Chapter 646: The only person I dote on is you

Seeing this, Tang Xiaowei hurriedly chased after him in anger. "You said it was the last time. Why are you bringing up this bucket of dried fish again?"

"Bringing up this bucket of dried fish is the last time." Huangfu Qiye, who had already walked into the yacht, put down the bucket and closed the door. Then, he hugged her tightly in his arms and gently hugged her. His voice was low and deep He gently whispered in her ear, "Don't be angry. It's not good to be angry. Isn't our baby still in your stomach?"

Hearing him say that, Tang Xiaowei could only let go of her anger.

Anyway, he had done what he wanted to do, and there was nothing she could do to stop him now.

Moreover, when he mentioned the baby in her belly, she began to worry.

"Alright, then I won't be angry anymore. But until you have recovered from your injuries, even if you feel sorry for me, you're not allowed to do anything, do you hear me?" She made her request.

Huangfu Qiye nodded patiently. "No problem, I promise you."

"That's good." Hearing his promise, she was relieved.

Huangfu Qiye did not let go of her. Instead, he held her hand. Then, the two of them walked to the bed and she asked him to sit down. After that, she took off his shoes for him. Then, he said, "Anyway, it's already dark. We don't have much to do. Go to bed and lie down. You need a good rest even if you're pregnant."

Tang Xiaowei had no reason to refuse. Although she was not afraid of the dark because she was worried about Xiao Anan's safety when she was locked in the dark room by Xiu Lulu, that was only then.

Now, she was still afraid of the dark.

Therefore, when she saw that it was getting dark outside and that there were signs of rain, she also wanted to hide.

Therefore, she nodded and took off her shoes without any room for rejection. Then, she climbed onto the bed and lay down inside.

Huangfu Qiye followed her and lay down beside her. He reached out his uninjured hand and gently stroked her stomach. He asked her softly, "Do you know if the child is a boy or a girl?"

Because he did not know that she was pregnant before, he naturally had not heard whether the child was a boy or a girl.

Tang Xiaowei shook her head. "I don't know. When I was examined previously, the doctor only said that the child was not very stable and asked me to take good care of it. He did not say whether it was a boy or a girl, but it is still early, so I should not be able to tell. By asking like this, do you not like boys or girls?" After she answered him, she asked him curiously again.

There were no lights in the yacht, and the sky outside began to darken, so the light inside the yacht was very dim.

However, with him accompanying her, Tang Xiaowei was not afraid of the dark at all, and the feeling of seasickness also decreased a lot.

"It's okay if it's a boy or a girl, but it's best if it's a girl. After all, we already have Xiao Anan, don't we?" Huangfu Qiye told her his thoughts in a gentle voice when he heard that she still did not know whether the child was a boy or a girl.

"If it's a girl, will you spoil her?" Tang Xiaowei thought of Huangfu Qiye before she lost her memory. He did not like Xiao Anan very much in the beginning, and only later did he start to accept Xiao Anan.

However, Xiao Anan was a boy, so she was very curious about how he would treat their daughter if she gave birth to a daughter this time.

"I will already know how to take care of her. The only person I pamper is you." Huangfu Qiye lowered his head and gently kissed her forehead.

"You're not lying to me?" Tang Xiaowei didn't expect him to answer like this. After all, he had lost his memory. The feeling he gave her now was not as hot and overbearing as before.

However, she didn't expect him to be able to say such gentle words of love.

"I don't like lying. You have to learn to believe me." Huangfu Qiye kissed her face again, his tone extremely serious.

This time, she had no choice but to believe him.

At the same time, her heart was also very sweet.

Her silence made Huangfu Qiye think that she didn't want to believe him. His tone began to become nervous. "Don't believe me?"

"Of course I believe you. I believe everything you say." Tang Xiaowei hurriedly reached out to hug him without touching his wound.

Hearing her answer, Huangfu Qiye felt much more relaxed.

At this moment, it started to rain heavily outside. The sound of raindrops hitting the big yacht could be heard from outside. It was filled with a terrifying feeling.

After hearing it, Tang Xiaowei was very scared, but she didn't dare to say it. She could only close her eyes and subconsciously hugged Huangfu Qiye's uninjured arm.

Huangfu Qiye comforted her gently, "Close your eyes and sleep. The rain will stop soon. Nothing will happen."

"Okay." Tang Xiaowei could only close her eyes and fall asleep as soon as possible so that she would not be afraid, so she responded softly.

Huangfu Qiye did not speak anymore. He used his uninjured arm to hug her as much as possible so that she would not be afraid.

The heavy rain did not stop, but after a long time, it finally became much smaller.

Their yacht was floating on the surface of the sea, like a leaf that could not be seen clearly. It was drifting alone, and they did not know where their next destination was, nor did they know when they would be able to dock.

It was not until the second half of the night that the rain stopped. The yacht, which had been damaged by the wind and rain, finally calmed down on the calm surface of the sea.

Huangfu Qiye did not dare to close his eyes to rest until the rain stopped.

In the early morning, Tang Xiaowei woke up. She turned her head and saw that Huangfu Qiye was still resting. Only then did she remember that she had been hypnotizing herself after she closed her eyes last night. Therefore, she fell asleep after the heavy rain turned into a light rain.

At that time, Huangfu Qiye was still awake. He must have been keeping watch for a long time.

So when she got up, she was careful not to disturb him.

She put on the clothes that she had washed yesterday, tied her hair up, and walked out of the yacht to the deck outside.

However, there was a thick fog outside.

She frowned. Why was there fog again?

The fog from the day before yesterday had finally dispersed, and it rained last night. Now there was fog, so weren't they going to be trapped here forever?

She walked to the guardrail in front of the deck in frustration. She placed her hands on the guardrail and looked into the distance.

She hoped that someone would come to save them, or that they would encounter a passing ship.

Because of her pregnant body and the injured Huangfu Qiye, they could not stay here forever. Otherwise, their bodies would more or less have problems.

Tang Xiaowei stood in front of the guardrail in a daze for a while, when she suddenly heard footsteps behind her.

She turned around and saw that Huangfu Qiye had already gotten up. He was wearing the same suit and pants as before, and his upper body was naked. Because his injured right hand and abdomen needed to be bandaged, he did not put on any more clothes.

She walked forward, and he immediately understood why she was frowning.