Chapter 636: Damn it, what is this thing?

At that moment, regardless of whether she had captured Huangfu Qiye or the pregnant Tang Xiaowei, they were both important hostages that could be used to threaten Xiu Zhongsheng. Therefore, for the safety of Xiu Yuan and herself, she had to find these two people.

"Go and search, don't let them escape!" Xiu Rouxue let out a loud laugh and took the lead to walk into the forest.

Each of them was wearing raincoats, so they walked very quickly in the forest where it was raining heavily.

After walking for more than ten minutes, they saw a small wooden house in the middle of the forest in front of them.

Xiu Rouxue stood where she was and looked at it coldly. Her eyes were filled with surprise.

In the past, Xiu Zhongsheng didn't allow anyone to enter this forest, so she didn't know that there was actually a wooden house inside.

However, she didn't think too much about it. She immediately rushed up with her other bodyguards and kicked open the wooden door of the wooden house.

Some of the modern furniture and furnishings inside clearly told her that people would often come here, and the people who would come here, apart from her grandfather, Xiu Zhongsheng, would definitely not be anyone else.

However, she was here to look for Tang Xiaowei and Huangfu Qiye today, so she looked around the wooden house and finally found something wrong.

The bedsheets in the wooden house had creases, as if someone had slept on them yesterday.

Xiu Rouxue immediately smiled.

As expected, she guessed right. Tang Xiaowei or Huangfu Qiye, one of them must have survived, or both of them must have survived.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be fresh creases on the bed and bedsheets.

"Go out and search for them. They must still be around. We must find them, or else we all have to die!" Xiu Rouxue ordered coldly, then walked out of the wooden house.

A group of more than ten people followed behind Xiu Rouxue and immediately began to search every corner of the forest.


It was raining heavily, and there was a thick fog in the forest. The ground beneath their feet was diluted by the rain, dragging their footsteps.

Huangfu Qiye was carrying people on his back, so no matter how fast he walked, he could still hear some faint sounds coming from behind.

Those people still caught up.

Huangfu Qiye frowned. He didn't tell Tang Xiaowei because he was afraid that she would be afraid and worried.

He took a few more steps forward and soon found a large hornet's nest on the branch in front of him.

He quickly walked to the tree and kicked the tree trunk hard. The hornet's nest on the branch immediately fell to the ground. A group of hornets immediately flew out of the nest and flew around in the rain.

Huangfu Qiye took this opportunity to run away from the scene against the wind. Because of the direction of the wind, the hornets didn't chase after him and Tang Xiaowei. Instead, they stayed where they were.

A few minutes after he and Tang Xiaowei left, Xiu Rouxue had already found a pair of footprints because of the rain. She then brought her people and chased after them.

Because she saw the footprints, Xiu Rouxue was even more sure that her guess was right. There was definitely someone in the forest, and it was a man. It must be Huangfu Qiye.

At this moment, Huangfu Qiye had lost his memory, and he was alone. It would definitely be easy to subdue him, so Xiu Rouxue excitedly brought her bodyguards and ran over.

However, she didn't expect that after she brought a dozen bodyguards along, she would suddenly encounter a large group of hornets.

"Damn it, what are these things?" One of the bodyguards was surrounded by a few hornets and was stung. He immediately shouted loudly.

The other bodyguards beside him were also stung until their faces were covered in bumps. They started crying and howling, "It hurts so much. These are hornets, right? Why are the hornets here running out to sting people instead of hiding from the rain?"

"Ah, I can't. I can't walk anymore. These hornets are so poisonous. My face is swollen and my body is stung." One of the bodyguards simply sat on the ground and began to use his hands to grab the hornets' stingers.

Xiu Rouxue was also stung by a hornet on her face. She was also in great pain, so she hated it even more.

"These hornets must be their doing. Stop wailing. Let's go find them immediately. We must avenge ourselves today." Xiu Rouxue vowed. After she finished speaking, she thought that the bodyguards beside her would leave with her.

After she finished speaking, she realized that the dozen or so bodyguards she brought were all stung by the hornets. Everyone sat on the ground and wailed like ghosts.

Xiu Rouxue was extremely angry. She pointed at the bodyguards and cursed, "you bunch of trash. Trash. You're completely useless. All of you men were actually subdued by these tiny hornets. Get up. If you don't get up, I'll shoot all of you."

However, just as she was cursing, a group of hornets suddenly flew over and enveloped her. She was immediately stung by the hornets and rolled on the ground.

"Ah!" a scream woke up the sleeping animals in the forest.

At the same time, Tang Xiaowei, who had already run out of the forest and was standing at the edge of the forest, was shocked.

She lowered her head and asked Huangfu Qiye, "The sound just now seemed to be from Xiu Rouxue. Is she the one who came to chase us?"

Tang Xiaowei thought that if that was really the case, then Xiu Rouxue was screaming at the moment. Perhaps she was stung by the hornets from the hornet's nest that Huangfu Qiye had kicked down.

"That should be right," Huangfu Qiye replied. Then, he continued to stride forward and quickly arrived at the place where the broken yacht that Tang Xiaowei had mentioned to him the day before was parked.

At this moment, because of the rain, the sea had swelled. The yacht was still there, but it was floating above the sea. The beach beside it was also submerged by the shallow sea water. In a few seconds, a small wave would hit it.

Huangfu Qiye carried Tang Xiaowei on his back and approached the yacht. Then, he put her down and carefully put her on the yacht.

At first, Tang Xiaowei didn't know where they were going to run to.

However, after they ran out of the forest, there was no more road outside, and Xiu Rouxue was still chasing after them.

Then Huangfu Qiye brought her here and even boarded the yacht. She probably understood what he meant.

"Are we going to take the yacht and leave? But didn't you say that the yacht is broken?" Tang Xiaowei stretched out her hand and pulled him onto the yacht. Then, she sat at the side and looked at him worriedly.

At this time, Huangfu Qiye didn't have time to take a break. He took out an exquisite hand and gun from his waist and handed the gun to Tang Xiaowei. He solemnly instructed, "Stand inside the yacht to take shelter from the rain while keeping watch through the windows. If anyone comes out from the forest, shoot them."