Chapter 634: He didn't want her to die

"That's why you don't know what happened here. Don't blame everything on me," Xiu Rouxue retorted loudly.

"If it wasn't you, then who could it be?" Xiu Yuan didn't believe what Xiu Rouxue said at all and shouted loudly.

"How would I know? Don't you know how to investigate? Why did you want to flirt with another woman in front of me and come to vent your anger on me? Have you thought about how I feel?" Xiu Rouxue was in pain and anger.

When Xiu Yuan heard this, he couldn't be bothered to talk to her. He directly let her go and ordered the bodyguard beside him with a sullen face, "Go investigate for me. You must find her."

"Yes, young master." The bodyguard hurriedly ran out.

Then, very quickly, they found the surveillance cameras there. They saw Tang Xiaowei running towards the burning main building alone.

However, the surveillance cameras there had all been destroyed. They didn't know if Tang Xiaowei was still there.

However, when the bodyguard told Xiu Yuan about this matter, Xiu Yuan was completely stunned.

He clearly remembered that when the main building was detonated by the bomb, because Huangfu Qiye was still inside, Tang Xiaowei was screaming and crying as if she had gone mad.

Now that she had gone over there, was she going to be buried with Huangfu Qiye?

The more Xiu Yuan thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible.

His expression changed, and he immediately ran in the direction of the main building.

He would not allow her to die, and he would not allow her to be buried with Huangfu Qiye.

This silly woman, Huangfu Qiye was not the only man in the world. If Huangfu Qiye died, didn't she still have him?

If she really couldn't bring herself to commit suicide...

Xiu Yuan unconsciously thought of the previous incident as he ran. Previously, Tang Xiaowei had jumped into the sea to commit suicide for Huangfu Qiye.

Therefore, this time, it was more likely that she would be buried with Huangfu Qiye.

Xiu Yuan frowned fiercely and didn't dare to think about it anymore.

He quickly ran to the main building, but the place was still burning.

The fire was getting hotter and hotter. In the red sea of fire, it was impossible to tell if there was anyone else inside.

There was no way to go in either.

"Go find water immediately and put out the fire. Hurry up!" Xiu Yuan stood not far from the sea of fire with a gloomy face, looking at the fire in front of him with blood-red eyes.

There was no one outside, but inside, he was not sure whether Tang Xiaowei had run in or not.

However, the route she had taken just now was this way. Other than going in to save Huangfu Qiye, there was absolutely nothing else that could drive her crazy.

Therefore, it was very likely that she had already walked into the sea of fire. He had to save her.

Even if he only saved her charred body.

"Tang Xiaowei, you vicious woman. It's fine if you don't like me, but now you actually dare to seek death in front of me. When I find you, I won't let you off!"

Xiu Yuan roared angrily.

Although he had held Tang Xiaowei hostage yesterday to threaten Huangfu Qiye, at that time, he only wanted to deliberately provoke Huangfu Qiye. He simply couldn't bear to hurt Tang Xiaowei.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have taken her away after that.

But now, she had disappeared.

At that moment, the bodyguards who had gone to look for water and fire extinguishers returned. Dozens of people began to extinguish the fire.

But this main villa was very big. It occupied the largest area on the island. Even if there were dozens of them, the fire was still very big. It was impossible to extinguish it all at once.

So, the fire-extinguishing operation was ongoing.

And after Xiu Yuan personally took the fire extinguisher and put out the fire in the nearest place, he began to walk into the main villa that had become ruins.

The bodyguard behind him was so scared that he hurriedly shouted, "Young master, it's very dangerous inside. Don't go in, come out quickly."

However, Xiu Yuan didn't care what the people outside were shouting.

At this moment, he was no different from a crazy person.

He knew that he looked down on love in the past. Moreover, he was a bastard playboy who liked to play with women.

But now, he was very clear that he liked Tang Xiaowei very much. It could even be said that it was love.

Therefore, he really couldn't bear the possibility that Tang Xiaowei might disappear from this world.

He had to find her and save her at all costs. He did not want her to die.

However, he had forgotten that he was only a mortal. When he walked to a wall that was beginning to shake from the burning, the wall suddenly collapsed without warning. He was pressed to the ground before he could leave in time Then, a huge fire hit his face.

When the bodyguards outside saw this scene, they quickly ran in. Then, a group of people lifted the wall away. Only then did they see that Xiu Yuan had already fainted from the pressure. His body was covered in blood and his clothes had been burned.

Two bodyguards hurriedly helped him up and wanted to carry him out. Only then did they realize that there was a long cut on his right cheek from some sharp weapon. It completely affected his usual handsome appearance and made people's hair stand on end.

However, these bodyguards did not have time to notice and hurriedly carried him out.


Tang Xiaowei waited in the wooden house for quite a while. Because she had relaxed now, she had already dozed off from waiting, but she still did not see Huangfu Qiye return.

She did not think that he had gone to the toilet. After all, how could he have gone to the toilet for more than an hour.

This was too long.

Therefore, she thought about it and got off the bed. Then, she walked to the door and reached out to open it.

The sound of the wooden door being opened startled Huangfu Qiye, who was sitting on the doorstep at the moment. He thought that some small animal had run over, so he immediately turned his head and looked over. His eyes were filled with malice.

However, when he saw that it was Tang Xiaowei, his eyes immediately warmed up.

He stood up and frowned slightly. "You haven't slept?"

In the beginning, he had come out to avoid her because of his physical condition. However, he didn't go back later because he was afraid that he would be ambushed by Xiu Yuan at night. Therefore, he planned to guard the door so that even if someone ambushed them, they would be able to avoid it.

However, more than an hour had passed, and she had not made a sound. He thought that she had already fallen asleep.

"I was waiting for you, but you never came back. I didn't dare to sleep," Tang Xiaowei explained. Then, she walked up to him, reached out to pull his hand, and looked up at him. "Have you been sitting here the whole time?"

"Yes, it's safer for me to stay here. This way, if anyone comes, we can avoid them earlier." Huangfu Qiye nodded and gently touched her head. He found that he was getting more and more familiar with this action and he liked it more and more.

Her hair was very soft and dark. Maybe it was because she had just laid in bed for a while, but now her hair was a little fluffy, like a small animal.

The more he touched it, the more addicted he became.

"Go back to sleep. It's very cold in the forest at night."