angry that she almost went crazy.

At this moment, the bodyguards beside her were also frightened by her crazy anger. They obediently picked up their guns and began to shoot at the yacht not far in front of them.

The yacht that was already somewhat stable was suddenly shot a few times. Not only was the ear-piercing sound even more depressing in the rainy day, but the originally stable yacht also swayed a few times on the surface of the sea.

After hearing the gunshots, Tang Xiaowei began to panic.

"What should we do?" Tang Xiaowei didn't dare to turn her head. While driving the yacht, she asked Huangfu Qiye, who was behind her, worriedly.

Huangfu Qiye had already lowered his voice. "Don't be afraid. Keep driving. I'll go out for a while and come back immediately."

After he said that, without waiting for her to react, he nimbly dodged to the side and then slowly approached the deck.

The window just now was too small, and he couldn't aim at many places. He had to go to the deck before he could kill the people on the shore.

The people on the beach had already walked to the shore, but there was only seawater in front of them, so they could only hold their guns and relentlessly fire bullets at the yacht that was slowly disappearing into the distance.

However, very soon, many of them were suddenly shot one by one.