Chapter 635: Someone is coming

"You and the baby in your stomach can't stand it." After saying this, Huangfu Qiye prepared to pull his hand back from her hand.

However, his hand was tightly held by Tang Xiaowei.

Tang Xiaowei shook her head. "Because you lost your memory, you forgot that I'm afraid of the dark. I'm very afraid of the dark. I don't want to be alone. I want to be with you."

"You're afraid of the dark?" Huangfu Qiye didn't think of this just now.

"Yes, I'm very afraid. In the past, when I was afraid of the dark, you would always hug me so that I could feel at ease. Now, didn't you say that you would only regain your memories if you got along with me? Anyway, I feel that no one will find us tonight. Don't stay outside anymore. Come in with me, okay?" Tang Xiaowei began to act coquettishly to him.

Huangfu Qiye did not dislike her acting coquettishly. In fact, deep in his heart, he faintly liked the obedient and cuddly Tang Xiaowei.

In the end, he only answered her with one word, "Okay."

Therefore, a few minutes later, the door of the small wooden house was closed. The two of them lay on the bed in the wooden house together.

Tang Xiaowei curled her body and squeezed into his embrace. Huangfu Qiye had no memory, but his arm naturally reached out and hugged her gently.

A deep and pleasant voice rang in her ear at a close distance, "You're not afraid now, right? Then go to sleep. Goodnight."

"Okay, goodnight." Tang Xiaowei closed her eyes and reached out to hug his waist.

Huangfu Qiye could clearly feel that his heart was filled with an indescribable feeling because he was hugging her and feeling the warmth of her body.

He liked this feeling very much.

He also closed his eyes.


When he woke up the next day, the sky outside had just lit up.

Tang Xiaowei opened her eyes and realized that it was already raining heavily outside. She was woken up by the sound of the rain just now. Otherwise, with her current pregnant constitution, she definitely wouldn't have woken up so early.

However, after she woke up, she realized that Huangfu Qiye, who was beside her, had also woken up.

However, because her hands and feet were hugging him, he might not be able to get up, so he had been hugging her stiffly.

"You're awake?" While her thoughts were running wild, Huangfu Qiye had already reached out and gently stroked her hair.

Tang Xiaowei nodded. "Yes."

"It rained an hour ago, and it was very heavy and foggy. In this kind of weather, it would be much more convenient if grandfather sent someone to pick us up." Huangfu Qiye let go of her Then, he got off the bed and looked at the rain outside the glass window.

Tang Xiaowei also got up, but she didn't get off the bed. Instead, she continued to sit under the quilt.

She also looked at the rain and fog outside the window. She felt that Huangfu Qiye was right. In this weather, even if a helicopter came to pick them up, it would be easier to leave and they wouldn't be chased by Xiu Yuan's people.

"Then how will the people your grandpa sent contact you? Will they know that we are in this wooden house?" Tang Xiaowei asked in puzzlement.

"We had planned beforehand that if I didn't leave with them in the end, they would come back to pick me up the next day," Huangfu Qiye explained calmly. Then, he turned around, walked to her side, and sat down, facing the faint light of the morning. He looked at her seriously.

Tang Xiaowei's sharp eyes noticed the abrasions on his arm. Last night, he said it wasn't serious, so he didn't ask her to bandage it. Now that she saw it, the wounds were actually not small.

She hurriedly got off the bed and took a small medical box from the cabinet in the corner of the wooden house. Then, she sat back down next to him. After opening the medical box, she pulled his arm over. She said seriously, "I'll help you apply some medicine and bandage it. Otherwise, it won't be good if you get infected."

"Okay," Huangfu Qiye replied faintly and promised to let her help bandage it. His gaze was still gentle as he looked at her.

Tang Xiaowei quickly bandaged the wounds and bruises on his arm.

However, just as she was about to put down the medicine box with a smile, Huangfu Qiye suddenly grabbed her hand forcefully.

She was stunned and looked up at him. "What's wrong?"

"Someone is coming this way. Let's pack up and leave." Huangfu Qiye immediately got off the bed. Then, he quickly collected some food and water as well as the medical box that Tang Xiaowei had just taken. Then, he put all these things into a bag. Then, he walked over and handed the bag to her. "Take it. I'll carry you. We have to leave immediately."

Tang Xiaowei didn't have time to ask because his expression was too serious. She naturally knew that the situation was really urgent. She obediently took the bag and lay on his back.

Because there was no umbrella in the wooden house, after Huangfu Qiye carried her on his back, he opened the door of the wooden house. Seeing that the rain outside was too heavy, he returned to the wooden house and found a piece of transparent plastic paper. He then draped it over Tang Xiaowei's body and went out again. He strode into the forest in the heavy rain and quickly left the wooden house.

On the other side.

After Xiu Yuan was sent back yesterday, the doctor on the island said that Xiu Yuan was seriously injured and might be unconscious for a long time, so Xiu Rouxue began to worry.

Originally, if Xiu Yuan had not been injured and unconscious, then as long as Xiu Yuan was around, Xiu Rouxue would feel at ease and would not be afraid.

But now that Xiu Yuan was unconscious, she was very afraid that Xiu Zhongsheng would bring more people back and capture her and the unconscious Xiu Yuan.

So, in order to ensure her and Xiu Yuan's safety, she began to think of Tang Xiaowei, whom she had let go yesterday.

At first, she thought that Tang Xiaowei might have died because of her attempted rescue of Huangfu Qiye, so she would definitely be buried in the sea of fire.

But now, in order to appease her fear, she began to think that Tang Xiaowei might not have died, and Huangfu Qiye might not have died either.

So, she immediately brought people to the side of the island and found that the yacht there had not been driven away.

So, she brought people back to the main building that had been burned down yesterday.

Because of the sudden heavy rain in the early hours of the morning, the fire had already been put out.

Xiu Rouxue brought more than a dozen bodyguards and walked in, but they did not find any corpses or anything like that.

Thus, her gaze turned to the forest next to her.

Then, in the next second, she brought a dozen bodyguards and began to walk into the forest, searching it thoroughly.

She had a strong premonition that out of Tang Xiaowei and Huangfu Qiye, one of them must still be alive and was hiding here.